I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 63: The Final Showdown part 8

(General P.O.V)

The deeper they went the more man Bats they encountered. At the lead Batman noticed the air getting stale and dry. It was also getting hotter.

Green Lantern covered their back, his green cloak of energy bathing the earth walls of the tunnel around them in an iridescent glow.

"I see something up ahead."

Green Lantern said causing both to stop.

It begun with growls. Then hundreds of red eyes lit up in the darkness infront of them.

"We should have taken the right turn we came across a while ago."

The Lantern added, creating a machine gun with his ring.

The bullets ripped right through the contingent of Man Bats with bullets. It wasn't enough to kill them due to their increased durability but it did well to keep them at bay.

Atleast long enough for Batman to thrown his batarrangs at the walls of the roof of the tunnel above the creatures. There was a massive explosion and the tunnel caved in.

A few minutes later, a massive green drill attached to a tank dug a hole through the collapsed tunnel into a new area.

The construct disappeared around the two heroes. The scene before their eyes was very surprising.

"Has this always been under Gotham?"

Green Lantern asked the Dark Knight in reference to the lake of green lava before them.

They were at the mouth of a tunnel that was one of many along the walls of a crater. Above them was a beautiful sky only marred by one particular thing.

Numerous red chains hang from the ceiling. The chain links seeming to be embedded in a star in the wide and plentiful constellations making up the sky. From those chains hang full iron cages and within them were dozens of people crammed inside.

Taking into account that there were thousands of hanging cages, some still empty, there must have been tens of thousands of civilians held captive.

Their cries of pain and desperation combined to form an unison wail that bounced off the walls of the crater.


Batman said. Green Lantern followed his line of sight and saw more Man Bats fly out of the tunnels along the crater, carrying more people into cages.

"This is crazy Bruce. They were grabbing people and bringing them here."

The intergalactic space cop's body lit up in anger about to fly and start rescuing everyone.

Batman grabbed his arm.

"Wait. We need to be careful. Go charging in and you're dead."

He told him in a harsh whisper, pointing down towards the lake.

The Lantern looked down at the Lazarus Pit. In particular, the small island at the middle of the lake. A gaudy throne made up of obsidian black metal was constructed in the center of the Island. And on that throne sat, the one responsible for everything that had happened.

It wasn't hard to come to that conclusion either. With a white doctor's coat, a face that was similar to a pig, 4 glowing scarlet eyes, red skin and long black hair, the man radiated a feeling of power and malice.

"Welcome Batman! To my slaughterhouse!"

Jaznoz Valentine stood up and declared.

More Man Bats escaped through the tunnels, flying down to meet the two heroes.

"How do you want to play this Bats?"

Green Lantern asked as he primed his willpower, levitating.

"I'll handle Doctor Pyg, rescue the civilians."

The Dark Knight replied, jumping off the side of the crater.

The fight officially begun.

(Davian's P.O.V)


Green Raven urged the Raven below us. The bird let out a cry as we approached the fight from afar.

I sat crosslegged with Chesha Neko on my lap. I exhaled a shallow breath, trying to meditate and conserve my energy. Also, I was communicating with Chase.

"It's unlike you to follow anyone's lead."

Chase commented.

I briefly opened my eyes to stare at the group of Ravens huddled near the head of the bird whispering while throwing occasional glances my way. Dawnstar had flown ahead to scout out the portal that the Ravens had spoken off. The only thing standing before me and freedom was a guardian of sorts that they had said guarded the portal.

He was supposed to be incredibly powerful. So, the Raven was to safeguard from intruders and the Guardian to stop things from escaping her mind? How harsh.

Speaking of Chase's comment,

"Our best bet is to follow them. They know their own mind better than anyone after all."

I answered.

"Which is why they could be leading you to a trap. Just be careful my Wielder."

He countered.

He was right but we had already come this far.

"I was wondering something. I need a plan for dealing with Trigon. Permanently. Can I get to access to his soul using the Konso just like it happened with Raven?"

I asked my Zanpakuto spirit.

Now that we were flying towards the portal, I was one step closer to Trigon. One step closer to the Endgame. I hated the thought of leaving him alive so that he could come back and attack us again in the future. From Gotham's destruction, it was clear Trigon was not 'villain of the week' type.

