I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 32: Tea

Next day


The Duchess


I was warned by Kurt. By Tarion. The stench of iron could be smelled from yards outside the brothel. The blood and the gore…

A message well received… We won't underestimate the Ravens again.

The girls were the only people left alive. Their mouths stayed shut but their young eyes were resolute. I would help them. Get them situated in a shelter. It's the least I can do. I watched their cold eyes as the guard helped them. Like my mother, they look a thousand yards in the distance. But every once in a while, I see the little girls they are.

Should I just let the Ravens be? Let them bring justice to the scum hiding in the cracks? It was tempting.

I stepped back into my carriage with my mind twirling and sat on the cushion, sighing. There wasn't much I could do about a gang war. Its players are enigmas. Neither leader shows their face. Their troops hide amongst the masses.

Having only been mayor for a little over a month, I barely know the city more than a travelling merchant. I should stay in my purview. Fix what I can. Deal with what I must. And my next stop is to do just that.

“Are you sure you want to go there? You haven't been formally introduced to the social scene.” Jen asked.

“Then it's about time, isn't it.” I rubbed my head as the carriage drove off. I saw the ravens painted on the side of the wall by neighbouring kids.

“But you know how finicky nobles are. Mess with their system, their rules and you’re ostracised.”

“As the mayor, I am part of the system. As the duchess I make the rules, whether they like it or not. And I was already ostracised. Not one invitation from any of the ladies of Osberg City has come my way." I leaned on the carriage, watching the city transform from dilapidated buildings to tall new constructions. "Frankly, I don't give a damn anymore.”

“There’s my Vanessa I missed so! Thought the Hodges had beat her down. Oh, if there are any problems, you can just bring the duke’s tall arse to scare to shit outta them.”

I seriously considered that. But no. As great as he is at getting results, I actually want to talk to them after today. This was my role.

My carriage slowed down to a stop by a pavement on Oakley Street. I stepped out after Jen and with the ladies' teahouse - The Petal - in view, I sighed out my nervousness. Back straight, I walked into a door opened by Jen. Greeted by stares, I kept moving through the lightly painted store. I passed the counter of a bowing employee and walked straight to my target. Surrounded by women of the same garish ilk, my sister stopped mid-conversation as she saw me.

“Ah, sister! What a surprise to see you here!”

“Y-Yes, a shock, indeed.” Her caked face twitched from hiding her anger.

Good. Now I know you are up to something.

Jen went to order my favourite and Kurt stood to the side. “You ladies don't mind if I join my dear sister?” Not one person has left their seat to bow and they look away in shame. Is it the plain dress I am wearing? My manners? Or my common blood. It matters not as my guard squeaked his boots and the ladies rushed to offer me a seat.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” I sat down as softly as could.

“No, Your Grace!” A middle-aged green-dressed lady said.

“We were discussing the recent tragedy at Mouve.” A purple bejewelled lady spoke.

“So many killings…”

“It took many ages to convince my husband to let me out. But it is not women the Ravens are slaying.” The young woman of size joked and the rest of the group burst into laughter but my sister stayed quiet, observing. I received my piping hot tea. It was divine.

A slim one piped up. “I heard a woman is running the gang.” Gasps spread throughout.

“Then she should keep doing as she has.” A black hair lady said, making me turn up from my great tea.

“But senseless murder is unconscionable!” The bejewel exclaimed.

“But it is not senseless, is it?” The black hair-sharped face noble sipped on her tea. “In the dark of night, targeting specific brothels. Other than the baron, there has not been any innocent blood spilled. And if the baron was in that brothel, he was not innocent either.”

The group erupted in whispers.

“Did you hear how he died? Castetrated and gutted alive!” they murmured to themselves.

“A fitting ending.” I heard the black-haired beauty mumble with mana-enhanced hearing.

“Poor Baroness Wold…” They muttered in agreement.

Caroline finally spoke, “There has been so much carnage and death since the Duke arrived on his high horse. Bulldozing through without a care. Spending on city projects without care for proper management of finances.”

Not very subtle. Trying to get to the husbands through the wives? To rebel? And right in front of me. You can never say my sister wasn't bold.

“I have even heard on the vine that taxes are on the rise to pay for such trivial things.”

“Trivial? Is working water trivial?” I said.

The group of nobles mumbled to each other, taking short glances at me.

“Yes, Vanessa. Especially at the cost of bankrupting the duchy.”

The elderly ladies at the table nodded in agreement.

My sister smiled at me and sipped her tea. I sensed the scathing eyes on me once more.

Such a childish power play.

“Ever since Dear Lady Lea's father departed, this city has been on track to destruction under the Beast of Osberg's rule.”

Ah, the black-haired lady is from the Trak House. She should hate me the most out of all the ladies with me.

But her eyes do not look at me with contempt like my sister's, whose eyes fall on me.

“When he eventually becomes uncontrollable and he finds something disagreeable, will he come after our husbands?”

“Possibly,” I answered. The teahouse went silent. I sipped my tea again.

“Then he is a tyrant!”

“Yes. Your Duke is Tyrant. His judgement is the law. If my husband saw fit to kill, it was right. And I have no cause to disagree with his methods when the slain were linked to people like Baron Wold, a lover of the young.”

The silence lingered. I was sure they would have known about the baron’s close association. Nobles don't hide their dealings when there is no one to hide from.

