I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 79: Aerial Combat

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

I crouched, then flexed my energy.

The roof broke apart as I pushed off, cutting through the air like a missile.

'I'm coming for you fuckers.'

(General P.O.V)

"Oh shit!"

A tech guy pulled at his hair in panic.

"He's headed straight for us sir!"

He reported to a man standing on a deck overlooking a huge screen that had a satellite feed above Gotham.

"Activate the cloaking function on the Ark, now!" Maxwell Lord ordered.

Then he turned towards another screen, this one on a pad in his hands.

"Brother Eye is not meant to be revealed right now. It's incomplete. Have your organization do something! I can't risk exposing it to the world yet."

He spoke to the figure on the other side.

Deathstroke crossed his hands together.

"You failed, Maxwell Lord. I don't have to do anything. you underestimated him, and now he's there to kill you."

The terminator smiled.

In an undisclosed Cafe in Italy, Deathstroke sat, watching the satellite feed he was patched into. The radar on the Ark captured something fast moving towards the large Argus craft.

The boy had grown.

Maxwell Lord growled, turning to his people.

"Activate defense measures. Ready a team. I want him dead."

Hr ground out, before looking at Deathstroke as if challenging him to say something.

Deathstroke paid him no mind, still staring at the feed in anticipation. His fingers twitched.

He wanted a rematch with him. Too bad he was halfway across the world.

"Cloak activated."

One of the tech guys said.

In the midst of the clouds, a huge floating ship shaped like a Helicarrier, shimmered before disappearing.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I leapt off another air platform, the sheath on my hip glowing as I pulled on the soul of wind, creating spring boards that pushed me up faster and further.

"Be careful, I hear something."

Chase told me just as I cut through a white cloud. Gotham disappeared from view as I found myself among the voluminous, huge billowing constructs of compressed air.

The peace was cut off by something fast cutting through the air to my side. The pressure blast pushed me away through the Cumulus clouds, then came the sound. A long roar.

"Was that a jet?!"

I yelled, pulling on the air to slow myself down. I stopped, looking around while extending my Reikaku as far as I could.

The thing broke through the clouds to my front, then it started shooting at me. Very similar to an F-22 Raptor, with the color being a deep matte black and just a little sleeker.

"Yup that's a jet."

Chase said.

I smiled evilly. These guys had come at the right time. I could blow off some steam.

I elected a shield to block the bullets. The jet didn't stop, seemingly headed for a collision course. My eyes narrowed.

The pilot inside pulled up at the last moment, going above me. A Shunpo threw me to the bottom of the plane. I unsheathed Chesha Neko, holding it in a reverse grip.

Then I stabbed it into the jet, dragging the blade down and tearing through metal.

Smoke rose from the underside of the craft. It lost control, beginning to spin on its self.

I jumped off it just as it caught on fire. The pilot ejected in time, his seat getting thrown away as the craft exploded. The pilot's scream's ended as I appeared next to him, steadying the seat and pulling on the latch of his parachute.

He was lurched up when the Parachute unfurled, then looked at me in fear. I slashed one of the Parachute's ropes and the wind swept him away as he screamed a new.

That was payback for trying to make me look like swiss cheese.

He wouldn't die. Probably.

I cut towards the sky, as another Jet zoomed past the space above me.

Pulling on the soul of wind even more and in two moves I was higher up. Enough to feel multiple low spirit energy through my Reikaku. However, whenever I looked up, I couldn't see anything.

"Whatever it is, it might be invisible."

Chase pointed out and I agreed.

Before I could say anything else, more jets punched through the clouds, their trajectory showing they were coming for me.

I twirled Chesha Neko. This is gonna be fun.

They immediately begun firing, moving in a pincer formation.

A shield habitually appeared at my front, ripples spreading out as it blocked the bullets.

I slipped into a Shunpo, pulling on wind to add more speed to my movement.

"Heerrree comes..."

Chase started but couldn't finish the statement before my shield crashed onto the nose of the first jet.

Metal broke around me, fire licking at the outside of my shield.

(General P.O.V)

"Jesus! Whiskey is down! I repeat Whiskey is down!"

Zulu called out through the comms.

Maxwell Lord pinched his brow.

"Those were two cutting edge jets."

He glared at the screen, before tapping a key on his pad.

"Listen to me, do whatever you have to but I want him taken out, he cannot reach the Ark. Fail and you're dead!"

He warned, cutting off comms and leaning back in his seat, hands clasped together in deep thought.

The whole deck was silent with everyone nervous.

"Ready the initializing sequence."

After a few seconds, he gave an order and the agents hurried to fulfill it.

On the outside, things were not looking so good for the fighter jet pilots. The 4 jets left, broke away from the formation to escape the explosion. Smoke obscured the position as they tried to locate the enemy.

Nothing was turning up on the radar.

One of the jets changed trajectory flying around the site of the explosion. The pilot frantically looked around.

"Where is he?! I can't see..."

He trailed off as he heard something heavy land on top of his craft.

