I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 92: Perfect Guinea Pigs.

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Chapter 92 Perfect Guinea pigs.

(Cheshire's P.O.V)

Shit. Not her.

Anyone but her!

We're so fucked!

(General P.O.V)

There was a thing to be said about the freedoms, a non physical form allowed.

One of them being that as long as he was careful, Deadman could slip in anywhere, anytime.

He'd been careful to keep his distance after Davian had threatened him.

And he was sure that this scary guy who could control spirits as if they were an extension of him had no idea he was being followed.

As a consequence of this stalking, Deadman had managed to witness the effect Davian's actions left behind.

From Killing Penguin, which had started a gang war, to going after Falcone and killing him and Zsasz... Deadman had arrived at each location too late to stop anything.

Even if he'd gotten there on time, Deadman doubted he would have intervened. Partly because his disembodied spirit was entirely vulnerable against Davian.

And partly because he was afraid.

But he couldn't put this off any longer. It wouldn't do to keep his patron goddess waiting.

So Deadman decided not to hesitate any longer.

With Davian and the other two surrounded by honest to God Ninjas, maybe jumping in to help fight them off would Garner some goodwill.

He passed through the concrete of the roof and immediately possessed the blonde haired girl who had passed out from Davian's Spirit pressure.

The next second he opened his eyes, he saw a ninja lunging at her with the sharp point of a blade headed for her neck.

The move was too sudden that the body he was occupying couldn't react at all.

Then the Ninja's head detached from its neck as a purple sword flew through him.


A growl sounded out, and Artemis head whipped to the side, her heart pumping in fear as Davian turned his attention to the spirit inhabiting Artemis body.

Deadman would have gulped if he had his own body. He settled for stammering.

"I... I-I..."

"Keep her safe."

Davian simply ordered, turning around to face his front.

Deadman jerked his head in a nod, knowing that were to fail, his head would meet a similar fate as the adversary on the floor infront of him.

Blood was still sprayed out of the Ninja's neck, pooling on the ground.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The Katana in her hand looked awesome as fuck.

And that was putting it lightly.

My nuts tightened at the way it seemed to reflect the light off it's sharp edge.

Not to mention, the sex on two legs holding onto it.

Damn. I'm the one supposed to ooze out the rizz yet this milf baddie was on some other shit.

I mentally slapped myself out of the daydream that was playing out in my head.

Her riding on my pole and going 180 on it. Or slow if that's what she wanted, those hips and thighs could do things to a man.

Actually, I wouldn't mind if she took her time with me.

"Do I need to remind you that they are here to kill someone you just promised to protect?"

Chase pointed out dryly.


I sighed.

"Kill my fun, why don't ya?"

I stretched my body, in preparation.

"What are you doing?!"

Cheshire harshly whispered as she got to her feet behind me, warily staring at the Milf.

"Duh, I need to give a good showing."

I threw over my shoulder.

"And if you're thinking it's to impress the insanely attractive killer before us, you would be entirely right."

Cheshire blinked.

"Man has got his priorities right."

Black Spider gave me a thumbs up.

Finally. A bro who understands!

"Are you fucking kidding me!? Lady Shiva is one of the most ruthless assassins the League of Shadows has in their ranks. You literally can't do worse than her!"

Cheshire heatedly said.

So that's her name huh? Lady Shiva. It so badass. And fitting. And also sounds familiar.

For her part, Shiva's eyes narrowed as she regarded us. And then in the most beautiful display of that same badassery, she uttered a single statement.

"Kill them all."

Her voice was something else entirely. It sent shivers up my spine.

And the fact that she didn't waste time on a monologue like other supervillains added another point to her.

Like eager puppies, the Ninjas under her command descended upon us like flies to a corpse.

I stepped forward calmly, blocking their way before snapping my finger. This was the perfect time to test if my recent increased control had affected Fullbring.

The ability to control the core state of anything was too overpowered not to use.

The concrete roof under our feet rumbled as spikes of hard cement and sand speared through the first wave of Ninjas, impaling most of them before they could even get close to us.

However, a few managed to evade my attack, with even one of them going after Artemis who was waking up and two of them coming at me from my sides. A fourth one jumped over my head to attack Cheshire.

"Your former friend is not the one in control of her body. That dead Spirit is back."

Chase informed me as I unsheathed Chesha Neko, blocking the bladed edge of a kusarigama before side stepping another attack.

The ground rose up again, the spikes spearing through the three ninjas, including the one who had jumped over me. How rude.

Blood ran down the concrete spiked as I turned my attention to Artemis.

"So, he finally decided to make a move huh? I was wondering how long he would keep up the stalking."

I snorted, throwing my Zanpakuto towards her position.

Chesha Neko decapitated the ninja headed towards Artemis, causing blood to splash on her before Deadman who was in control, could move her body out of the way.

The blade spun back towards me like a boomerang. I grabbed the handle off the air before it melded with the sleeve of my jacket.

Using my Zanpakuto on these guys was degrading.


I growled at Deadman. The spirit was scared shitless under my gaze.

"Keep her safe."

I ordered, hoping he understood how serious the repercussions of failing me would be.

Just because Artemis was still in the doghouse where I was concerned didn't mean I wanted her dead.

Just for the fact that she tried to help me out was enough for me to repay that favor by protecting her.