'You want to use the Konso on a trans dimensional being's soul? One that carries the evil of billions of universes?"

Chase asked incredulously.

"No I want to use the Konso to kill him."

I reaffirmed.

The conversation between us went on before I felt a slight tap on my head. I opened my eyes and found myself surrounded by the Ravens.

"What do you want?"

I asked in a slightly annoyed tone. No matter what Chase and I considered, it had a small chance of succeeding or was too risky to try. Even for me.

"So huh...who are you always talking to when you think I'm not looking?"

Sad and depressed Raven asked shyly.

I blinked. What?

Brave/green Raven slung her arm on the sad one's shoulders.

"She wants to ask if you're crazy?!"


Pink snapped in mortification.

"That's rude!"

"Umm...sorry, I didn't mean to be rude like the two of them..."

Sad Raven begun to explain as the other two continued their argument.

Then in a flash of white light, Dawnstar appeared beside the Raven.

"There's a fight up ahead. They look to be into trouble!"

She exclaimed pointing to our front, before her body lit up again and she quickly flew further ahead.

I got up, relieved that I wouldn't need to deal with the Ravens. I strapped my weapons to my hip and walked forward.

"Okay, Chase. That's our queue."

I told my Zanpakuto, disappearing in a burst of speed towards our front.

Now, you need to understand something about Shunpo. The better hang you got of it, the faster and longer you could travel. I was a novice at it. Scratch that, I was barely a practitioner. However, I was quickly getting good.

The surroundings shifted around me in a blur as I appeared in the sky overlooking a battlefield.

Without hesitation, I released a Hado 5: Byakurai at the enemy.


With the addition of Harley and Constantine, the fight became only barely easier.

The Serpent blocked the shield with it's tough body while winding up it's tail, sending it on a collision course with the Statue's face. The tail was blocked by the Statue's mace.

Catwoman jumped off the Serpent's back aided by the impact produced from the collision.

She used her bull whip, cracking it and ensnaring the left arm of the statue. The raven statue roared, swinging one of it's six hands to slice Catwoman apart.

An arrow flew true, landing on the statue's offending arm and ensnaring it in wild vines.

"Yes! Magic arrows baby! Keep em coming."

Green Arrow said in excitement. Ivy had created a simple twig, then with Constantine's magic, that twig started sprouting arrows that could unravel into thorny vibes.

The distraction bought by the arrow, allowed the snake to open it's maw and spray a viscous venom on the statue's legs. The statue lost balance as it's lower body dissolved into a gray solution.

"Now we're talking! Hiya!"

Harley yelled, running forward. Then she jumped off the Serpent, aiming her bat at the red gem embedded on it's forehead.

Suddenly, the fight shifted.

Like judgement descending from the gods, the sky lit up in streaks of blue lightning, landing on the Guardian before Harley's attack could connect.

There was an explosion of light as the gem shattered. The explosion sent everyone and everything flying away. Under Poison Ivy's desperate control, the serpent coiled itself around the group, blocking most of the wide attack.

There was a few seconds of silence, then the snake uncoiled itself around the group. They blinked looking around. The explosion had been powerful enough to tear up the place. They were in the outskirts of a massive crater.

"What was that?"

Karate Kid asked, feeling dejected that he hadn't been all that useful in a fight.

Ivy and Catwoman begun looking around nervously. Harley was nowhere to be seen. After she had dealt that blow and then the subsequent explosion maybe...

"Look at me Ives! Kitty! I'm like a princess."

Harley's voice stated from above them as Dawnstar descended to the ground, holding the clown in a bridal carry.


Karate Kid exclaimed rushing forward as the two heroes from the future embraced.


Harley rubbed her ass after Dawnstar had unceremoniously dropped to hug her teammate.

"Did it work?"

Catwoman on the other hand was more focused on if they had put down the statue.

The dust settled, revealing Davian's back to them.

"It figures he would survive."

Green Arrow commented.

Constantine stiffened, hand creeping towards his pocket. Should he use the Raksasha straw doll now? No. It wasn't time yet.

Davian Mabuz had been key in getting them access to the portal. The lad would be even more useful in dealing with what came after. Trigon.

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