I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 96: 2 Weeks Part 3.

18 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

(Sphere of The Gods)

(Rama Kushna)

The scales of balance were slightly tilted to the happenstance, the chaos.

She balanced it, preserving the flow of time. Fate unravelling, in impossible and possible futures unfolding simultaneously, yet far enough.

Like the distance between an ant on Earth and the next Galaxy over.

She supposed it was beautiful not knowing what would come.

She too was susceptible to the lack of foresight Whenever she directly interfered.

Her power only needed her to act on impulse. To regulate Karma.

Her manipulations were also usually imperceptible but this time, the sight of so many crows covering a jet was bound to be eye-catching.

Good thing they were too high up to be seen.

All that mattered was for the Spirit King to go where he needed to go.

She couldn't allow Another one of the Old Ones to escape.

But just to make sure that everything went according to the plan, she would need to talk to him.

The instant between the transition, would be enough for her to possess her champion for a limited time.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The very first thing to go wrong happened a long while into the flight.

Gotham was at the very coast of North America, providing us with an almost direct route through the Atlantic and into Europe.

The jet hugged the coast of the U.S to minimize the distance. Normally a direct route would take close to 8 hours (I think, this was after all my first time out of the country) but Cheshire had informed me it wouldn't be long, merely 3 hours.

The Jet was after all built for speed.

3 hours were enough to do something productive.

With Deadman off to... somewhere and Cheshire at the cockpit manning the plane, I had a little privacy which I used to retrieve a couple of Raven's book and start reading.

This particular one was titled, 'Magicka of the Arcane.'

While Raven had a few tomes and books that explained the different ways magic could be harnessed, like through Occultism, this book was different.

It contained nothing but active spells. The Magicka of the Arcane, had a wide range of classifications.

There was elemental spells, mystical spells and nature spells. Elemental spells were basically a bundle of spells that were elemental in nature like a fireball or an Earth spike.

Mystical spells contained spells like Teleportation and telekinesis.

Last but certainly least, Nature spells were the bread and butter of Druids.

They contained holy light used in cleansing corruption as well as, plant manipulation, beast summoning and a couple more spells I couldn't see myself ever using.

All of it was interesting and I already had ideas on how to come up with my own versions of the Spells in the Magicka.

There was a particular spell I was enamored with called, Thunder Wave.

It was a wild chaotic spell that unleashed a blast of lightning that could destroy an entire building in one fell swoop.

Akai Inazuma could do that but what if I combined both?

Increasing the effectiveness of the repertoire of Kido I had, sounded better than coming up with new and different spells.

The plane jerked as alarms begun to blare out around me, cutting off my concentration. I pocketed the small book.

"Fuck, I knew something like this would happen! This world can't even let me have a few hours of peace."

I cursed, getting up and hurrying to the cockpit.

I opened the door and saw Cheshire struggling with the controls.

Looking out through the windshield told me why.

"They just came out of nowhere!"

She growled.

Over a thousand crows seemed to surround the plane, pushing on it.

The jet rocked once again.

"Shit! We just lost the left engine!"

"What can I do?!"

I asked.

Maybe I could go outside and kill the crows?

I turned around to leave before she could respond.

Once infront of the plug door, I realized my idea wouldn't work. Shit I couldn't open it because the pressure would suck everything out, making things even worse.

The jet jerked once again, almost throwing me off my feet.

"Strap in! We're going down."

Cheshire's voice came in through the comms.

"Chase, any ideas?"

I asked my Zanpakuto.

"Did you forget you have Spirit Pressure?"

I widened my eyes.

I should get slapped for forgetting that.

I closed my eyes and allowed my Reiatsu to burst out.

I took care to shield Cheshire from the effects, only focusing on the crows outside then released the full effects of Reiatsu.

The metal of the plane groaned but nothing happened to the crows.

I frowned. It wasn't working.

"Chase there is something wrong with these things. I don't think they're real."

Upon my words, the whole world seemed to pause. Everything was put on hold.

The wildly spinning jet headed towards the water, the numerous birds flapping wings around the aircraft, Cheshire's cursing... everything just stopped.

I felt it before I saw her.

An enormous ball of shining light had just entered my Reikaku zone.

Deadman floated through the floor of the plane. However, he was different.

Above him was what I had sensed. I looked up and saw her.

The shadow of a blue skinned woman with pitch black eyes and long flowing hair.

She was dressed in a red robe that ended with long sleeves.

"Forgive me for the unexpected transition."

She said, her voice managing to sound genderless and flat.

"Messing with time is always tricky business."

The power ringing in those words was enough to tell me that without my Spirit King form, I was fucked if I tried to fight her.

Even with the Spirit King form, this being was still leagues above the likes of a weakened Trigon. And Trigon at his full power was no joke.

I was standing in the presence of a god. A real one.

"Rama Kushna."

