I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 59: The Final Showdown part 4

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

(An Island in the Atlantic)

A Pagoda stood prominent inside a valley. The Pagoda overlooked a wide river snaking from the mountain range behind the valley into the ocean.

Inside the tower,

On a throne constructed out of marble, the leader of Leviathan sat in a relaxed posture, her palm was placed below her cheek as she watched the news report on the destruction of Gotham.

"My father must be pleased. Gotham has always needed cleansing. It's been a goal of his."

Talia Al Ghul spoke up, addressing the man below the throne. He was dressed in a tight black t-shirt that showed off his fit body. He also had on camo pants and Dark sunglasses hanging off the v of his t-shirt.

"The only problem I can see him having, is the fact that he wasn't the one to do it."

Maxwell Lord replied, a smile on his face as he watched the video pan over a destroyed park, the trees nothing but charcoal.

"You know what this means miss Al Ghul right?"

He asked with a Charming smile on his face, turning his head to Talia.

"No, please enlighten me."

The latter rolled her eyes.

"It means," Maxwell continued, not even fazed by the mocking.

"We can now initiate the second phase of the plan. Batman thinks you were there for the CryoGen Crystals but he couldn't have been more wrong. Due to my modified microrobotic virus that Deathstroke planted in, I was able to get into his system and learn all we need to about the Brother Eye project."

The screen paused as Maxwell Lord typed a few keys on the data pad in his hands. The screen lit up with blueprints to something that looked like a giant eye.

"These are the specs but it would take more time than we have, to build it from the ground up."

He said.


Deathstroke asked from where he was leaning on the wall, hands crossed over his chest.

"Batman did it."

Lord shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"You're wrong. The machine upgraded itself from its base code. And we do not have the necessary components to create something as advanced. Something that will take over and learn how to continue building itself."

Lord walked over to stand infront of Deathstroke.

"If we can't create ours, we will just have to take theirs."

The two men stared at each other as Maxwell Lord handed over a data pad with an image of a middle aged man.

"Buddy Blank, former Wayne enterprises employee. He left Gotham after the project was shut down. He's your next target. Bring him to me alive."

Deathstroke's eyes briefly landed on Talia. He narrowed them, grabbing the data pad and pushing off the wall to leave.

"Great work ethic. Lousy conversationalists."

Maxwell Lord commented, turning around to face Talia, only to realize that she was gone.

"Neat trick."

Maxwell Lord admitted.


"Copkiller, is dangerous."

Harley shivered, whether in fear or delight, no one really knew due to the wide smile on her face.

"Crazy blondes aside, she's not wrong."

Green Arrow stated with narrowed eyes. The 5 of them stood on top of the Serpent's head, looking on as Davian dealt with the Man Bats all by himself.

"Should we help him?"

Harley asked the rest of them.

"Does he even need help?"

Ivy cut in, watching the boy she had been quick to dismiss slash apart the entire pack of ManBats.

"And where are you doing?"

Catwoman enquired from Constantine who had turned around from the scene to walk towards the unconscious bodies of the Flash and Superman.

"Trying to stack the odds in our favor."

Constantine answered, his palms hovering above Superman and Flash's bodies.

"Anatu tuu ku la shama nu tu."

The spell left Constantine's hand in a green blast of energy. The energy washed down their bodies before Constantine stood up, running back to the horn of the serpent.

Catwoman stared at his back with narrowed eyes. Then she knelt down and placed her fingers on the Flash's neck.

"Alright luv, keep her steady. The minute you get a chance, spray it's venom across the wall of the dome, it's corrosive nature will be enough to dissolve a hole for us enter through."

Constantine told Poison Ivy.

The green themed supervillain clenched her jaw. She hated taking orders. Especially from men. Not to mention the fact that Constantine was an asshole. She knew his kind. They were the weak ones, the ones reliant on lies and backstabs. They thrived on betrayal. But this was bigger than her.

Constantine's only saving grace was that he had summoned the creature under them.

She reached through the connection between the Serpent and her. It was the spawn of the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr. The world serpent was the personification of destruction, poison and death, yet, Ivy found herself bonded to it's spawn so intimately.