"Zulu! He's on you!"

Another Jet, Tango radioed in.


Zulu cursed, spinning the ship on it's end to dislodge the target. A blade cut through the hatch.

"I can't get him off me! I can't get him off!"

Zulu yelled, reciting and trying every flight maneuver he knew. The opponent however was too stubborn.

"Zulu, I'm coming in hot!"

Tango called out.

"Wait...I... Are you crazy?! you will kill me too you bastard!!"

Zulu yelled back.

"Sorry. Orders are orders. Don't worry, I'll take care of your wife for you."

Tango replied with a snicker.

Alarms started ringing out from within Zulu's cockpit.

"Missile inbound! Missile inbound!"


Zulu screamed, trying to deploy decoy flares and failing. Someone had taken those out. Of course...

The pilot pushed the eject button and his seat was pushed out through the hatch, only for an arm to grab onto his seat.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"Where do you think you're going?...A captain never abandons his ship."

I told the wide eyed pilot before plunging him back onto the jet just as the missile landed.

I flipped, using the force of the explosion to throw myself towards the next jet. The one who had shot the missile and was responsible for his colleague's death.

Something was off. He had been too focused on Killing me to the point he had no moral qualms about taking out his fellow pilot.

Chesha Neko severed the third jet's right wing, causing it to lose control and start spinning in the air.

I aimed a hand at the second craft which came from under me.

"Hado 4: Byakurai."

A long streak of yellow lightning shot out, landing on the jet's nosecone. The pilot looked determined and not the least bit concerned as the multimillion dollar craft went up in flames around him.

I flash stepped away, my eyebrows scrunched up.

"You killed them."

Chase observed.

"I felt like I had to... something was off with them. It's like they weren't there."

I answered thinking back.

"I couldn't sense them through Reikaku, which should be impossible. And the pilot's behavior...they think and act like normal humans but...they're like Puppets. Someone is controlling them. And my money is on whoever is leading this whole thing."

I bit out, feeling a little angry.

What was up with DC and mind control/ possession?

There was a whine of engine as the last jet circled around, shooting out flares to distract me.

"And then there was one."

My form disappeared as I blurred after the jet. As if he could sense me, the jet ducked under the thing I had felt earlier. Cleaver.

Invisible weapons begun firing from the undercarriage of the mega craft.

I diverted the shots with Chesha Neko, pulling on my Reiryoku to enhance my reaction speed. What I couldn't parry was blocked by the shield around my body.

We came out on the other side,just in time for me to see another scarlet beam of energy fall onto my head from the sky.

"Fuck! It was a trap!"

(General P.O.V)

Maxwell Lord, smiled, reading the biometrics stats on the pad in his hands. There were rows showing mental and emotional attributes.

One of the benefits of O.M.A.C, even in its infancy was that anyone infected by the techno - organic virus could be accessed and remotely controlled through the nanites in their bodies.

He had lowered the paranoia and compassion of one of the pilots causing him to shoot at the target despite the risk of friendly fire.

And when that had failed, he had lowered the fear and increased the bravery of the next pilot, turning him into a Kamikaze pilot.

That had also failed, so he changed tactics.

This time he increased the IQ of the last pilot, coordinating with him to place the target in the ideal position for an attack from Brother Eye.

"No visual movement from the target sir." One of the agents reported.

"Keep surveillance up."

He told them, walking down the stairs from the deck towards the operation room.

Nothing was showing up on the feed. He tightened his hold on the pad, having the pilot do a few circles around the target's last position.

"Begin activation of protocol Dead game. We are going on a small vacation until the buzz that will be born from this little light show is over."

The confirmation came in quick.

Protocol Dead game involved hiding the Ark in the same layers of folded space that the core of Brother Eye occupied.

It was off the grid in the most off the grid location in the planet, the edges of space.

He would hide away there and complete Brother Eye. There were a few essential systems that were not yet functional.

And when he came back, Leviathan would be the first to pay for almost wrecking his plans.

Maxwell Lord was about to breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that their target was dead when...

"Sierra, where do you think you're going?"

He called out with a frown.

The last Fighter jet broke off from its established trajectory, flying up to hover above the Ark. Lord had not given the order.

"Sierra, I demand..."

He started before he was cut off.

"Jeez, could you stop shouting through my ears? Besides don't you think you have more pressing business to attend to?"

The voice was the pilot's, only he was carrying a distinct Bostonian accent.


The villain could only mutter before the floor under them broke apart.

The Ark rocked and Maxwell Lord fell to the ground.

Hundreds of purple strings cut through the hole, rampaging around the operations room, striking at the machines and people alike.

Screams sounded out as someone landed on the inside of the craft, a massive hole on the floor behind him.

Alarms rang out, with the technical staff scrambling to run away from the room. The agents huddled behind furniture, weapons trained on the intruder.

Maxwell Lord got to his feet, a cut on his forehead dripping blood down onto the floor.

"I can't believe you C-listers forced me to use my Shikai."

Davian said to the leader of Argus.

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