I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 33: Picnic

The Butler


My good friend pondered to himself. His face was serious as connections formed in his mind as he thought of new plans, throwing out old ones. Kurt stood at attention with sweat on his brow from what I assumed was training. With my previous spar with Tarion cut short, I felt a pang of jealousy. Every minute of every day, Tarion is on the go. Aiming for the mysterious goal that motivated him to work almost to death. And with the little free time he has, he spends training one-on-one with Kurt. He had even been absent as of late for the morning training. But still took the time to fight with Kurt.

I looked down at my white gloves. Should I have declined? Said no to being a butler and became a guard instead? Tarion chose me specifically, I could never say no. Then I remember how we played in the forest with practice swords. Wide smiles were on our faces. When a stable boy and the duke's son were true friends.

“I think I will have to retire to my room early for meditation. See you tomorrow.” Tarion spoke with a low tone.

Beatrice and I bowed as Tarion withdrew the training platform with Kurt following behind. The Duke has been having problems with forming his first circle. Perhaps I can help him in another way.

“Let us go, stable boy. Time to learn the Umbra steps-”

“Beatrice, have you finished your research into the poison tea that Davis gave to the Duke?”

Beatrice looked at me suspiciously but gave up and answered. “We haven't located the producer yet. But we have learnt from our apothecaries that the tea was made using a modified strain of razzorflower mixed with the deadly Torlock”

“The herb meant to promote training?”

Beatrice nodded her head. “A lot of medicine is regulated, modified poison. But this strain seem seems to be a thousand times stronger than any razzorflower dose than any that the Duke has been using. And its effect is much different. If Razzorflower helps with the collection of ambient mana, then this strain of mana influencer messes with meridians and the mana heart itself, making them rupture. Torlock was added to wither the body, making it weaken over time. It is famous for the excruciating pain felt by the victim every day, every hour, and every minute. Sleep is the only semblance of peace from the neverending torment.”

Lands above… For years, my good friend has suffered. Could it be that his meridians and heart are still in a bad state? After all the misery, you still smile brightly.

I must learn more. This is how I help.

“Can you please send me to the apothecaries you used?”

I will fulfil my promise.

The Duke.

Vioden. A duchy and our close southern neighbour. Although smaller in size, with its grassland, it is known for its arable lands, which produce a lot of the wheat that Osberg and Friedland eat. As the food basket of the empire, it has a lot of soft power, with influence spreading through the Friedland. This power has given its nobles gold, only matched by the royal family. Which made my father's second marriage such a strange affair. Households that had quietly been competing with each other for generations joined together in marriage.

Why would an Umbra go straight to them? Maybe on her orders?

I walked to the dining room, where several of the knights cheered and clanked beers together. They cheered at my arrival, almost hurting my heightened hearing. My uncle sat a the end of the long table near the patriarch's seat, leaving it open for someone.

“AH, Nepheeew!” Said my uncle with a mug of maybe his seventh serving. “JOooin Us!”

"Sorry, Uncle, I'm not much of a drinker.”

“FlipPing kiLljOy!” The knights shook the rough with laughter.

“I do have a question, though.”

“Go! ASk awAAY!” He slouched on his chair, waiting.

“It's about Davis.”

“OH, the skinNy priCk!?”

“How long has he been with us?”

“Let me thINk?” He closed his eyes, scratching his salt-and-pepper beard. Seconds passed and he still scratched.


He jolted. “OH yEah! As bUtler sINCe YouR dEar mOtHer paSSed. BuT hE hAs bEen WIth us SiNCe befoRe mARy MArriEd iN. HE Is a vAsSEl oF tHe FaMIly afTer aaaalll.”

How could he betray us so easily? No, maybe he wasn't on our side to begin with. His family should be investigated.

“Thank you. And slow the fuck down. I don't want you complaining about vomit tomorrow.”

“FUck YOU! I cAn hAndLe it.” Uncle said as he chugged his mug. Chuckling, I walked away from the party.

I will have to hold on telling him everything. Let him relax after such a hard campaign.

Through the long corridors and the many steps, my mind thought about what my uncle told me until I reached the master bedroom. I looked at the opposite door, wondering how my duchess fared after such a long day.

“Take her to a picnic.”

I jumped “OH SHIT. How long have you been following…?”

“Since underground. Take her to a picnic.”


“Yes. I have heard that women like considerate men. Surprise her tomorrow. She has her weekly horseback riding training tomorrow.”

“Heard from who, Jen?”

“How did you know…?”

“She’s the only woman other than Her Grace that you would willing to converse with. You barely speak to anyone anyway.”

