I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 78: Ambush

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

It wasn't an exaggeration when I said that my Zanjutsu sucked, which is why I took every opportunity, to practice my Sword Kata.

It was the morning after what was arguably my worst day yet in Gotham.

A thin trail of sweat dripped down from my forehead, as I turned slowly, stretching my hip muscles to add more strength to the slash.

Then I pivoted on the left foot, rotating before thrusting out Chesha Neko to my front, the sword held steady.

The sword kata I was practicing was a mix match of different sword moves I half remembered from seeing on tv. The only thing that helped was the almost instinctual understanding of how to fight with a sword.

This was definitely an effect of being so interlinked with my Zanpakuto, a soul weapon.

My movements were far from what anyone could call fluid but I was getting better. Slowly. Progress would be even faster if I were to learn from a master like Bronze Tiger.

"And how are you going to find him?"

Chase asked.

The same question had been running around my head the entire night, but I finally had a few options.


I answered, cleaving the air before stepping forward and sending out a hundred slashes in a few seconds.

The air inside the pocket dimension screamed from the sharp edge of my blade.

Chase scoffed.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? The last time you saw each other, you realized she was working for Batman."

I grit my teeth, picturing Deathstroke lunging at me with his sword drawn. I parried the blade in my invisible opponent's grip, stepping to the right just as he transitioned into quick jabs intermixed with unpredictable sword attacks.

"I know. But the only other choice I have is Penguin."

I directed at Chase.

It's not like I knew lot of people in Gotham.

I was never into comic books and anime like Nick.

My escapism was usually done through weed, imagining a world without violence.

Infact, if it wasn't for him, I would never have come across Bleach or even known the little tid bits from Marvel or DC that I knew.

However, I had been working to change that.

Raven and I had spent a lot of time casing out regular meeting points for criminals. Places like drug houses, villain establishments etcetera.

That is how we had come across Artemis. But on second thought, maybe she had been tracking our movements, waiting for the perfect time to approach us and create a connection.

I stopped and cursed, letting the invisible Deathstroke decapitate my head from my neck.

"I can't go to Artemis. The sooner I do so, the sooner I'll be embroiled into another confrontation with Batman. And if it came down to it, I don't think I would let him go."

I shook my head. This changed things.

"That leaves Penguin."

Chase said as I wiped my face free of sweat before grabbing a cleaning kit and begun to clean my sword.

The edge didn't need to be sharpened, as long as I ran my Reiryoku through it; which happened often enough, it would never dull.

The pommel and handle however needed to be Polished regularly. Man Bats blood caked the edges of the cross guard and the grooves on the handle. I grabbed a small brush and got to work.

Meanwhile, Chase and I continued to plan.

"What will you offer him in exchange for his services? I doubt he will agree to help you for free."

Chase highlighted another concern.

"I don't have any money."

I said bluntly.

That was not exactly true. I had about 3 grand snatched from criminals stashed away in the pocket dimension.

However that was for emergencies and utility. Besides, I doubted it would be enough to pay someone like Penguin to find who I was looking for. Was it enough for a private detective? Maybe.

But a P.I couldn't exactly look for someone like Bronze Tiger. To get to that kind of guy, you would need connections. Connections I was sure the Penguin had.

"Maybe he and I could reach an agreement. A criminal like Penguin would definitely see the value in a magical swordsman."

I mused, holding up Chesha Neko to examine it.

"Magical Swordsman?"

He snorted.

"Also are you comfortable with owing a favor to a criminal?"

Chase enquired in uncertainty.

"Who said I have to keep the promise?"

I asked him and he went silent for a short time.

"What about honor?"

Chase finally asked.

His question rang with curiosity, showing he wasn't trying to judge but merely understand.

I sheathed Chesha Neko with a frown.

"You've seen my memories Chase, do you think even for a second I care about shit like that?"

I chuckled in spite of myself, shaking my head.

"My gang, people I thought were my family, tried to kill me. I'm done with all that bullshit. You mess with me, you get the heat. It's as simple as that. People like Penguin don't deserve my respect. He should be thankful, I'm not going to him for the express reason of killing him."

"Be careful. I wouldn't want you to mess up because of arrogance."

Chase warned.

"We're all animals in a cage. I'm just looking out for my self interest and satisfaction. So I will lie, cheat and sacrifice for what I want."

I added much calmer.

Chase said nothing as I got up and walked towards the shower.

20 minutes later, I was dressed in a clean black t-shirt, grey jeans and my fave boots. I didn't need the Oni Mask. Not really. The plan was to monitor the Iceberg Lounge first before making contact with the Villain.

I gave one last look at the pocket dimension before I willed for the exit to appear, thumbing the gemstone. A black vortex swirled in the middle of the room.

