I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 239 – Finding out what happened.

I stood there waiting for someone to show up or for people who were passed out to wake up.

But after waiting for a long time, I ended up losing patience and decided to wake one of the people up.

I approached the first woman that I helped and used water magic to clean her face, and after shaking her body and calling to her for a while, her eyes began to slowly open.

She got up slowly and started looking around, not seeming to understand what was going on.

"AAAAAHH~~" She put her hands on her head and flinched, she was shaking and her eyes were closed. This girl was very scared.

I couldn't talk to her like that, so I would have to calm her down first.

"Hey, calm down, you're fine now." I approached her and held her hand, she continued to tremble with one of her hands on her head.

She was a beautiful woman, but she was in a sorry state now. I held her hand for a while longer, and the longer the minutes passed, the calmer the woman would become.

She was shivering less and her breathing which had been uneven now seemed normal.

“Are you calmer? Are you okay?" When she lifted her head, I looked at her face. Looking into my eyes, tears started to form in her eyes, her expression of fear had disappeared and now only an expression of sadness remained.

"Everyone... They were all blown to pieces... They died in front of me." I could feel the weight of those words. She had been through a terrible situation.

"Damn, who did this shit?" Before I was feeling nonchalant about it, but now I was starting to get annoyed.

"Okay, you saw horrible things, didn't you?"

"They were all blown to pieces, I've never seen anything like this before, it was like adventurers were made of paper."

"Wait, were they ripped or blown up?"

The woman put both her hands on her head and started to shake it, wanting to remember everything that had happened.

As she continued to do that, she started to say: “I can't explain it very well, the adventurers started to bleed and the pieces of their bodies started to come out, it was as if they had exploded from the inside out.”

“Can you explain this better to me? What exactly did you see? Who made this?"

"I don't know... I don't know who it was, but it was all really weird." The woman stopped crying and began to tell the story more calmly.

It was a quiet day like any other, the guild was functioning normally, but suddenly everything turned to hell.

Adventurers who were having fun began to die.

Their bodies were twisted and their limbs were torn off and thrown all over the place. Many adventurers managed to get out, but also many died.

And after several adventurers were brutally killed, a huge explosion of flames happened inside the building and it collapsed. After that, this girl passed out and doesn't remember what happened anymore.

I can imagine what it must have been like for her. As she told the story, the woman began to sweat and shiver again, her eyes were wide and full of tears, and her expression was one of pure anguish.

“But one last question, do you know where the guild master is? What about the guild employees? Do you also remember if there was a group of three little girls in the guild?” I asked several questions at once as I wanted to let the girl rest.

“I didn't see the guild master anywhere during the attack. And what about the receptionists, as soon as the attack started, they disappeared, it was as if they had used some kind of magic. And I don't remember having three little girls in the guild, I'm sorry.”

"No, you've already helped me a lot. Now rest, okay?" Then I walked away from the girl, as now I had to look for the guild master. Something very serious happened here and I'm sure he got away.

"Hey, wait a sec." As I walked away from the girl, I heard her voice calling me again, so I turned to her. This time she was smiling and crying at the same time: "Thank you for saving me, thank you so much." She bowed and started to cry.

Not knowing how to react, I started to feel embarrassed. So I just accepted her thanks and then walked away.

"Alright, now where are you?" I started looking around, looked at the buildings, at the streets that were now empty and I had no idea where to start looking.

“I should have asked where they were staying.” Reda, Ceneli, and Meriwil were missing. If I knew where they were staying, I could confirm they were okay.

Not having many options, I decided to visit some inns near the guild. Maybe they're staying at some of these inns.

Maybe even the guild master has been hiding in one of them.

"But of course, it won't be that easy." I started to visit a few inns, but they all had their doors closed. Even though I knew there were people inside and called for them, I got no response.

This went on for a while longer, I visited many inns, but none of them attended me, except for one.

It was an old and precarious inn. I had already passed in front of it, but I would never have recognized it if I didn't have a sign reading “Inn” on the door.

Like the other inns, it was closed, but as soon as I knocked on the door, someone appeared.

She was a lady with white hair and many wrinkles on her face.

"May I help you?" Without leaving the inn and only with the door partially open, she looked at me and began to assess me.

"Oh, I'm just looking for some people." I forced a smile at the old woman, but she didn't seem to want to be friendly.

"These people are not here." Then she tried to close the door, but I held it back.

"You were the only person who opened the door, can I at least be sure these people aren't here?" This is a simple inn, it is an inn that Reda and her friends would choose to stay in since those girls had little money.

"Haaa~~ Alright, come in." At the woman's invitation, I entered the inn, and then the door was rudely closed.

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