I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 70: It’s Over, I Win part 1/2

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The ground around Constantine burst open, dozens of Golems lumbered forward, striking out with large swords at each of the Demons.

One of Trigon's sons tried to block the attack but the force behind the Golem's attack threw him away.

The rest of the Demons clawed forwards towards Constantine, snarling while trying but failing to get through the Golem's defense.

Constantine completed his spell, the cut on his forearm closing as the circle on the ground failed to channel the magic he had poured out into it. The summons had failed.

"What?!" Constantine shouted.

"When I need you the most you refuse to come!? That was a quarter of my vitality!"

He punched the ground in anger, the skin of his fist breaking and causing blood to flow out. This...was it for him. The end.

There was no way he could fight against a whole region of demons. Maybe if he were prepared...but he wasn't. He had used a lot of his occult materials to deal with the fall out of Gotham's destruction.

The clash of steel against stone sounded out. The metal skin of the stone golem chipped, a burst of yellow light bursting through.

"Fine you wankers. Come at me!"

The Magician yelled in ferocity, as he tightened his palm into a fist.

"Lapis bombae!"

The spell left Constantine's mouth just as one of Trigon's son jumped over the stone golem.

The golem exploded into small projectiles that pelted the surroundings.

One of Trigon's spawn let out a roar pointing his hands at their front, electing a red mystical shield.

The other two allowed the small rock pieces to hit their bodies without a concern for injuries. Their skins were durable enough to protect them.

Constantine slapped his hands together, letting loose a magical shockwave that rippled out in a wide burst of energy, striking the 2 demons point blank.

They were thrown away but in return he fell to his knees. He wasn't the type to ever have large reserves of power, there were of course rituals he could do but... Constantine shuddered at what he would become with all that power.

So he was a strategist. That spell was a repulsion wave that would throw anyone away regardless of power.

It struck the soul, and the soul gave the body form so ergo, the body would follow and be repulsed from the caster. However, it was highly intensive.

He had already lost an eye, not to mention, his left thigh was encased in a layer of ice to stop the spread of the necrosis spell he had been hit with.

However, the natural heat from the realm was doing it's best to try and melt the ice. Magic or not, the concept of hot and cold was constant.

Lastly, he was missing a huge chunk of his vital force.

He couldn't hold on like this. For all of Constantine's ingenuity, you couldn't slip through a dimensional barrier designed to specifically target you. Otherwise, entities like Trigon would make Earth their vacation spot.

There was a reason they tried to use indirect methods to invade the mortal world. Most entities needed permission or an agent on the inside.

Constantine flipped a coin, and with a flash the face of Winston Churchill imprinted on the coin burned away, turning the coin gray just as a blue dome appeared around Constantine.

There was magic in meaning. The British invented the Tank, and the Tank was a symbol of defence. So the black electric burst of energy that left the third son's hands bounced off the dome.

Constantine gritted his teeth as the dome failed to hold up for too long. A battle of attrition was a bad idea.

The shield disappeared and he was left on his knees, a clawed hand wrapped around his neck.

"Be glad Magician. You die in the hands of Trigon's sons."

The demon said.

Constantine laughed, staring at the demon with a mocking expression.

"Don't kid yourself mate. See, I know what you poor fools are. Corrupted souls under glamour. You're the heroes of the worlds he has conquered. Enslaved to do his bidding. Prisoners. I would never be like you."

The magic in his eyes allowed him to see what lay beyond.

The demon shook with fury.

"So what? Serving him gives me purpose." The clawed hand around his neck tightened as the glamour washed off, to reveal a green skinned creature with large tentacles falling off it's head.

Red veins covered his body from his black eyes down to his golden armor. They had 2 pairs of hands.

The corrupted alien smiled sinisterly.

"I gave into the darkness and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. My world could not see the glory of Trigon, so I destroyed it. I would offer you the same privilege to serve him, however I already know what you're going to say."

The fingers around Constantine's neck tightened. His sight begun darkening around the corners.

'This is it...'

He had tried to summon the Specter...but he had failed. Which meant... anyone else wouldn't come.

His mind went back to Trigon's words. He stood alone, fighting a for he could not hope to defeat alone. Not when they knew of his reputation.

Maybe...maybe he had been too hasty to dismiss the lad. Maybe they could have worked together to stop this...

"Give him to me. I want to destroy him!"

One of the other three Sons said.

"No." The one who hand his hand wrapped around the Magician's neck refused.

"We kill him. We kill him now. He's too dangerous to take him prisoner."

Constantine chuckled amid the arguments.

"Please feel free to fight over me you bloody posers."

"Give him to me!!"

The demon lumbered forward, energy building up within him.

Then red circles flashed under each of the 3 demons.

The surroundings had changed. All the demons, with the three Sons of Trigon's at the head had been teleported around Trigon.

"Quick fools! Distract him while I prepare!"

A deep and commanding voice called out in a panic.

The Son blinked owlishly as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Infact, Constantine himself was struggling with the same.


Trigon was on his knees. He was missing his wrist, black blood dripping onto the ground in massive drops and causing pools of corruption around.

One of his horns was severed, he had terrible burns across the back of his head, neck and his shoulders.

Lastly, one of his eyes was blinded, a long dried trail of blood fell down his cheek.

Who would have caused their master to fall into such a deplorable state?