Kurt looked to the left in thought. “You're wise as always, Your Grace. I bid you farewell.” He bowed and saluted before leaving in his robot-like manner.

Poor Jen. I cannot be as dense as the captain. I should do just that. A little food on the grass might be fun.

My spirits high in anticipation for tomorrow, I entered my room. The large, stained-circle window draped the large room in a rainbow of colours. I blew out the already lit candles and noticed several paintings on the floor by the last candle.

Should I hang them near the bear or the other wall?”

I snuffed the candle and proceeded to take my clothes off to my underwear. Crossed on the bed. I relaxed.

My tea…

On the left bedside table, a teacup steamed with an earthy aroma. Taking a sip, I began to meditate. Gently, with my circles slowly spinning, mana travelled through the meridians to my heart. The same pain. Like glass scraping through my skin. I need to endure. I must make the fifth circle. Many lives depend on me. My people, my household, Osberg. Vanessa.

Sweat soaked onto my covers. Muscles and veins pulsed and tensed. My teeth grit together as I collect ambient mana.

I can't…

I let it go, falling back in a huff.

“Fuck me…”



Since fourth circle bronze grade, not much progress has been made other than my skills. Even the free points collected have not increased.

Is this my limit?

I never remembered any Manhwa MCs having this much trouble getting stronger. But I am not the MC, just another lucky idiot. An idiot with a system… So an MC? I chuckled to myself. At this time of the night, I would've been lying in my bed with no frame, reading the fiftieth manhwa I had discovered that month to pass the time. Now I was training with mystical energy in the massive master bedroom I claimed back from the flipping Villainess. This life is madness. But a madness that suits me more than I care to admit. With Tarion's memories, this world felt more like mine than the concrete pillars I was so used to. Here I have something to strive for. I am not just another grunt. What I did here mattered. I closed my eyes, waiting for rest to come and tomorrow to quickly arrive so I could make more of a change in this strange world.

The Receptionist.

I knocked on the door.

“Finally, you're here! Come in already!”

I twisted the doorknob and out of the dark room, a blonde woman and a girl of darker skin rushed out. Holding each other naked in shivering fear, tears stream down their swollen, bloodied faces.

Please wait. It will end.

“What are you waiting for? COME IN.” I hurried in at his order.

I walked to the dirty bed where he waited by the candlelight with a robe, surrounded by the broken pieces of the bedside table. With my arm around his waist, I tried to calm the monster down from his rage, lest he harm me next.

“Problems outside, my darling?” I said as my arms rubbed his belly, slowly descending to relieve him like a bull in heat.

“I'm losing gold by the second! This is the third business they have targeted. My men are getting wiped out of their holdings. We may have a leak that needs plugging up. Who are they? My partners? A noble customer? Or…”

I turned him around and slowly pushed him down on the bed. My robe slipped off, revealing my all and he appraised me like a piece of meat on a butcher's hook.

“I must return what they give tenfold. Make them understand why I rule these streets.”

I pulled his shaved head to my bosom.

“I know, I know. I best leave worries for tomorrow. This is why you are my favourite. You understand me. My needs. My wants.” He pulled enough force to sprain my shoulder and I have a night I would rather forget.

Fjord snored next to me. I could strangle him. My fingers may break trying to squeeze. Poison him and a sixth circle like him may struggle for only a few days. I search the floor, picking through the pieces of wood and find a message.

He turned in his sleep and I flinched. I slipped out of the bed and a large hand grabbed my hand.

“Where must you go, Beiye?” I dropped the paper on the ground. And turned to him with a smile.

“I must sleep to open the doors early.”

“Silly woman, just stop working and stay by my side.” He rubbed my palm. “There is no better place.” He tried for a kind smile while his cold iris reflected the toy he saw me as. If I stay moment longer, he might require a newer one.

I pulled away from his grasp. “The door still needs to be open, sir. And it was you who gave me the position.” I picked up my robe from the floor, making my way out and I was pulled again.

“Then you will awaken tomorrow in this room.” He gave me a look. It wasn't a request.

This will be worth it. The duke will make it so. Beatrice promised.

Then one more forgetful night of many continued.

The Duchess.


I waited by the castle stables in my riding clothes. The sun beats on my skin on a surprisingly sunny day. As I drank my tea, I watched the insects fly among the little flowers sprouting out of the grass. Hard to believe that the city was pummeled by snowstorms two months ago.

“Here is your steed, Your Grace.” A stable hand gives me the reins of a beautiful white horse. I gave my empty cup to Jen with a silent thank you and started brushing the calm beast's mane.

“How is she, Your Grace?” The stable hand asked.