As for our enemies. All eyes were on me.

"You should really understand the concept of being outmatched.

I addressed them. Particularly Shiva who studied me with an interested albeit calculating gaze.

The shadows were wary now. They had seen what had happened to the first group and knew they would share the same fate if anyone tried to make a move.

"You're strong."

She finally commented, eyeing me up.

"And your men are weak."

I replied with a smirk, my hands inside the pockets of my pants.

My response did not go over well with her or her team. She jerked her hand and Shade, the guy with the control over darkness did something.

All the Ninjas around fell through their shadows. A second later the air was filled with the sharp sound of blades leaving their sheaths as I was beset by over a dozen murderous Ninjas.

"I can appreciate playing with food but you're wasting time."

Chase told me.

"Did you just make a cat joke?"

I asked him, counting the number of enemies about to kill me. Or try atleast.

Still, he was right. This wasn't challenging at all.

Okay, final test for the day. How far can I push my mobility?

The fight with the possessed Flash had opened up new avenues for me.

Time to test out an idea.

I breathed out, pumping Reiryoku into activating Shunpo while still standing in place.

That probably makes no sense.

Shunpo was basically ejecting a lot of energy from the soles of your feet to push yourself forward at dizzying speeds.

However, it had a hidden component. It also increased your reaction speeds to be able to perceive things while moving that fast.

The Flash' superpeed was not limited like my Hoho. Without that final Power-Up, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with him.

With my increased control over Reiryoku, it stands to reason that Shunpo would get a better too.

I enhanced the effects of that second component and instantly, everything begun to slow down, moving at a snail's pace compared to me.

Everyone on that rooftop looked frozen in time.

I could kill them all so easily. Infact...that is exactly what I am going to do, otherwise they will keep on attacking and that will grow tedious fast.

I needed to make an example out of them do that next time, they wouldn't send in weaklings to try and kill me.

So how do I do this? Gosh, I'm spoiled fir choice. With my new perception, it felt like I had all the time in the world.

I could crush a few bones, dismember limbs, test out a few Kido spells.

But ultimately, I found myself going back to Fullbring. Apart from Chesha Neko's Shikai, I felt that Fullbring was my most important ability.

The power to control souls...at the palm of my hand.

I waved a hand, this time instead of pulling on the soul of air, I pushed at it, causing a gale of tiny sharp winds to surround the Ninjas in the air.

There wasn't any sound, just a small tornado that sprung up around Artemis, Cheshire and I, tearing every enemy in close proximity into mulch.

The tornado dispersed, leaving behind no remains.

And time resumed once more. Or rather, I fell out of the superspeed time. Ugh, that sounds terrible. Let's call it Flash time.

One second we were about to be attacked, the next Cheshire was looking around us in surprise.

"Boss, I'm thinking that maybe this job is a little out of our pay grade."

Black Spider stated, taking a leap towards the water tank on that same rooftop.

"Coward. Run away little spider."

Hook threw at him.

He was a large man with a hook where his left hand was supposed to be (the Wiki dive had suggested that the hook was his main weapon) like bruh...what are you doing with your life?

"Hey, you wanna get sushi'd like those other guys, be my guest."

Black Spider told him, crouching on top of the tank in a Spiderman pose. The message was clear, he wasn't with them anymore.

I decided that I was going to spare that guy's life.

"Lady Shiva, allow me to deal with this..."

Hook guy started but I was already tuning him out as my mind ran with ideas of other ways I could use Fullbring.

I wonder what would happen if I pulled on someone's soul using Fullbring.

Normally I would need to be in contact with them but that was easily solved by extending a very thin thread forward.

The thread wrapped around Hook guy's neck, too light to even sense. Then I activated Fullbring.

Nothing happened.

I frowned.

Maybe I had to physically be in contact with the target?

Alas, more experiments would need to be conducted to find it's limitations. For now, I had learned enough. It was time to end this charade.

The thin thread neatly sliced through Hook guy's neck, the string so thin that blood didn't immediately start spraying out like the first guy I had decapitated.

His head detached and fell right before Shiva's feet. It had been silent. And so fast.

Shiva looked at it, then at me.

I raised an eyebrow as a silent conversation happened between us.

Then she sheathed her sword and turned around. Her ass...whoa.

The darkness around them rose up.

Black Spider waved goodbye as he was swallowed by his shadow.

I like that guy.

The last thing I saw of Shiva was a small smile as she stared at me with the promise that she would find me again.

I was all for it.

"Wait. You're just letting them leave like that?!"

Cheshire asked, grabbing onto my shoulder after the darkness swallowed them, not even their dead was left behind.

I shrugged off the hold, falling out of Shikai in a burst of light, before I sheathed Chesha Neko.

"Let me make one thing clear."

I released my Spirit pressure turning to her.

"I make the calls. If you have a problem with that, tell me and I'll kill you right now and settle our score."

This time she flinched back from my gaze. Good.

"Was that necessary?"

Chase asked as I walked towards Artemis. I had an annoying spirit to exorcise.

"It was. She needs to understand who's in charge. A rogue element like her needs a firm hand. Otherwise she'll try to play tricks with me, use her femininity to try and manipulate my actions. I should know, my ex girlfriend was like that. Too sure of herself for her own good."

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