I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 71: It’s Over, I Win.

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



Chapter 71 It's Over. I Win part 2/2.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"Hado 1: Sho!"

The spell was similarly different. Instead of a repulsive force acting on an area in the size of a basketball, the pressure blast produced was like a gale of shockwaves.

It swept everything in my path away, reminding me of the Hulk's thunder clap.

"This certainly seems like overkill."

Chase commented.

"Not that I'm complaining, let them keep coming."

He added.

"I have a better idea!"

Maybe it was the influence from this form but...I wanted to cause some mayhem.

A clean Shunpo, aided by my wings saw me clear the distance between them and I instantly. I pulled my hand back, the burning chain wrapped around the forearm, extending to cover my fist.

The first punch I landed caused the target to explode in a burst of green flames. The impact consumed half a dozen more creatures behind it.

Flash stepping around the area, saw more and more deaths pile up.

I materialized in one place as the horde pulled in close to mob me. Bad idea.

Spinning, a chain around the shaft of my Scythe, I mowed them down, slicing past skin, flesh and bone to form a blended mess of dark blood, ripped limbs, torn organs and guts floating about.

"I will kill you!!"

One of the creatures, this one green and wearing a golden armor, jumped towards me, sword pulled back.

A shield of green flame blocked his sword. I whipped my hand out and the chain whipped through the air, striking him and destroying his body instantly. It wasn't a hassle.

The Scythe landed in my palm as I growled, staring at the ground at something. Or rather, someone. The kneeling figure looking up at me in shock and surprise.


That asshole.

'No, now's not the time.'

Trigon was feeding from the pit and that kind of power on top of what he had at his disposal would make him even more annoying to kill.

The problem was the almost shield like formation his army had taken. After seeing the kind of threat I was, they had pulled back.

I twirled my weapon. There was an attack I had been neglecting due to how destructive it was. However, to burst through the shield of bodies, it was perfect.

I jumped, spinning to add more power to my swing.

"Getsuga Tensho!"

The air popped.

Spirit energy ripped through space and distorted it. The wide beam of green energy had specks of purple starlight within it, making the attack beautiful.

It escaped me in a wide arc. It would be a lie to say I was in control. This was a 'fuck you' ability. Just point it in the right direction and it would fuck up anyone's day.

Some tried to flee by flying away, others drew upon all their power to block the attack but failed. The whole area was hit by earthquakes as a massive groove was formed before me.

The groove was in the shape of a Chinese fan, the narrow end being where I was.

The shockwaves had also blown away most of the clouds in the sky, allowing the first true rays of sunshine to burst through.

There was a rumble from the ground and the walls of the groove started crumbling. I flew up, staring down at the impact of a single move.

"That was very effective. But maybe next time, try something that doesn't risk shifting Gotham's tectonic plates."

Chase pointed out.

I narrowed my eyes when a green light begun pulsing from the depths of the groove.

"No, that wasn't me."

I told Chase, feeling the build up of dark energy from the depths of the groove.

"Your little friend is up to something."

My Zanpakuto spirit pointed out. I had told him to keep an eye on Raven ever since she had teleported in while I focused on the fight.

She had left the others, who were safely out of the devastating zone of the fight, and begun flying towards the groove.

"Why is she dressed in white?"

I wondered.

Better yet, what does she think she's doing?

I shook my head, blasting forwards and blocking her way.

She was started a little before breathing a sigh of relief.


"Where do you think you're going, Raven?"

I asked.

She blinked at my harsh tone, her face changing to reflect her frustration and annoyance.

"To fix this. To fix my mess."

"And in the process die."

Chase added off handedly, reminding me of Raven's oncoming death. I wouldn't let it happen. Even if I had to do something drastic.

"I'll handle this." I told her, turning around to face the groove.

"He's my father! It's my fight!"

She stubbornly responded.

"And you'll die if you try to contain him like before."

I replied, calling out her stupid idea.

"He's fed from the corrupt energy pool that was under Gotham."

The process was already done. I could have stopped it but I had a better idea. Let's call it plan b. What was plan b? Let him power up. Yeah...plan b wasn't a very good idea either.

"Chase you think the other thing will work?"

I asked my Zanpakuto.

"Normally it wouldn't but the new boost essentially makes you a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, maybe you can bypass that restriction."

He answered.

We were discussing if I could send someone to my Inner World in their physical form, the same way we had been pulled into Raven's Mind - Space.

The rumbling from the ground increased.

"Last I checked Davian, you're not the boss of me."

Raven said, flying around me towards the Groove.

"I'm not. But I'm also the only one you can count on. And I'll save you, you stubborn girl. Even if it's from yourself."

I told her, flash stepping forward, and pinching a spot on her neck.

Raven gasped slightly before her body slumped in my arms.

I cradled her gently to my body.

"Do it."

I gave the go ahead to Chase.

"She is going to hate you for this."

The spirit pointed out somberly.

"I know, but she'll be alive."

I replied.

Green light covered Raven's body and she disappeared into wisps of energy. I could instantly feel...a weight inside my inner world.

It wasn't the same as when I had had Gordon's soul inside. This time it was more pronounced and I could tell, I wasn't going to be able to keep it up for long.

The weight of someone's soul in my own was heavy.

"I'll tend to your friend. You have a battle to win."

Chase promised as I stretched my body.

With a final rumble, the ground burst apart in a massive explosion that threw super hot chunks of rocks out.

The rock's momentum ceased as they were held aloft by dark magic surrounding him.

The dust settled and Trigon was revealed. Bigger, greener and meaner.

All his injuries, everything I had inflicted upon him was healed. The aura of power coming off him...

I whistled.

Now you might wonder, was it smart to let him to power up? Well it wouldn't if it wasn't for plan B's second part.

While I didn't know much about DC's specific details about certain issues, I knew what the green liquid under Gotham was.

A substance that could heal anyone by regenerating any part of their bodies. It could also heal diseases and bring back the dead. There was only one drawback.

It made the user mad.

Even if it was only for a short amount of time, all mental acuity would be thrown out of the window, causing the user to go berserk in madness.

That short time frame was what I needed.

"Come forth from the weave of eternity, Spirit King Chesha Neko: Release."

And so the last question was answered...what would happen if I were to activate my Shikai, while in my Spirit King form?

The answer, not much. And A lot.

For starters, a bony crown with a purple gem at the center appeared on my head, fitting on my cat skull perfectly.

The Scythe changed into a massive Obsidian sword. It was bigger than my body and over 40 feet long (12 meters) and 2 meters wide.

It was also in a shape similar to Yoru, a weapon belonging to a character that even with my limited weeb knowledge I was aware of. Dracule Mihawk from One Piece.

The most outstanding thing about Chesha Neko's new form was the thousands of Shroud's flying inside the flat side of the blade, wordlessly screaming. It gave the weapon an aura of death.

This was a true Reaper's weapon.

Trigon's eyes lit up with green power as he roared out with savagery.

Green. That's my thing.

I bent, holding the massive sword behind me in a tight grip.

All the energy I had at my disposal was poured into one incredible body reinforcement. Reiryoku roared within my body, my veins. My blood sang with power.

"Your eyes are glowing again."

Chase pointed out.

"I know."

I smiled.

I released the tight control I had over my power. The surroundings changed into a blur as I moved faster than even my brain could track. But I didn't need to process any of it.

I only needed to swing. To swing and reap.

There was a brief contact, where the sharp edge of the blade cut through his neck.

Trigon's head separated from his body as I appeared behind him in a flash of green.

There was silence and then...the body exploded into tens of thousands of white souls, all flying towards the sky, following the ray of sunshine that had broken through.

It was over. I had won.

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