I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 95: 2 Weeks part 2.

18 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

Perhaps, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Before the fighter jets flanking our sides ready to attack incase we tried to escape, this hadn't been the first time things hadn't gone according to plan.

(2 weeks Ago)

After Cheshire had carried away Artemis, she quickly joined us, her signature white mask on her face.

Then we'd left, the two of us inside the bubble shield while Deadman flew outside of it, following us closely.

The first stop took us to Park Row where Danny and the rest of the guys were waiting for me.

It would take a day to organize everything I needed. A better phone for overseas communication, a passport, visa and a few more travel documents just in case.

Most of it would need to be forged however. This universe's Davian had also been an orphan.

Only difference is I had Papa Fred and a semblance of a family. I wasn't sure if I was the fortunate one or he was.

It would have been easy to go back to the orphanage he grew up in but unfortunately, I was wanted by not only the Justice League, but a few other interested parties.

Especially after what happened in Gotham.

I couldn't risk bringing a fight down on Parallel Davian's home.

The Park Row Ties left with the assurance they would have everything done by the evening.

While waiting, I decided to get a room at one of the high class hotels. Finally getting the chance to enjoy the upscale treatment.

I was a millionaire after all.

I slept for a few hours after breakfast.

Then woke up around 12. The rest of the day was spent organizing everything inside the Pocket Dimension.

The Red Gemstone seemed to be attuning to me more. I could move the things inside by intent if I focused on it.

This made things much easier. Dry rations, a few sanitary equipments, tents, multiple clothes, ropes, I was stocked up on anything I might need.

Cheshire had similarly gone off to organize a few things and it would take some hours before she arrived.

We still hadn't exactly had a conversation about where she was taking me to find Bronze Tiger.

I hoped to remedy that the very second she was back. I hated not having information.

Speaking of,

I took that opportunity to have a much needed conversation with Deadman.

He had wisely decided to maintain a distance from Cheshire and I, mostly staying silent whenever the assassin was around.

In a way, I appreciated it. Still, that hadn't stopped the Assassin from picking up cues that I could apparently see or talk to ghosts.

She had spared me a couple of strange looks whenever I spaced out, when talking to Chase.


I finished cleaning Chesha Neko's sheath and placed it beside my Zanpakuto on the table before me.

My hair was wrapped up in a small towel from my recent shower and in 20 minutes, food would arrive.

Though I wasn't sure I'd have an appetite after this conversation.

It was... concerning that I had garnered so much interest from several different parties. Especially a goddess.


I stated into the wide room, folding my hands across my chest and leaning back on the recliner.

A ghostly form appeared through the T.V screen that was imposed on the wall past the glass table.

Deadman floated to the ground calmly.


He begun but I cut him off.

"On second thought, let me see for myself."

Spirit Pressure had shown to have a few more different effects on disembodied souls than it did on souls of the living.

The former was more susceptible to my Reiryoku than the latter. An example being the instinctual control I had over shrouds and Deadman himself.

The first time we met, I had been able to look into the core of his being and see flashes of his memories.

There was no reason I couldn't do it again.

Deadman did not resist as my Spirit pressure poured out into the room.

I extended my Reikaku from simply sensing my surroundings into Deadman.

Maybe because he wasn't fighting it or maybe because I had grown better at spirit energy manipulation, his memories poured through slowly and in a controlled mess.

I released a sigh after going through them.

"So you want me to go halfway around the globe, to an island in the Himalayas called Nanda Parbat. For a meeting with the goddess who governs the scale of Balance and Karma without knowing exactly what she wants with me?"

I raised an eyebrow.

Deadman swallowed.


Just as I was about to tell him to fuck off, my Zanpakuto interrupted, a genuine interest in his tone.

"Tell him you accept."


I sank into my mind.

"Accept? Why? What if it's a trap? A goddess of Karma and Balance doesn't exactly sound amenable to someone who can control death to a degree."

Chase was silent for a while.

"What are you hiding from me?"

I enquired, taking note of his strange behavior.

"There was something in his memories."

He told me, then an image of a creature with multiple limbs and a white mask on it's...

"Is that a fucking hollow?!"

I asked, standing up in alarm and rocking the table. The vase on it fell and shattered on the floor.

"That looks expensive."

Deadman commented.

I pushed my hand out and focused my Spirit pressure into a force that hit Deadman. His ethereal form phased through the screen but not the wall.


I told him calmly, pinning him in place.

"Okay, okay! I will!"

He quickly responded.

Then he started talking. And as he spoke, I could see deeper into his memories.

Vandal Savage and Klarion, a Lord of Chaos, the anti-thesis to Doctor Fate had collected a new type of energy.

