I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 240 – They are fine… Thankfully

“So what do you need? Didn't you see what's going on out there?" As soon as I walked in, the lady looked into my eyes and started questioning me about it.

“Yeah, I saw what's going on out there. The guild was destroyed and there is no one to help, meaning everyone is cowardly and stupid.” I answered what I was thinking at the time. To me, everyone is a coward.

They left a lot of people to die under that rubble and they didn't even bother to try to help. If I hadn't arrived in time, surely everyone would be dead.

But even so, I couldn't save all...

“Don't say that, do you know what happened? It's not that people are cowards, they're just afraid to die.”

"If they are afraid to die, to me they are cowards."

“Okay, I get it, everyone is a coward. But you didn't just come here to talk to me about it, did you?”

“Of course, I don't even know you, I'm just looking for some friends. And since your inn is the one that seems to have the lowest price, I thought they would be here. Besides, you were the only person who received me.”

"I don't know if I should, but I feel a little offended by the part about being the inn that seems cheaper."

"But I'm not lying, am I?" I looked around and noticed that the structure of the inn was very precarious. There were no tables, the floor was a little dirty and I could see some cracks in the wall.

'Is this place safe?'

“Yes, you are not lying. But that aside, who are you looking for?”

"First I would like to know if the guild master and the guild staff are here."

"Of course they aren't here, or do you think the guild master would stay at an inn like this?"

“I don't doubt that happens, does a guild master earn a good salary?” That old man doesn't seem to have any fancy objects, so I thought he didn't have a very good salary.

Well, I think I was wrong.

"He has a better salary than the two of us." The woman smiled at me.

"I also doubt that a bit." I make quite a lot of money hunting, if I tried harder I would certainly make loads of money, but I confess it's a little tedious just hunting all day.

"Alright, they're not here, can I help you with something else?" The woman looked a little impatient.

“Calm down, I'm also looking for three little girls, they are friends of mine. They are very poor, so I thought they would be here.” I said to the woman and waited for an answer, but it was another voice that answered me.

"Hey, isn't that a bit rude to say?" It was Reda, she said as she walked down the stairs. Meriwil and Ceneli were close behind.

"I told you guys not down, it's dangerous." The old woman turned to the girls and looked worried. She was looking at me and then looking at the three girls like she was afraid I would do something.

“It's not dangerous, I was looking for these three right there. How are you guys?" I looked at them and asked the three of them, they smiled and responded positively. Seeing that they weren't hurt, I calmed down a bit.

“Were you looking for them? But for what reasons?" Hey, how long is this old bitch going to keep bothering me? Does she think I would do anything to harm the three of them?

“I wanted to know if they were safe after what happened to the guild. The only thing left there were body parts, I wouldn't recognize them if they were among those bodies.”

“Hey, is that something to say in front of three kids? And you're a child too, aren't you?”

"Whatever, they're adventurers, they shouldn't be too shaken about it, right?" I looked at the three girls and they had their eyes wide open. They were looking at me looking confused.

The first thing that came to my mind was that they didn't know what had happened to the guild, but is this possible? They are quite close to the guild, surely they would have heard the explosion.

So are they surprised by what I said?

"Hey, what happened to the guild?" The first to say something was Reda, she approached me and looked very scared and anxious: "Tell me soon, what happened?"

"You do not know?" I looked at the old woman, but she looked away and didn't want to say anything. So this old woman was hiding it from them? How could they not have suspected the huge explosion?

"I don't know, tell me, what happened?"

"Well, I'll sum it all up." From there I started to tell everything, there was a big explosion on the main street and I went there.

Arriving there only the guild was destroyed, and besides, no one was on the streets. The adventurers, the residents, all seemed to be hiding. Even the guards at the gates and the city were gone.

I don't know if it was because of fear or because of someone's interference, I just know that there was something strange going on.

Because the noble part of the town continued to live peacefully.

Reda and the others were quite annoyed when they learned that the nobles weren't caring about anything that was going on. But they soon accepted this as they know how the nobles treat people inferior to them.

I didn't decide to say much about the bodies I found, but I did say about the people I helped.

"So you helped everyone, that's a relief."

"Well, I wouldn't say I helped everyone, I think a lot of people ended up dying too."

“I see, a lot of people died…” Reda lowered her head and began to cry silently. I didn't know she was so attached to the adventurers' guild.

I can't promise her that there is no one she likes among the dead, for I don't know her friends.

"Alright, now that I've seen you guys, I'm going after the guild master."

"Wait, the guild master is gone?"

“Yes, he seems to have used magic to escape along with the employees, so I have to look for him now. I need to know what happened.” Even though that woman told me some details, it's still not enough.

"Can we go with you?" Reda asked, but I think that would be a little inconvenient. They would hinder me a bit and I don't want them to see the state the guild is in right now.

“Please stay here at the inn and don't leave, okay? It will be better this way."


"I don't want you to feel any worse. I'm sure you don't want to see what happened."


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