“She's gorgeous… Can you stop with the grace this grace that? Hearing it in your voice is disturbing.”

"Oh, sorry, Your Grace. I wouldn't want you to feel uneasy, Your Grace.” He said, with a sly smile under his cap. He had kept wearing that stupid hat since arriving in Osberg. I would be sad to hide such beautiful hair. Wouldn't take him more than a second to get a noble to her bed.

“I ain't taking it off.”

I huffed and gave him back the brush. “Fine, it's your life to throw away.”

Jen tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at a tall figure. My heart started beating as I turned.

“Tarion! Why are…”

Beauty, which only the gods were thought to possess, stared back at me. His dark, shiny mane waved in the early spring breeze. His sharp eyes were brighter than any jewel my father had ever adorned. Below his dignified nose, his clean shave showed a jaw as sharp as his favourite sword, which was absent from his cloaked back. He walked with a confident stride, carrying a rolled-up blanket and basket in one hand, with a lovely smile.

“Damn, he cleans up well. Stable boy, don't you remember we have something to do?”

My capped friend shrugged and bowed to me before he followed Jen back inside. Jen and the Duke exchanged winks and he gave my male friend narrowed eyes. He looked back at me and felt frozen.

“Morning, dear.” I shuddered from hearing his rumbling voice. “Mind if I interrupt?” He held the basket and blanket.

“I was thinking we could ride somewhere to relax and have some snacks.”

Out of the basket, Tarion found a carrot for the horse to eat and rubbed its mane.

“S-Sure,” I said excitedly. “But where’s your horse?”

Tarion smiled. “Right here.” He bent down until I felt his breath on my cheek. “Hold on.” He brought an arm around his shoulder and put the picnic blanket in my left hand. “Okay-WOAH!”

Scooping me from under my legs, he carried me with one arm. I sat on his forearm, holding him for dear life and barely felt the weight on him. “Tarion!” He chuckled as he mounted the white horse. Placing me between with my arm on the saddle, he whipped the reins to get the horse to gallop.

“There is a little spot I would like to show you.”

We kept riding through acres of the Greystone Compound, going higher up the hill. The blanket and basket were on my lap while I was on his. He held me close to his chest to prevent me from falling.

“That boy with the cap. He was someone you brought with you.”

I looked up at Tarion, who concentrated on riding. “Yes. George is a childhood friend like Jen.”


“I did have a crush on him once.”

“Mmmm?” He looked down, met my eyes and I started laughing. “I jest. He's just a boy from my youth that I met in the same orphanage.”

“Mm.” And his eyes were back on the grass ahead.

You have nothing to worry about.

As if pulled by strange magic, my eyes can't escape his lips.

“I have got good news. I have received word from the church.”

I was shaken from my hypnosis. My delusion shattered. I mumbled. “O-oh r-really?”

"Yes, a letter came as of this morning. They had not given us an answer for the annulment. But they did answer our invitation to the ball.”

“That's great news!” I tried to sound enthusiastic.

It should be good news, but Tarion's face was flat. He held me tighter. “Are you happy here?” he asked. His teeth clenched. Before I noticed, my hands caressed his pale cheek. he flinched. I felt his skin getting hotter the longer I touched.

“Stress and work are hard on me. But it's been the greatest time of my life,” I said, smiling with my cheeks full of joy.

Tarion bit his lips, swallowing what he wanted to say and sighed deeply. “Great. I am happy.”

The horse stopped by a tree at the highest point of the hill.

“Here we are…” With ease, he dismounted from the horse. I fetched another carrot from the basket to feed the horse and Tarion chuckled like I had read his mind. Still sitting on his arm, he carried me up to the tree and I saw a spectacular sight. Osberg city from hundreds of metres high in full view. The city I have spent so much time and energy helping.

“This was my favourite spot. A great view of everything we are trying to protect.” He turned to me, his hair blowing and his ruby eyes shining off the sun. “Thank you. Without you, I would be lost. I would be unable to help the many lives below. Without you… Hopefully, you will stay and work as my mayor.” His eyebrows turned upward.

These words meant the world and more yet, they broke my heart.

“Before I make a decision, I should be on the ground first.”

“Oh, Sorry! You were so light, I forgot.” He bent to put me down gently and I did something brave. With my hand on his shaved chin, I let myself be drawn into those gentle lips. Ecstasy filled my body, and time stretched as our lips touched. I pulled back before I got addicted and I found a stupefied man, eyes wide with shock.

I don’t know why you would want us to separate. But I will convince you otherwise. Those eyes show me I have a chance.

“I’m getting a bit hungry. I hope you brought cheese.”

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