The serpent had a connection to what Constantine had told her was the World Tree. All she knew was that they could at least kill the Bastard responsible for taking away Selina's club which had become a pseudo home.

For her and Harley Gotham was more of a prison. Yet the tin roof club was like a small ray of light in an otherwise bleak world.

Which begged the question did they even deserve to have their own small piece of the world? After all they'd done?

She shook her head, focused on the task at hand. Destroy the dome while the mysteriously powerful guy was occupying the Man Bats. If they got inside, they could end all this.

The serpent felt her determination and seemed to speed up exponentially. It opened it's jaws wide, aiming for the looming dome and sprayed a large amount of venom at it.

The venom was no longer colorless, this time it was black and seemed to release noxious gray fumes that covered their whole front.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The shield around me disappeared after the remains of the creatures splattered on to the ground.

I was getting better. Slowly and surely.

"Watch out, that cunning guy is back. And he's not alone."

Chase told me just as the ground rumbled under the passing of the behemoth Serpent. It slithered past me, towards the Dome. I frowned, flash stepping ahead of them to stand before the Dome.

Immediately, I pulled upon my power after feeling the snake's own energy channels light up. The green shield sprang to life before me. Only this time I felt that a dome wound not suffice. It took some thinking but I finally figured out his play. I flattened the shield, forming it into a green barrier that stretched out in every direction for dozens of feet.

Just in time too.

The snake's venom splashed upon the barrier and the unexpected begun happening. The barrier sizzled as my spirit energy was eaten through by the venom.

"So that's what the Snake was for."

Chase mused as my mind ran through different counters to the venom.

"He knew he couldn't break through so he summoned a creature whose venom has a corrosive effect on anything."

Again, a brilliant plan if it wasn't for glaring factor. The venom would definitely hurt Raven's essence. Once again, Constantine had gone the asshole way. The venom was so potent, I was afraid of breathing in the fumes.

I folded the barrier around the venom, adding more and more layers as each was was swiftly dissolved. But this was not a permanent solution.

"Hey Chase, any ideas?"

I asked my Zanpakuto.

"You can't let it fall to the ground as it might affect the land, you also can't keep a permanent shield around it."

He said making me roll my eyes.

"I asked for ideas, not a recounting of my current situation."

There was one thing I could try.

"Hey, remember when I asked you if you thought the Sheath was the focus of my Fullbring abilities?"

I prompted.

Chase perked up.

"Ooh. How clever of you my Wielder."

He complimented, genuinely impressed.

I smiled.

"So I take it you believe it can work?"

Chase chuckled.

"We won't know until you try."

'He's right.'

I raised the shield in my hand, pointing it at the barrier, then paused.

"Huh, so how do I do this agai...wait i feel something."

My stomach growled. Chase snorted.

I sighed. My Fullbring abilities were still powered by Reiryoku. Maybe it wasn't that different from using Kido.

I called onto my Reiryoku but apart from my clothes ruffling under the torrent of energy I was wielding, there was no other indication that it had worked.

What if I upended my thinking process? Calling onto my Soul Reaper powers felt more like I had to stem the flow or else the Reiryoku would escape from the energy nodes scattered around my body.

On the other hand, using the Sheath felt more like I had to coax it out.

It was more pull than the push. I focused on the venom, using my connection to the barriers to analyze the spit. A whole new sense opened itself up to me. It felt like the time I managed to see the lines of death connecting each Shroud together.

There. Under the physical laws of the material world was another plane. The spiritual one. Souls had appeared to me as white balls of energy. The soul of the venom was almost the same. Formless yet glowing with an otherworldly light.

"Your eyes are glowing again."

Chase pointed out.

"Are they now?"

I asked, pulling on the venom's soul, energy roiled around, blasting away the black miasma concealing me from view. I felt more than saw their shock at my appearance.

My eyes never left Constantine as we faced off.

"You really need to do something about him."

Chase reiterated his earlier words.

"I know."

The green glow of the sheath overcame the dark and murkiness of the venom contained inside the sphere. with the soul under my influence, I lowered it's toxicity, turning it into a harmless liquid, water.

I turned to the dome, placing my palm on it. Now how do I break through?

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