I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 328

외전: 평범한 부탁 – 1

It took a full four days for Minerva, who endlessly sought affection from me, to faint. I gently cleaned her exhausted body after she finally succumbed to pleasure and dozed off.

I hastily tidied up the bedroom, which was in complete disarray from all the bodily fluids. If I left it like that and she woke up, it would undoubtedly smell indescribably bad.

After checking to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything, I left the bedroom. Somehow, returning took four whole days, but I had already sent a message saying I’d be late, so it should be fine.

I wasn’t sure when Minerva would wake up. At the very least, I thought it would take her at least a day or two.

I deliberately walked down the floors instead of using teleportation.

‘Looking good.’

This was to observe the atmosphere of the Mage Tower. It was also a way to keep an eye on whether they might go back to their unreasonable studying after I left.

It seemed my worry was unfounded. The wizards, while moving awkwardly like underdeveloped robots, were faithfully following my instructions.

“Hehehe… I slept for six hours again today… I should make the most of the 18 hours left for studying…”

“Oh, merciful bread…! Oh, kindly meat soup…! Please have mercy on this poor lamb and bless me with just a little bit in my bowl so I can eat quickly and make up for my lack of studying…!”

Despite their normal appearance, their mentality seemed way more messed up than during the times they studied with only an hour of sleep every ten days.

Of course, I had no intention of sending them back to their former state just because of that. No matter how much they loved what they were doing, they should never abandon their dignity as humans.

‘But still, isn’t it a bit questionable to call this human behavior after four days of nonstop doing it?’

I almost fell into self-contradiction, but I neatly wrapped it up with the conclusion that it was Eclipse’s fault, so it wasn’t my mistake. After all, it was undeniably true that Eclipse had made a mistake.

“I’ve been doing well. How’s Minerva? Ah… she might not come out for a day or two, so you want me to look after her? Sure. Since I’ve been treated well, I’ll do that. But just to be clear, it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have helped if I hadn’t gotten anything. You understand, right? Yep, thanks.”

Since Parnari had enjoyed the pizza I shared with the Knight Commanders in the arena, it seemed she liked the food from my world quite a bit, so she easily accepted the request.

I had gotten so used to seeing her like this that I almost forgot she was a dragon.

Given that she had drawn a line claiming she had no intentions of returning to her dragon form for quite some time, perhaps this was for the best.

“No beast would do that for four days straight. Minerva’s waist isn’t broken, right?”

The first person to greet me when I returned to my apartment was Aurora. The moment we met, she immediately brought that up, so it seemed she had figured out what we had been up to during the past four days.

“She was fine. She moved around diligently until she fainted.”

Aurora, being a normal person, must have suffered through over ten hours of it with me, but even though Minerva wasn’t a physical type, she was undoubtedly one of the strongest in the Empire. It made sense that she was okay.

“I tried to keep it moderate and intended to leave halfway. But Minerva kept insisting it wasn’t enough and clung to me, causing me to take four whole days!”

Minerva was continuously spreading her legs and flirting like she was drenched in pleasure. Her demeanor was a far cry from her usual dignified image, which honestly left me startled.

With four hundred years of pent-up libido, I wasn’t sure if she would have continued for over a week if she hadn’t fainted, so I had exerted a bit more force.

“Still, four days is quite a lot…”

“You usually do it for over ten hours each time. Think of it as doing it about eight times that.”

“Ten hours is the average. And how is it ‘about’ eight times when the multiplier is over eight?”

Aurora grumbled. I simply chuckled lightly. It was quite a delusion that she was grumbling about reality. Ten hours would absolutely not be considered average.

Having been with me all this time, she probably had no idea how much it had skewed her sense of average, believing herself to be normal. I affectionately ruffled her hair.

Aurora muttered that I was looking at her with a strange expression but didn’t try to pull away or remove my hand, accepting my touch obediently.

“Nix is probably in my room, and what about the Knight Commanders and the Pope?”

“The Knight Commanders went back to our world for a bit. They thought they had eaten too much, so they decided to pack some for the Silver Dawn Knights. I thought a building was moving with how much they were carrying.”

Now that I thought about it, I should also prepare some food for the Dark Night Order. I mentally calculated the amount of food I would send to them.

‘…One building wouldn’t be enough.’

Since the Dark Night Order was three times the size of the Silver Dawn Knights, it would require even more.

