I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 62: The Final Showdown part 7

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

Freddy was a security guard, manning the exterior surroundings of the Wayne tower. Which was the one of the few Gotham skyscrapers to survive the explosion.

However the damage was still intensive enough that a section of the entrance had collapsed into the underground parking lot.

He had been in the darkness for so long. And his leg was stuck beneath a collapsed piece of the concrete pillars. Freddy knew his chances of survival were not great. Whatever had caused this had also taken out communication. His Radio couldn't pick up any signal this deep in the ground.

His smartphone showed no bars and it was about to shut down. His fingers stalled above the blood caked screen where he'd been typing a message for his wife.

Then a rumble sounded out along with rays from the sun cutting through a section above him.

"I found one!"

A voice said cheerfully.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Shazam asked in concern peering down at the man who looked at him woth reverence.

Relief gripped Freddy along with tears of happiness. He would be saved. He would get to see his family once again. All thanks to Shazam.

The batwing made a round above another collapsed building. This one was a Wayne shelter on the outskirts of Crime Alley.

It was one of the many but despite the distance from the epicenter of the explosion, the building was basically rubble.

Robin placed the batwing in hover mode and jumped down on a zip line, behind Shazam.

The latter grabbed a metallic beam to the destroyed shelter and heaved, revealing the caved in walls of the shelter.

Robin reached into his utility belt, his hand coming out with a few blue pellets.

He threw them onto a few weak points, like a support column that was leaning dangerously on another metallic beam with one end on the ground. The other end was attached to what was left of the roof.

The pellet exploded into a thick glue and cement like solution, reinforcing the structure by holding the support pillar in place. It would dissolve in an hour but that was enough time to get people out.

There was a trap door in one of the rooms. Shazam grabbed it and tore it off.

"You're safe now."

Robin told the homeless people hiding inside.

There was a sudden blur and Kid Flash appeared from around the corner of the mountain of rubble.

"This area is clear."

He told him.

"Aqualad and Speedy are working towards us from the Bowery."

Robin spoke up, typing on his wrist computer. He frowned, watching the people they had rescued mill about them with hopeful and thankful expressions.

"We can't wait for the emergency services to make it to us. We'll move anyone who can handle it towards doctor Leslie's clinic for preliminary treatment."

Boy Wonder concluded.

(Davian's P.O.V)


I told the Raven under me as it flapped it's wings, descending onto the ground. Dust rose up under the shadow of it's huge form.

Dawnstar landed infront of us, head craned up to stare at the Raven in marvel.

"You tamed it?"

She asked, reaching out to caress it's beak, only to pull back her hand before the bird could bite off a finger.

"Careful. It's still considers you as an intruder."

I told her, jumping off the Raven's back.

I sheathed Chesha Neko, running a hand along the Raven's side. It was one gigantic construct about the size of 2 Choppers. The dark feathers were soft but also hard, I noticed while walking towards Dawnstar.

I arrived before her and crossed my hands above my chest.

"Okay. Talk."

She blinked at the seriousness in my tone, fidgeting with the sleeves of her palms. I narrowed my eyes on the ring placed on her right hand. It was gold with an L as it's insignia. It also seemed very familiar.

"Uhmm right. As I already told you, I'm from the future. I was sent back to..."

"Oh my god! I knew you would survive!"

A familiar voice stated from the side. Immediately I was on alert. Whoever it was had not registered in my Reikaku. Which was impossible, even a weak human would be sensed. Their spirit would appear as bright as a firefly but they would still appear.

My sword was out and a Flash Step had me standing next to the source of the statement, the edge of the blade at her neck. 

"Move and... Raven?!"

My threat was immediately abandoned for an incredulous expression, as I saw who I was talking to.

It was Raven. Only in Violet. Her cloak was the same color as the leotard and ruffled ankle-boots on her feet. 

She floated in mid air, looking at me with an endearing look and a wide smile with a slight blush on her cheeks. I hadn't noticed it before but her eyes twinkled when she smiled. It was also a bit disconcerting.

I found my arms around the girl before I even knew what I was doing. Then I realized and immediately took a step back.

Raven sighed in contentment. I frowned.

"Are you alright?"

Chase asked.

I shook my head.

"Yeah. Just happy to see her I guess but something is different."

"Mmmh. You should make more friends. I once read a book about co-dependency that..."

I instantly cut him off from finishing his statement.

Raven flitted to my left, flying in the air with a weirdly happy look on her face.

"You were like ah! Take that! And that!"

She said, throwing punches and kicks at the air.

"I don't think I've ever seen your friend this happy?"

Dawnstar said, stopping beside me as we watched Raven do her best impression of Chuck Norris.

"Me too."

