I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 21: Dinner with the Family

Chapter 1 fixed now.



Diary log #13.5 Excerpt 2


I never thought I would see such a sight. Caroline was escorted out in a crying mess of trailing makeup and I stared, trying to capture this scene forever. I am not one for insults, but a bit of me wished Tarion had gone harder on her.

We spent a little more time in the store perusing . Buying more clothes than I have ever worn in my life, Jen commandeered the rest of the trip and chose what she thought looked best. Sad, really. I liked the dresses she threw away. Calling them ‘Gaudy’ was rude.

After we stopped holding hands, I felt a change in the duke. His eyes followed me less, as if making a conscious effort to ignore me. It makes sense; why care for a wife you want to divorce? The stunt earlier was just that—a stunt to get back at the nuisance that was annoying him. I am sure that's all it was. But you can't blame a woman for being confused when the Duke treats me like this. No one other than Jen has defended me this much. No one has shown this much concern. It was perturbing but... I wished his rough hand did not leave my face.

Tarion took both of us on a small walk around Sovan Street. Although the stares were a bit distracting, it was wonderful seeing the sights from outside the carriage. The bustle of the markets, the intricately designed fountains, the statues of warriors long past. Unfortunately how a city with such history and culture could be suffering like this? With homeless by shops, people wearing rotten clothing, and vendors selling rotting food. Tarions face twisted and turned as he saw it all. I understand his anger because I share it as well. Mumours went around the castle saying that Tarion killed the mayor responsible for this. I had learnt of his reputation as a madman who walked the streets bloody, a tyrant. But I have no problem with him getting rid of problems.

On the way back, his large hand in mine and his soft lips were all I thought of till my feet touched the castle steps and I saw a massive bear head with red eyes that sparkled like my husband's. He proudly said it was his 'catch'. It wasgreat to see him smile again.


"Finally, it came. Good work. I completely forgot about it. ” I said to two officers. They leave sweating like pigs from lifting the taxidermied head inside.

“Vanessa, Jen. I hope to see you for dinner tonight. I have news to announce to the family.”

“Yes, Your Grace. We would be happy to attend.” Jen said as she bowed. Vanessa nodded with her gaze on me as she went upstairs to her room.

“Grace,” Bratrice surprised me while my attention was elsewhere. “As you had predicted, she went ‘wild’. Destroyed the room we gave her. And yes, we made sure to hide paintings, especially your family portrait, from her.”

“Good.. foresight… I wasn't thinking far when I put her in the room I suffered years in.” Beatrice always looked queasy and a little guilty at the mention of my life as the sick man in the corner of the castle. “Don't worry, it was character-building, so I hope it's the same for her. And my brother? What of him?”

“He got word of your ‘work’. Came back after a night at the red light district to console his mother.”

“Comforting his mother after her lover passes away. What a wonderful son. And Davis?”

“In the wind.”

“Shit. Umbra knows umbra.”

“If he passes a checkpoint, we will track him from there.”

“And know where his true master lies.” Although I already had an inkling of who they are.

I grabbed onto the black hair of the deceased cursed bear with a single hand. It would look good in the office, I think.

“Call my brother and mother to dinner. Their Duke commands them.”






Silver cutlery tapped on pewter plates as the awkward dinner continued. A mixture of venison and vegetables, I started on my third plate. A growing boy needs energy to grow strong and I feel that even after my poison was ejected from my body, it still has not reached its limits. My four guests, still finishing their first plates, concentrated on their food in silence.

"This meat is gorgeous! Who may I ask precured this venison?" I asked Charles.

"That would the new stable hand. Quite the hunter. Caught it in fifteen minutes. Wish i had seen how he did it."

The lucky bastard, huh?

“Joshua, I haven't seen you all day,” I say with a mouth full of meat.

“Yeah… I was preoccupied.” Joshua played with a piece of broccoli. The news must have gotten him rattled. The brother he remembers is no more.

“You mustn't go to that area of the city too much, or dear mother will have to worry about bastards knocking on the front door, hahaha!”

Joshua dropped his knife. “Haha…you jest, brother, I would never worry my mother like that.” Joshua gave me a pleading look. His mother couldn't give a shit as her eyes bore tunnels into my neck.

“Of course, I jest. But I also suggest you stay away from the area. With your mother mourning, I wouldn't want another reason for her to mourn longer.”

“I will take your advice to heart, Your Grace,” Joshua said without a hint of sincerity and he went back to playing with his food.

Cheeky rascal.