One that was new to the universe. And they were trying to combine it with magic to create super powerful weapons and creatures of mass destruction.



Bet you a 100 million dollars that this 'new' energy was Reiryoku, MY ENERGY.

"Where can I find this...Savage?"

I absentmindedly directed at Deadman. My mind was still going through the risks involved with mixing the two energies together.

I hadn't managed to do so and for good reason. They couldn't and didn't want to combine.

The results of their attempts had produced an unstable but powerful hollow hybrid in the form of the Kraken.

If they kept on trying, eventually they would succeed.

"Vandal Savage has been around for the last 5000 years. He's immortal! Killing him is impossible!"

Deadman answered.

"Immortal or not, I don't..."

"Well this is... concerning."

Cheshire said from the open window.

I had been so distracted by the grim revelations that I hadn't heard her or even registered her through Reikaku.

She looked towards the wall, where I had Deadman pinned and raised an eyebrow.

"I have very many questions but I'll just settle for one. Am I traveling with a lunatic?"

She jumped into the room.

I snorted, lowering my hand.

"Gimme your mask."

I reached out towards her and grabbed it off her face before she could accept or refuse.

"Hey...that's rude."

She crossed her hands across her chest and glared at me.


I called out mentally.

"Smart. We can upgrade the mask so that she can perceive disembodied spirits and souls. It will make you look less crazy"

He pointed out.

Less crazy? What's he getting at?

As mentioned before, Chase had more strange abilities than he'd displayed.

This particular power was the same one he had used to link the PRT masks to mine so that they wouldn't betray me.

I felt spirit energy leave my soul and cover the mask. Kanji flashed in its inner components.

There was a brief worry that Spirit energy would interact poorly with the technology outfitted in the mask. That worry was put to rest when nothing exploded.

A few seconds later, I handed her back the mask.

She snatched for it before wearing it over her face.

"What the..."

Cheshire called out towards Deadman, now able to see him.

Her Sais were immediately in her hands.


Deadman waved still pinned to the wall.

"Not the best way to make first impressions but... I'm Deadman."

Cheshire looked at me then at Deadman before sighing.

"I need a shower."

She said, dropping a bag that looked heavy on the floor before leaving the room.

Deadman and I stared at each other and the spirit gulped.

"Now, where were we?"


After that enlightening conversation, Chase and I ultimately decided to keep on pursuing our initial plan.

I couldn't go after Savage or Klarion because I had no idea where they were. Deadman was less of a help there.

I needed to find a teacher soon. But just in case it took too long, I would begin practicing my powers while traveling.

Starting by studying Raven's magical tomes and books for inspiration on creating more Kido spells.

Not to mention, I needed to learn more about Magic if I was to stop whatever Savage and Klarion were planning in the future.

Danny and the PRT made good on their assurance, getting me everything I needed.

Business was quickly wrapped up in Gotham and we left for a private airstrip that would take us out of the city quietly.

Cheshire was being pursued by the League of Shadows and I wouldn't be surprised if the entire world was after me.


"Well boys, say hi to the Lancer, one of Sportsmaster's favorite toys. Only ever been used for low risks but important missions."

We were inside a hangar, on the outskirts of Gotham, just a few miles away from city proper.

The jet was a matte grey that looked a cross between what a spy agency would use while still being ergonomic enough to be considered a luxury plane.

"This baby has a cloaking device, is able to traverse the highest levels of the atmosphere and is fast enough to move from Gotham to London in 3 hours."

She explained, caressing the paint job.

Now was as good a time to ask where exactly where we were headed to.

"You never said where we would find Bronze Tiger."

I spoke up and immediately her shoulders stiffened.

"Well that's the thing...I only have his trail. I can't exactly tell you his current position but I can tell you where he was last week. From there we can follow his tracks."

Her voice contained a slight tremble and I could see her favoring her right side as she prepared herself, probably thinking I was going to attack her.

I was annoyed that she had kept that particular tidbit of information from me but she was still my only lead.

And I wasn't a violent guy.

Okay, that's a lie. I was, but I wouldn't just attack anyone out of nowhere.

"What's our first stop?"

I instead settled for a neutral question.

Cheshire breathed out in relief.

"Hong Kong. I have a few contacts there."

Good, getting to Nanda Parbat would be easier. Killing 2 birds with one stone.

"Let's go."

I brushed past her, pausing near the stairs to the cabin.

"Next time you keep something like that away from me... I'm leaving you to the League."

With that said, I boarded the Jet.


I don't want to spend too long on this Arc but there's so much coming man!

I can barely wait.

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