I gave her a respectful nod.

No matter who it was I would never bow or kneel. I was my own master. That didn't mean I had to be an asshole.

"I was hoping my Champion would get you to me earlier, but I understand that wasn't possible."

She replied, an undertone of frustration evident in her voice.

"Listen to me, Spirit King, I cannot sustain this connection indefinitely as I am within another God's influence. I have intervened in your journey for one sole purpose. You need to stop Oceanus from successfully coming into his full power."

She stopped, her gaze strafing towards the left.

"We are here. The Bermuda triangle, 500 years into the future."

She said and through the window I spotted, the murky waters of a violent ocean eager to devour anything.

The whirlpool looked larger than the entire Central Park.

"Wait...what are you talking about?!"

I enquired but the shadow of Rama Kushna begun to flicker.

"I have belief you shall know what to do with the lost god of the Ocean."

And with that she disappeared, leaving behind a confused Deadman.


I called out to my Zanpakuto. He was even a better sensor than I was.

"She's gone. I can't feel her presence anymore."

"What happened? How am I here?"

Deadman asked, looking around in confusion.

"Go and protect Cheshire, we're about to hit the ocean. I will explain everything later."

I informed him, while unsheathing my Sword.

Deadman looked ready to argue but finally chose to fly away, leaving me to stare at the approaching catastrophe.

I was mad. Who was she to pull me into something that didn't concern me? If Oceanus wanted back his throne, let him have it if he can. Why rope me into this?

"Chase how do we kill a god?"

I asked my Zanpakuto as I removed the sheath from my hip.

I couldn't create a big enough shield, but maybe one to cover the cockpit with Cheshire and I in it was doable.

I wasn't particularly confident in the jet surviving the crash.

"The usual way. Stab until its dead."

I smiled viciously.

Then we were swallowed by the Ocean.



(General P.O.V)

The throne room was quiet after the news had been delivered.

The chief soldier bowed his head in shame. He could feel the cold fury contained in the king's otherwise calm face. But it was all a facade.

"I...deeply apologize your majesty, we patrolled the entire area. Xebel truly has disappeared, leaving behind naught but ruins of the settlements of old. The entire city is gone. And Queen Mera...remains missing."

The Chief Soldier explained for the second time. It truly was a tragedy. Especially with the recent attacks at the border.

The sea creatures of the dark...had periodically been attacking the city states.

The Trench were savages but these attacks had no coordination or motive behind them.

And with the other city states not having a strong enough magic Shield like Atlantis, many Atlanteans had been bodily and economically harmed.

The casualties were kept to a minimal due to the soldiers and city guards.

Curfew has been imposed and this did nothing to calm the age old civil unrest and petitions for democracy to stop being lateral.

'Surface dweller sympathizers.' the Chief Soldier thought bemusedly. Atlanteans were not like humans. Unlike them, they hadn't lost their culture and traditions.

A wise king accomplished more than an entire building of bickering fat men in black suits.

"Forgive me my Annax."

Kakdur'ahm, the king's protege took to his knees to address the king.

"Speak Kaldur."

King Orin told him, his voice still strong despite the weary events that had taken place the previous week.

"I would like to request you to consider getting help from your colleagues, the Justice League."

Well, the Chief Soldier couldn't say he didn't see that coming.

But the court advisers and officials around seemed to immediately go to arms over the idea.

But this was not a surface dweller cabinet. They knew the decorum to follow and would only dissolve into arguments when the King tentatively seemed to allow it.

"That's preposterous my Annax. We cannot allow the Surface Dwellers to know of Queen Mera's disappearance!"

The chief adviser spoke up from where he stood at the right side of the throne.

Of course decorum flies out of the window when you are the brother of the King.

Still, Prince Orm had a point. Atlantis could not be perceived as weak. Not now.

More surface incursions and skirmishes had happened over the last decade than ever reported before. That would grow if Atlantis was seen as weak.

"My Annax, the Justice League has resources that can help not only search for her in the oceans but also on the surface."

Kaldur immediately added, causing a contemplative look to appear on the king's face.

Prince Orm narrowed his eyes at Kaldur.

"Queen Mera is a sovereign of the most powerful nation on the planet, she knows her duty is first and foremost to the..."


The king interrupted, getting to his feet.

That's when his presence spilled out. In the ocean he was nigh unstoppable.

"I will not involve the League in this. But just incase...Kaldur?"

At King Orin's summons, Aqualad walked forward and knelt behind him, his fist held close to his chest.

"Yes, Annax."

"The winter festival is over. You were supposed to journey back to the Surface world today, Correct?"

At Kaldur's confirmation, king Orin turned to fully face him.

"You know what to do then."

Aqualad nodded before swimming out of the throne room.


The king turned to face the Chief Soldier.

"Take me there. Take me to the place my wife was last seen."

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