I walked through, pushing past the rusted car door to appear in the Junkyard. The sun was closer to the horizon than I had expected, casting an eerie red glow on the abandoned scrap metal lying around.

"Hope this works."

I said, kissing the gemstone before pointing it at the entrance to the pocket dimension. I had pored over a few of Raven's books, especially the one on dimensional energies manipulation.

I still couldn't use magic but I could anchor the pocket dimension to the Gemstone so that no matter where I was, I could use the stone to access the pocket space. It was a branch of magic called Occultism, i.e, using magical items to perform magic.

The only prerequisite was having a little bit of mystical energy to activate the item. Spirit energy/Reiryoku could count as mystical energy.

I just had to pour in a little bit of power and the pocket dimension was forever linked to the gemstone.

Satisfied, I turned to leave the Junkyard and stopped.

Why was the sky so bright all of a sudden? Within a Pico second, a huge amount of hot energy, speared past my Reikaku's range, headed straight for my head.

I looked up and all I could manage was a confused,


Then the beam of energy landed.


Sasha Bordeaux looked at the destroyed Junkyard. The entire zone had gone up in flames courtesy of the energy beam shot from outer space.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no movement through her binoculars. The entire area was covered in a steadily rising smoke.

The outskirts burned, with flames licking the high fence that had surrounded the Junkyard.

Cars in the street screeched to a stop, civilians getting out and looking out into the destruction.

She tapped her ear piece from her position on the roof.

"Confirmed. He's down. I don't spot any movement."

She reported.

"Mmmh...I don't believe he would go down that easy. The target has displayed high durability, capable of going toe to toe with Superman and Wonder Woman. Get ready for another attack."

The voice from the other end ordered.

Sasha sighed, bit her lip and signalled to the rest of her team.

Her men stayed in position. Ready.

Then another massive energy beam fell from the sky. The pressure blast swept out, buffeting them with a gale of wind that caused her hair to dance wildly.

She was already looking through the binoculars. No movement. Maybe, just maybe they could survive this. She remembered, the first time she met the target.

His focused and hard eyes as he swooped in, killed the Man Bats and proceeded to order them around.

She shivered, remembering the...almost kingly aura he possessed. Looking into his purple eyes had made her feel insignificant, as if all her experience facing things that would induce nightmares and insanity in the toughest of soldiers was nothing.

She tapped her ear piece.


"Who the fuck are you guys?"

A voice suddenly asked from beside her.

Davian had appeared in the middle of the Argus' agents, not a hair out of place. He didn't seem hurt or injured in any way.


One of her men said in shock.

'They had failed. And now they were going to die.' Sasha Bordeaux thought grimly.

"Ma'am, snap out of it!"

Her second in command yelled, pulling the trigger on his gun and peppering Davian with bullets.

The long sword in the target's grip slashed out almost 100 times in a second, parrying and splitting apart the bullets.

Then he swept his leg behind him, licking his lips in anticipation while holding the sword steadily before them.

"I remember you guys."

He said, directing the icy smile at Sasha.

"You gave me Shield vibes but I guess you're more like Hydra. Let's do this then."

Shield? Hydra?

"What is your Status?! Agent! Come in!"

The voice on the other end sounded nervous and panicked.

Sasha swallowed, reaching out to her ears and removing the Ear piece.

"We're soldiers. Our duty is to follow orders."

She addressed him, lowering her gun. Her men shifted uncomfortably.

"Come with us willingly and no one needs to get hurt."

She told him, well aware of her hypocrisy.

"You just...tried to kill me."

Davian answered, looking at her as if she was crazy.


"Orders. That's all. But we can work something out. Let my men go...they were not part of this. I'm the one responsible."

She told him, almost pleaded.

Davian blinked, looking around.

"Okay then. I'll let you go...let you go unconscious."

He added with another smile. This one predatory.

Then he moved.

The bullets from before could not touch him as he danced around the roof, disappearing in an instant before reappearing behind a soldier and knocking him out. Then he repeated the same thing faster than she could react.

Within 2 seconds, Sasha Bordeaux was left standing alone.

"Well, that was easy."

Davian sighed as he stood over her second in command.

Sasha aimed her gun at him and immediately begun firing, depositing the whole clip at him.

He didn't even bother to look up, his blade slicing apart all the projectiles.

The gun clicked empty.

The monster appeared by her shoulder.

"You don't need to tell me anything."

The target soothed, massaging her shoulders gently.

"I only need you to point me towards the one who sent you."

Sasha knew her boss was listening.

"Go to hell."

She told him, but also used her thumb to point towards the sky.

"So be it."

Davian answered, before slamming Chesha Neko's pommel on the back of her head, knocking her out.

Then he stared up at the sky.

"How about we pay our attackers a visit?"

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