I watched Vanessa from across the table, her manners were neat. Training had been drilled into her, unlike her sister. I smiled, noticing her wearing a new dark green dress, square open of the chest area with a bodice, “Vannesa, dear, How is the food?” I said to break up the silence.

“Oh! It's delicious-”


I flicked a fork flying at my nose with a finger. It fell to the table, crumpled.


I put down my fork. “Trusted.” I linked my fingers with my elbows on the dining table. “My father must have been a very bad judge of character. Actually…if he married you, he definitely was.”

In a black Farthingale dress, Edith ran around the table at me. Anger made her even uglier, and wrinkles became more defined. Knife in hand, she came to stab me, only to be held back by her precious son. Vanessa and her friend glanced at me, looking like they would rather run away from the quarrel. I shrugged at them.

It is how it is. The world of nobles.

“Mother! Calm down! I know you are grieving and you are angry at him. But he must have had good reason.” Joshua turned to me. “Don’t you, brother?”

I picked up a fork with meat and finished the last of my plate. “Of course I did, Charles.” My butler picked up the empty plates for washing. “Because a blight on our city mustn’t be allowed to live. Thousands upon thousands of people have died this winter. My people required food, he didn't give them. My people needed coal for warmth, so he increased prices. My people need protection and he closed his eyes for gangs to steal from my people. He is fortunate that his death was quick.” I drank my wine in a silver cup. “Are those reasons enough?”

Joshua gawped at me, terrified. “I knew it wouldn't be enough for you. Fucking aristocrats... Then how about being a culprit in the attempted assassination of a Duke?”

“What?! What are you saying, Tarion? Can you believe what he is saying moth- Mother?”

“I wonder. Where might Davis be? I heard Davis used to drive you to your rendezvouses with the count. He should be helping her. Tsk, tsk, loyalty is fickle nowadays.”

The dowager duchess stared at the floor.


“I will have a full investigation into every one of Count Trak’s associations and I mean everyone.” I pointedly looked at the Dowager. Joshua's lips pursed together as he gently took the knife from her feeble hand and guided my stepmother around to her seat. Her countenance was weak as she shook, taking small steps.

“Oh! Speaking of the mayor, I have something to announce.”

I looked at Vanessa, who sat tensed at the table. Sorry again.

“Since the position is vacant as of now, there has been no one worthy enough to fill the seat. Until now. From her willingness to help those in need, to her curious, intelligent mind, these qualities are needed in a leader at times like this. And so, Duchess Vanessa Greystone, I award thee the title of Mayor of Osberg City!”

Jen spat out her food. Joshua let his mother fall, staring back at me with his jaw dropped. Vanessa's eyes bounced around at everyone, watching the reactions. Her hand went to grab mine. “Husband, I think my ears might have misheard.”

“You. Are. The. Mayor. Okay?” I pat her hand. “At nine am tomorrow, you will meet the treasurer, who will show you the ropes. And you there, flame hair.”

“J-Jen, sire.”

“I know. Just fucking with ya. I like you but you can’t be living here for free, you know. So how about this? You will be her assistant.”


I noticed Charles was back with another plate. “Thank you! I was starving.”

What a nice dinner!

I swung my blade across a man's chest to another's knee. An attack blocked from above and a mana armoured kick burst the body of an older first circle. I slashed down on my right, splitting a head. I pulled my great sword, and a neck gushed blood to the left. I dodged a second’s glowing spear coming for my stomach, then again at my head. Leaning to the right, I slipped through, thrusting into their iron-armoured chest. I crouched under a glowing sword. Feet, pivoting to the right, my blade cut under an arm through intestines.

I heard the air cut to my right and backstepped. Blue mana flew past, crashing into the cavern wall. One left. A third circle. Two axes. Bald with a glorious brown beard. Mine has been growing but it cannot be compared to his masterpiece.

“Great bear- OH SHIT!” The stubby warrior launched himself at me. Both axes slammed down on my greatsword. My feet cracked the cavern floor as I held back against his surprising strength. But it's not enough.

I pushed his weapon twenty degrees to the left and I sliced down at his head. With his beard on the ground, he pursued me harder. Slashing right, left, left and right, I felt the wind of his attacks. I chose one to block and our weapons connected. I shifted his right weapon twenty degrees to the right. The circles inside me revved. Mana rushed through my body to my mighty sword. My sword of Osberg hummed a great tune. I lunged.

A body dropped. Headless, the neck smoulders with smoke wisping out. A hole in the stone melts into magma. One officer of three circles walked up to me and stopped at attention

“Your Grace. Gamma has cleared their area of the mine. All sectors have been reclaimed.”




“Let's go home, boys. I have got a party to prepare for.”

44 days later.

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