“I heard they were close at school.” I sipped my delicious tea. I looked up from my cup and saw a small smile from the Trak.

I should ask Jen to learn about her.

I put my empty cup on the coaster and smiled kindly. “My husband’s blade is sharp. But it is not wielded by a thoughtless brute.” I looked pointedly at each lady on the table. “I'm sure each of your husbands exemplifies the best of Osberg, so no harm shall fall on them.”

Tension was still in the air as I looked at Caroline. “And sister... never knew a merchant's daughter from Hamber could be so attached to Osberg after only a mouth. And the talk of husbands, when did you wed?! I hope he was a nice nobleman. Your last rendezvous with the help made Father beet red.” Caroline collapsed within herself with embarrassment and tried to smile everything away. The younger ones chuckled amongst themselves. The elders’ mouths twist with disgust.

“Never mind the dour news. I did have a reason to come here today. I have received a reply from the southeastern merchants.”

The group perked up. ”From Alar?!” A skinny one shouted

I nodded and the group jumped with glee. “They will be present at the ball at Greystone Castle with new fabric to showcase.” The group was excited. Scorn turned into anticipation.

Fear is not the only way to get people on your side.

The conversations diverged. The talk of death out of people's mouths, they went back to the latest Osberg gossip. New births, proposals on the horizon, and recent scandals of the rich and lazy. Surprisingly, I became engrossed in this mindless talk. But I would accept anything to take my mind off the squashed head in the brothel foyer.

I pulled out a pocket watch. “Oh, is that the time? Sorry, ladies, I must make my exit. My schedule is quite packed today. But it has been great fun to talk to all of you and it would be splendid to meet you all again.”

I sat up from my chair and the ladies proceeded to bow and curtsy.

How much do they want that invitation?

Lea Trak stepped closer with her gloved hands, pinching her black skirt for a deep curtsy. "It has been a privilege, Your Grace. And it would be a greater honour to see you again.” The Trak lady’s smile grew.

My sister stared daggers at me in her seat, chewing her inner cheek.

Father, you married off the wrong daughter.

I turned on my heel. Bows following me wherever I stepped, I strolled with my people out of the petal. I whispered to Jen.

“Lea Trak.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

“And expect an invite from her soon.”



The Duke




My greatsword missed its target and I leaned back from a sabre coming to my left. I stepped back with a cut on my left cheek. I slowly dragged my blade across the training platform. My slash to a body was evaded and the fourth circle went low to my knee. My sword spun around my head, and I jumped back while slicing down on the sabre. A palm on my pommel pushed my greatsword for a quick trust. A sabre parried and riposts with a quick step in which I parried down. Locking the sabre to the ground, I ran towards the enemy and attacked from the left. Ice blue eyes saw my blade and the wind blew his blonde hair as he tilted away.

“Damn. I might have to try.”

“Please do,” Kurt replied, with his guard up in a one-handed fencing stance.

“You blonde bastard, haha.” I slashed and slashed. My blade only hit the air. The bodyguard danced back, with Umbra steps helping him manoeuvre. I increased the speed a bit and our blades finally collided in sparks. Each of my hits pushed him back. I jabbed for it to be parried to the left. Pulling it over to the other side, I cut at a two o’clock. Kurt’s sabre met my greatsword and was forced back again. I trust at his leading knee and feint for an upward strike from six o’clock. Kurt’s uniform was marked with a line and I see irritation on his stone face.

“I will get you a new one.”

“I liked this one.”

"Well, I liked my face, and you didn't care.”

Kurt went for the attack, attacking my bleeding cheek. I dipped under with heightened sense with a grin on my face and slashed from my three to his body. Like an autumn leaf in the breeze, Kurt vaulted over my large blade. His body spun, nicking me on the right shoulder before landing and slashing again on my ribs.

“Nearly,” I said as I brought my blade’s point down to block. I kicked the flat of my sword and the great sword lifted Kurt's sabre up leaving him open. The hilt flipped in my hand and the air cracked as I swung.

“I get better as well.”

Kurt’s sweat dripped from his Adam's apple to my sword. Kurt dropped his sabre. “I concede.” I took my sword off his neck and sheathed it behind me.

“Hey! Don't drop your present. So, how is it?”

Kurt bent to pick up the silver-guarded daber. “Strong. Flexible. Light.” Blue eyes examined the weapon and slotted his new sabre in the sheath on his left thigh. “Very Good. Thank you, Your Grace.” He bowed

“Wow. High praise.” I smiled wide.

I wait a moment before asking. “How was she?”

“Her Grace? A little stunned and under the weather. But she is strong.”

“I see…”

I thought to myself whether I should tell her. Bring into the fold. Make her understand my plans. She would understand and let me work. But I cannot make her condone the killings. I cannot put that on her conscious.

Tomorrow is a rest day…

Maybe I could do something with her to soothe her mind. Take away from the daily concerns of the city.

“Your Grace,” Breatrice said, coming from a different entrance of the Greystone underground training cave with Charles beside her.

“How goes his training?”

Beatrice sighed. “Fast. Too fast. He learns codes and procedures as if he had been with us for years.” She said like it was a bad thing.

“A big brain with a big body. Well done, Charles. If you're here, you've got news, haven't you? Night duties? Cleaning the make-up from my beard every night is such a hassle.”

I should shave my beard.

“No, good news. Susan has closed in on Davis. He was where you said he would be. The Duchy of Vioden.”

The Dowager’s former duchy.

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