I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 20: Back to shopping




It was too easy. My battle-high settling, reality crashed down on me. I looked down upon the carcasses. I still felt how my sword cleaved through clothes, its sharp edge carving through skin, muscle, and bone. Too easy to kill. Maybe they were right after all.

“Long hair! Stay where you are- Your Grace.” A middle-aged officer walked in the avenue, aghast at the carnage. Some one must have called him, thinking a murderer was on the loose. They weren't wrong. The officer's reaction reminded me that my blade had not had a day's rest from bathing in blood. And I struggled to have mine.

My sword sheathed, I walked towards the avenue's entrance. “Officer.”

He stood at attention. “Yes, Your Grace!”

I pointed back with my thumb. “Clean,” and I left the sod, mumbling.

A crowd started to form following the smell of intense iron.

I look into the crowd, feeling stares mixed with murderous glares. Seeing an audience, I projected my voice.

“This is a warning to any vermin tempted with gold to go after my neck. I am not gonna pussyfoot around. I will murder every single one of you. I will see your bodies so unrecognisable that your sister-cousin-mother-wife wouldn't be able to recognise you. So don't waste your years.”

I left with a crowd silenced by my words. Hands in trouser pockets, wandering down the walkway, carriages and waggons passed by on my left. I slowed my stride, trying to take in the ambience.

If I really think about it, this was the first time that I actually looked at the city properly. No rushing around for ingredients for the tea, hiding away in the carriage for monster hunts. Even my last excursion was a raid. I just kept working, grinding, training, and learning. But not living, experiencing.

With Vanessa here and no longer on a deadline, I could no longer distract my mind. Certain thoughts made my brain their home.

Why am I here? To murder. To rule? To protect Vanessa? Why me?

I felt placed here like a character in a play, having to act accordingly. But how does it work when I don't have anyone to bounce off of?

Then I thought of Vanessa. Manwha Vanessa. Alone in this world without a guide. This was not a story to her; it was life and death. She had no prophetic knowledge of the plot. She just trudged on, day in and day out and prevailed. With no circles, she made the best of this simple, backwards world with the little power she had.

While I'm walking free after murdering in broad daylight, whining about being alone.

I spent minutes circling around the block, dumb thoughts ruminating in my mind as I people-watched. City folk went about their lives. Men shovelling snow into piles. Women sold their wares by the road. Illegal but I let it go. Snowmen line the road like soldiers, little twigs stuck in their cute, icy hands.

One of the most terrifying days of my life but for my people, the blizzard was but a small interruption. The ability to carry on seemed to be instilled in the people of Osberg. A tough and enduring people; they weren't going to let a little storm break them.

As their Duke, I should follow their example.

Just a bump in the road.


I saw Caroline entering the store, her servants following like ducklings. Dressed in a dark purple frilly corseted dress, her people carry her many bags of shopping. Her face changed as she stepped through the doorway, her jaw clenched and her posture became more arrogant.

Ooh, drama… I gotta see this!

I crossed the road, hiding beside the shop so no one could see me spying. A boy noticed me. I smirked and placed my finger on my lips and the teenager did the same. A point from the body was allocated to senses. I had healed enough.

“Do you normally invite commoners to the establishment?” I heard a whingy voice say.

What this bitch say?

“Miss… She's a dear customer of ours, the current duchess, wife of Duke Greystone.”

Yep, very important.

Vanessa's sister laughed. “How unfortunate. To be shacked up with an illegitimate child like her. If he had working eyes, he could see a better option close by.”

If I could rip her head off right there and then... I had to stay calm. This is supposed to be a nice trip. A kill-free trip (with some exemptions).

Jen's voice reverberated through the walls. Insults I would be saving for later were flung at Caroline.


I listened more, ignoring the message.


Not yet. I want to see whether my duchess has the metaphorical brass balls needed to change. I cannot hold her hand like a child. If she can't handle her sister, she can't handle Osberg and bey-

“You see, sister,”


“My husband is such a meticulous, hard-working man. He was able to bring himself from depths of despair by his own ability. So I struggle to think such a man would be interested in a woman who can barely put on her own shoes.”

My smile reached my ears as my back hugged the wall.

“You swine…!” Caroline screamed.

“Daddy's little princess, not one expectation because father couldn't conceive of one for you.”

Fucking hell… My eyes said to the kid next to me.

A slap from inside the store stunned me.

“Daughter of a whore!!! He is not your father but mine!!”

A bell rang as I forced the store door open, breaking the hinges. My speed blew clothes across the floor. I stopped Caroline by her arm before she slapped Vanessa again.

“No, no, Lady Caroline.” I squeezed the forearm of a terrified woman. “Too Far.”

I looked over to my wife. A red mark on her left cheek was already swollen.

I squeezed again, and the villainess fell to her knees on the ground in pain.


Ignoring the bitch’s pleas, I asked my wife's opinion.

“What punishment should be given to the Hodge whose hand touched what belongs to me? A broken arm? A slap? Prison?” I glared intensely at my sister-in-law with my demon-like eyes. “Or death? Caroline dropped her head in a sobbing mess.

“Tarion.” A hand softly touched my elbow. “It's ok. Just a little spat between sisters.”

Fuck sake…

But I gave in and released the sister from my hold.

I turned, swishing my cloak near the crier's melting face. My wife trembled on her feet, unable to look me in the eye. My teeth took off a glove. Her face was hot to the touch as felt her bruise. She winced as I traced the wound.

“Sorry for not coming in earlier. You did well, Duchess.”

Amber's eyes finally looked at me.

“Town Crier on the floor. You spoke about a better option nearby. Where is such a person? The one whose face melts? The one whose manners match the commoners she hates?” I grabbed my wife's hand, fingers interlocked. “From now on, I will make sure there are no misunderstandings.” I lifted Vanessa's hand, and my lips kissed her fingers. I felt her jolt. But she doesn't pull away. My lips, still on her hand, I looked up to see Vanessa's mouth open wide.

Sorry about the surprise.

Hands locked, stood beside my duchess. “Don't delude yourself into thinking you ever had a chance. Understand your place, beneath Her Grace's feet. Do not embarrass yourself any further.”

I located her people hiding on the side. “Now, you lot. The quivering servants. Take your master back to the castle; she is disturbing the peace.” In a rush, they followed my order, lifting the Hodge and her shopping out of the shop.

I clicked my fingers. “Tailor! I need to give my measurements.”

I remembered who my hands held and was about to let go.

“Thank you. Tarion.” Her grip was tighter than I would expect. Her smile pumped my heart. Goosebumps rose as she looked at me. The warmth of her skin... Battle excited me, but not like her beauty.

You're getting Divorced.

I smiled and said, “No thanks are needed. Just a husband defending his wife.”

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