I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 93: Leaving Gotham.

18 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

I could hear Cheshire gritting her teeth as I left her there, headed towards her sister.

Artemis scrambled to her feet just as I reached for Chesha Neko. Her body then slumped over into my arms as Deadman popped out from her back with his hands raised.

"Calm down man! I was just trying to help!"

He cried out.

"That's the only reason you're not dead."

I barked out and glared at him, targeting my Spirit pressure onto him.

He didn't fall to the floor, he was pulled to it in a sudden jerking motion, landing on his hands and knees.

Brand looked up at me from where he was kneeling.

"What did I tell you the last time we saw each other?"

I asked him with a raise of my eyebrows.

"Nothing. You sent me to the core of the Earth!"

He bit out accusingly.

"Exactly. That was a message I was hoping you would understand. One that said, 'next time I see you, I'll do even worse.'"

The tip of Chesha Neko came to rest below his chin.

Normally that wouldn't work on him but Chesha Neko was obviously not a regular long sword despite what it's sealed form suggested.

"You think I wanna be here?!" He asked me, aggrieved.

"Watch your tone, it's 4 in the morning and people are asleep."

I pushed my Zanpakuto against his neck. Was I bullying him? A little.

In my defense...fuck the heroes.

"It would be incredibly foolish if he came of his own volition."

Chase begrudgingly supported him.

I also had to reluctantly agree.

Deadman struck me as someone who would do the bare minimum. He wasn't altruistic enough to come after me, when I had immensely expressed my displeasure at his presence.

It was a principle I could even live by. Avoid the annoying things.

Too bad I can't ignore this. There was always the option of Killing him but I was...curious what would cause him to come back after our last meeting went disastrous for him.


With the decision made, I handed Artemis over to her sister.

She took her out of my hands wordlessly.

"I'll take her to her room and then we can leave before Shiva comes back."

Cheshire said, carrying Artemis away.

There were no quips, no sarcastic comments...it seems she was finally understanding that I wouldn't hesitate to leave her to the wolves if she stepped out of line.

On the other side, I couldn't exactly blame her for being afraid.

Without my powers, Shiva wouldn't need to extend a lot of effort to kill me. I was just being realistic.

I wanted that level of self sufficiency. I wanted to be able to handle myself in a world of Superheroes and Supervillains even if I didn't have access to my abilities.

Was that reaching? Maybe. Did I care? Not really.

There had to be a reason why I had gotten this chance at life. Not using it to better myself was an insult to what I was before.

An immature brat with dreams of making it out of the streets and doing something real with my life.

Something productive. That dream had been stolen away.

This time, I wouldn't and couldn't let that happen. I would get stronger, faster, smarter, sneakier, crueler... anything to ensure I never became weak again.

Bronze Tiger and Shiva were an example of what you could achieve with only your body.

I had more tools at my disposal than they did. So what excuse did I have to not WANT this? To not want power?


"Pull back your Spirit Pressure before you kill him."

Chase' voice cut through my thoughts.

And sure enough, Deadman was entirely pressed onto the floor of the roof, mouth open while the whites of his eyes showed.

I pulled back my Reiatsu just as Cheshire came back, this time with her iconic mask and a small backpack on her shoulders. The backpack had an image of Hourman emblazoned at the back.

I raised an eyebrow.

That wasn't exactly Assassin-like of her.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."

She said, cocking her her head to the side.

I chose not to comment and turned to Brand who was slowly getting off the ground.

"Look, I don't want to fight." He chuckled.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to. You're literally my Kryptonite..."

"Eh? Oh...I see, so that's why you were resistant to my charm."

Cheshire commented.

I groaned, throwing a stink eye towards Deadman.

"Say something else confusing and I'll chop you up into tiny bits that I will feed to my cat."

"Hard pass. I have class, why would I want to play with food that's already dead?"

Chase remarked in distaste.

I ignored him.

Infact I ignored all of them, choosing instead to create a green bubble shield around us.

It was clear that the sheathe was intricately connected to my Fullbring. Infact it was my Fullbring. It's special abilities laid in support roles. Healing and creating shields I could control.

Cheshire ran her palm down the length of the shield and whistled.

"It's feels pliable...but whenever I try to apply pressure, my hand slides off."

No way I was about to explain to someone I didn't trust the way my abilities worked.

"Buckle Up."

I simply told them before the bubble shield rose to the sky, headed towards Park Row.

I couldn't exactly carry the duffel bag containing the 10 million everywhere I went. I needed an account and a credit card.

Something as mundane as that would be easy for Danny and the PRT to handle. There was also the expansion plans we had.

I would need a base once I came back. A territory under my control that I could use to strike against the villains and pull people to my side.