I replied. Yup something was definitely off. Raven was never this...cheerful. it was like looking at a cheerleader. One who had a crush on me if the looks she was sending my way were any indication.

"It's like she's a different person."

I sighed.

Then a snort sounded from my left.

"Of course she is. She represents the side of me that is happy and flirty."

A sad and depressive voice said from our side. The Raven construct before us ruffled it's feathers nervously, looking ready to fly away.

The source of the voice was Raven?

Forming up from the darkness of the bird's shadow, this Raven was dressed in all grey. The color closer to graphite. 

She walked up to the huge bird construct and placed a palm on it's beak, rubbing gently.

"Calm down you stupid bird. No one blames for failing to destroy them."

"After all, Davian's charm is sooooooo charmful."

The Violet/pinkish Raven said, giggling and throwing me glances while flying rounds around us.

"Are you two dating?"

Dawnstar asked while Chase chuckled within my inner world.

"I admit, this is very funny."

He said.

Meanwhile I was confused out of my mind.

"Wait, there are two of you. Why are there two of you?"

I looked between the two and questioned. Apart from their cloaks, where one was wearing pinkish and the other grey, they were essentially the same person. And again, I couldn't sense them through my Reikaku.

"Wrong, there's actually more of us than you could expect! and together, we shall defeat Trigon's evil and show him who the boss is!"

Another voice, this one confident and vibrant stated. This Raven wore a green cloak and she patted my shoulder as she passed me, headed towards Dawnstar.

"Okay, I was wrong. This is even funnier."

Chase cracked up in a way I hadn't heard before.

"You. Whoever you are. I need you to lend a hand in defeating my father."

Green Raven reached out with her hand for Dawnstar to shake. The hero from the future glanced at me before taking the hand offered.


Green Raven clapped her hands together, turning towards me.

"With the two of you and the rest of us...this will be a walk in the park!"

"You're so confident. What if we lose and never get to make it out of here? What if it's all so...hopeless."

Gray Raven muttered, shrinking into herself near the Construct.

"Don't talk like that silly!"

The Violet one admonished, floating down to her clone and hugging her.

"We have Davian here!"

"Someone's popular."

Chase' comment made me sigh. I wasn't as unaffected as I tried to show. All things considered, Raven was gorgeous and those thighs...

I shook my head, approaching the three of them.

"None of you are the real Raven. You're her personalities. Violet for Happy and Flirty, gray for sad and pessimistic and finally Green for..."

"Power and bravery!"

Green Raven interrupted me, her cloak flapping behind her in a non-existent wind. 

"Right. So how many of you are there actually?"

I wondered out loud. It made sense that other sides of her personality existed. 

Green Raven smiled, jumping onto the back of the bird construct.

"Roadtrip! You want to find out? come with us!"

She offered a hand.


"I'm out of ammo. Any luck waking up the sleeping beauties?"

Green Arrow said, drawing his final arrow. This time he aimed it higher towards the huge stone statue of Raven with red eyes standing on guard next to a pitch black vortex.

"No. And for the third time please don't suggest for one of us to kiss them and see if they wake up. This is not a fairy tale."

Ivy responded, using the serpent's tail to smash the dark creatures coming out from the ground.

The statue had six arms and held different weapons on each arm. Like a long sword, a glaive, a spear, a shield, a long chain with spikes and a mace. Each swing of any of those weapons was accompanied by the terrain undergoing massive change. 

Call him crazy and desperate but Green Arrow suspected that the vortex the statue was guarding was the way out. Oh it also helped that 'Raven' had confirmed it for them. Only she was not how Green Arrow expected her to be. For starters she was dressed in a yellow cloak and wore glasses. 

Between them and the statue was a sea of dark spirits in the form of strange monsters native to the many thousands of worlds that Trigon had conquered. They had red glowing eyes.

The arrow flew true, slamming onto the statue but getting destroyed without penetrating a single inch. But that was not the purpose of the arrow. The arrow released a thick green gas that quickly ignited next to the torches on the side of the vortex.

There was a massive explosion that rippled out, drowning the closest monsters under the fiery blaze.

The serpent they were standing on buckled as it's muscles shifted. Ivy's eyes glowed green along with the Serpent's horn and it opened it's mouth, spraying a large amount of venom at the monsters.

"We can't keep this up for long."

Catwoman said, using her bullwhip to ensnare the foot of a vulture like dark creature. Yellow Raven adjusted her glasses, fists glowing dark as she sent a black energy bolt the vulture's way, destroying it.

"Well its a good thing Cavalry has arrived!"

From behind them, a golden circle flashed as Harley, Constantine and Karate Kid materialized.

Harley twirled her bat.

"So, what did I miss?"

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