"Snap out of it fools!"

Trigon growled, his body flashing with a green glow. His red eyes changed to emerald orbs and Constantine's eyes widened as he felt all the magic in the area get sucked away.

"Attack! For Trigon!!"

One of the Sons gave the command and the rest of Trigon's dark army, responded in a cacophony of shouts and yells.

The red skinned creatures rose up in a wave towards one particular spot in the sky.


Constantine struggled to say, eyes manic wide as he reached out towards Trigon. He couldn't allow it.

If Trigon used the Lazarus pit to give himself a boost then all would be lost. There was still a chance, he could make this right.

He had to stop it. His fingers lit up with the last of his magic reserves. One last spell. A fireball to the face was better than anything.

Then before the spell could leave his lips. Green lightning fell from the sky, frying hundreds of demons and shredding their skin and souls apart.

(Davian's P.O.V)

A meteor. Why did I even think that was a good idea?

No. I had had to do it. The best way to free the souls was complete and utter destruction of Trigon.

Wait, when did my priorities change? The plan had been to save Raven and in the process the world.

Looking at the destruction caused by my Meteor...I had destroyed what was left standing from Trigon's initial attack. I wasn't helping...

No. Sacrifices had to be made to ensure...

"Hold on... I'm trying something."

Chase informed me.

And I immediately realized I hadn't heard him ever since I started my fight with Trigon.

Instantly, it was like the haze around my thoughts disappeared.

"Chase what the fuck was that?"

I asked him, opening and closing my fist as I retained full control of my body.

I needed to jump back into the fight. This time with a plan. I don't think it would be good for anyone if I simply called down another meteor. Is that...can I even do that intentionally?

"The drawback to absorbing so many agents of death, was that you started prioritizing what they do."

My Zanpakuto answered.

"I blocked most of the influence but be careful, if you lose control you might do even more damage."

He added.

It was like I had been dreaming. Every action I had taken was done instinctually. All in a bid to destroy this thing before me.

I had been slashing out wildly, feeding strength into the Scythe to cut better. And it had been working.

My scythe could cut anything.

Case in point, Trigon's scorching hot eye beams. I had started out by avoiding them, wary to let even a single attack pass through.

But that hadn't lasted long. I gave in to the influence from the Shrouds. I had become reckless. They didn't need to avoid attacks because they could phase through them.

I had adopted the same mindset, deflecting what I could but mostly blocking the attacks with my body, trying to take advantage of the openings to fly past him, slashing out with the Scythe and inflicting mortal damage.

Despite all that... Trigon still stood. I was Death and I couldn't seem to kill him. He was evil incarnate.

That was the kind of immortality that was not dependent on having a surviving soul or body. You would never truly die as long as a certain concept existed.

It was a massive cheat.

And I made sure he paid for it.

Now that I was back on the driver's seat, I fell back on my training and small experience.

Slicing off his horn was as a result of getting better at fighting him. His large size was a big disadvantage. I could use that and cut him down. Maybe this time, I'll go for the head.

He swiped a hand out and the ground rose up in a wave of rocks and stones headed towards me. I brought my palm forward, a torrential spray of green flame washing out of it and burning everything away.

"Whoa...what is that?"

I directed at my Zanpakuto spirit.

The answer came in a split second.

Turns out the green flames were a mutated ability caused from the combination of hell flames and my Fullbring. Hell flames targeted a sinner's soul.

Although a Shrouds' job was to deliver souls to the afterlife, that did not mean they possessed no combat abilities.

Pair hell flames with my Fullbring powers and you got green flames that were harsh on dark beings and favorable to souls of the innocent.

It brought into question my own moral standing. I was gray. Maybe leaning on the side of bad more than good. So why did the flames work for me?

Regardless, they were effective in dealing damage to Trigon.

The flames washed away to reveal him down on his knees. His body smoked from the scorched skin. But in return, he had concluded the activation of a spell.

With a flash of power, an army of red skinned demon like creatures appeared around him, numbering in the thousands.

Trigon himself had this green shroud of energy cloaking his form.

"Be careful, he's feeding from the pit."

Chase warned.

The connection between Chase and I also seemed stronger. He could even extend his senses further than my Reikaku's range, which is why he was able to find out Trigon's plan.

Something about this form.

I think I'm going to call it the Spirit King form. It enhanced every single soul reaper ability I had in place. Speed, strength and durability.

"Hey chase."

I called out to my Zanpakuto spirit.

"What would happen if I used any of my Kido spells in this form?"

I asked, flexing my black wings and pulling away towards the sky as the red creatures rose up towards me.

My speed was crazy. And I hadn't even used Shunpo. What if I did? I was thinking small. If some abilities were enhanced then maybe it was all of them?

"That's a good question. How about a practical demonstration?"

My Zanpakuto's statement made me smile. The action must have looked weird on a burning Cat's skull.

"Let's start light. Hado 4: Byakurai!"

I chanted, one arm pointed at the literal army flying fast towards me.

The build up of energy, made the space around me shake. And then faster than I was expecting, green lightning bolts descended towards my enemies like judgement from Zeus himself.

The streaks met no resistance, they ripped through the advance group, jumping from one red skinned creature to the other, frying them till they turned to ash. A significant chunk of the horde disappeared.

I blinked.

That was not Byakurai.

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