Right now, it was time to leave Gotham. The sky was only now getting a scarlet hue on the horizon.

A new day was dawning. A day of endless possibilities.

(General P.O.V)

Artemis came to her senses in an instant. It felt like her brain was forcefully rebooted as she sat up, heart pumping wildly.

What...where was she?

And what was this sticky stuff on her face and hands?

"You're covered in blood."

A voice stated in a matter of fact way.

Artemis, startled, immediately reached for her foldable crossbow under her pillow. Her hand wrapped around the handle before she pointed it at the stranger in her room.

Then she lowered the weapon.


Artemis muttered staring at the dark knight who seemed to have undergone a change.


Batman stepped towards her.

"What happened?"

He growled out.

Artemis placed the crossbow within reach as she pulled her knees to her chest, the memories coming to her unbidden.

She couldn't exactly tell him her villain of a sister decided to come back home for a visit. Or rather, she was running away from the League of Shadows.

Nor could she explain that she had decided to help Davian, someone who was supposed to be the enemy.

"I...only remember flashes..."

So Artemis decided to lie.

Only for a green light to pass over her from a ring on the Batman's hand.

"No matter, I have what I need."

The Dark Knight said, looking unfocused for a second before hitting Artemis with a glare.

"You lied."

He simply said.

Anger surged within Artemis.

"Did you just read my mind?!"

She questioned in disbelief.

He was a hero! That was so unethical!

"Keep your voice down, you don't want to wake up your mother."

Batman told her, looming over her form.

Artemis took a step back, suddenly aware that she was alone in a room with a man she didn't really know.

"I scanned your memories as it was the most effective way to know how the events of this night played out."

He explained as a way to calm her down.

"Effective doesn't always mean efficient! What if you messed with my mind?! Changed something?!"

She shot back hotly.

"I accounted for all neurological side effects and you will be fine. Your memories before tonight remain untouched."

He told her, motioning with his chin towards her bathroom.

"You need to get cleaned up."

He told her.

Artemis looked at the bathroom door but once she turned back to face the Batman, he was gone.

Her window was open and the morning breeze caused the curtains to ripple and wave in the air.

Artemis got to her feet and headed towards the bathtub, still angry.

School was only a few hours away and she needed to make sure she wouldn't smell like blood.


The Watchtower was equipped with top of the line surveillance tech. It's detection abilities were crucial as the Justice League was the first layer of protection against any unfriendly parties.

This time, the unfriendly party were gone before the Watchtower could even detect anything.

The second that Kilowog, leading the entire Squaldron of Green Lantern arrived within the Sol System, dropping out of FTL someone was already blocking their way.

Both parties faced each other right on the asteroid boundary of the Kuiper Belt.

Killowog took a second to study him.

The man blocking the way was glowing green, the environmental aura around his body protecting him from the harsh reality of space.

Batman floated steadily, his ring had not dropped it's charge even once. It was always full, the willpower he could access was more than enough to power it.

"Well well Poozer. How nice of you to make this easy and come to us."

Killowog commented, facing Batman.


Batman addressed him, fearlessly. The glow from his ring seemed to be brighter than any of theirs.

The meaning was clear...he wouldn't hesitate to make them.

Killowog growled without saying anything. This human...this human was and had been always different from the others.

Too focused. In a way he shared a few similar qualities with Sinestro.

The only difference between them was that Batman was perhaps one of the only few people to actually embody the essence of Willpower.

Focused and tempered.

He would make a fine Green Lantern.

Batmite popped up on the Dark Knight's shoulder.

"See! I told you they would come! Now kick their asses!"

The Imp said, buzzing with eclectic energy.

Ganthet stepped forward, his eyes slightly widening upon seeing the Interdimensional creature on their newest Lantern's shoulder.

"Bruce Wayne of Earth, do you have any idea whom you're standing beside?"

The Guardian immediately asked, a serious expression on his blue face.

"I was able to access the Lantern database and find out."

Batman replied smoothly.

Ganthet sucked in a breath. The answer might have seemed innocent enough but only he could understand the implications.

"Secrets have a way of coming out whether you want them to or not."

Batman added.

'He Knows.'

Ganthet realized, closing his eyes with a sigh.

Killowog looked in between the two, his eyes narrowing.

"We are leaving. Abort the mission."

Ganthet finally said, snapping a finger and immediately teleporting away the entire group of Green Lanterns.

"That went better than expected. Ring cancel all contingencies. Plan A worked."


The ring answered, closing off the microscopic portals connecting the ring with a large construct.

The construct was a series of mirrors connected to a panel, floating around the sun.

The weapon was meant to send a concentrated beam of solar energy at the enemy and vanquish them in one feel swoop. Batman didn't kill.

However...he could intimidate.

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