“And the Holy Father… um… I’m not sure if I should say this.”

“What are they doing?”

Seeing her hesitate, I figured they were planning something odd. Aurora glanced uneasily at the closed door to the Pope’s room where she was weighing whether to disclose something.

“Um… It’s not that serious. I just told them what happened when I went with you to find Minerva. They seemed interested and excited to try that method of temptation when they waited for you to return from your room—”

“That’s enough. Don’t need to know the rest.”

So, it meant Minerva was caught trying to comfort herself and would likely blend with me, which meant they wanted to do the same. Regardless of how it transpired in between.

It was quite the act that could aptly be described as the embodiment of lust.

At this point, I seriously began to question whether Eclipse had tried to create a succubus and, after failing, rebirthed it as a Pope. Should I ask her about it later?

With such thoughts in mind, I headed to the Pope’s room, and the moment I opened the door, I declared sternly to the lewd sisters playing with themselves right in front of me that they wouldn’t get anything before their turn came up.

Floretta and Selene instantly looked glum, but it couldn’t be helped. If I gave in to every temptation thrown my way, I would end up spending the whole year on the bed.

Some might prefer that way, but as for me, I’d refuse.

“You guys have it rough.”

“No, it’s our job too.”

“Serving the Holy Father can’t possibly be hard work. Not at all.”

Stella and Selene seemed incredibly calm, despite watching the Pope’s antics from start to finish. It was remarkable mental fortitude.

After shooing away the somewhat disheveled clergy, I went to find Kaiquilia.

“Kaiquilia? What are you up to?”

“Ah, you came, Del— ugh.”

Kaiquilia tried to greet me upon hearing my voice but saw a character that had just been one-shotted from the attack during that brief moment and began trembling.

“Where is the fairness in this!”

With the words “You died” displayed on the screen, Kaiquilia whimpered before clutching me, shaking. Aurora stared coldly at Kaiquilia, who was subtly inching closer.

I felt like the images of Kaiquilia and Aurora were gradually shifting. Kaiquilia was becoming sweetly cute, while Aurora was turning sharp.

Of course, if they faced actual combat, they would return to their former selves, but at least for Brightest Darkness 4, it seemed that way.

“It’s fine. Unfairness is just part of it. That’s how the mod is designed.”

I patted Kaiquilia’s rear as soothingly as I could. The response was instant. Her grip on my clothes tightened, and her body shivered.

It wasn’t hard to predict what would follow. I wrapped her in my embrace, ruffling her hair, while my hand slowly slipped underneath her skirt.


As my palm squeezed her rear, she instinctively bent her back, biting into my clothes. A transparent liquid with a peachy scent trickled down her thighs.

With the gradually spreading peach fragrance, Aurora recoiled with a look of disgust. Since she had briefly shared bodies with Kaiquilia, she knew what had just occurred.

“So, who were you trying to catch when you ended up looking like this?”

“Ugh, uh… If you see it, ah… You’ll know…”

I sat Kaiquilia down on the bed, still reeling from the overwhelming pleasure enveloping her and turned to the monitor.

I had a fairly good idea of what was happening. There was only one boss that resurrects from that statue after dying.

“Is it the human-skin wolf? It can feel quite filthy until you’ve memorized the pattern perfectly.”

True to its name, it was a wolf-type monster but grotesquely donned with the skins of several humans it had killed, with human heads, arms, and legs sticking out all over its body.

First-time players usually scowled at its horrifying appearance, followed by shouting profanities due to its ridiculously difficult pattern.

“…You can tell just by looking at it?”

“I can tell at a glance. I’ve been playing this for years.”

Both Aurora and Kaiquilia’s eyes widened in surprise simultaneously. For me, this was a piece of cake. I had memorized exactly where each statue was.

“Oh, this is perfect. Let me show you something entertaining.”

As I said “entertaining,” the two of them tilted their heads in confusion.

From the way they looked, they seemed like sisters. Especially since Aurora had rapidly matured recently.

‘…Should I make Kaiquilia call me older sister later?’

It might not be possible when they were in a sober state, but if they were in a suitably dazed state on the bed, they might just do it easily.

With such ridiculous thoughts, I connected the controller to the console. After maneuvering the character right before the human-skin wolf boss room, I turned my back to the white mist. My body, not my character’s.

I was facing the two sitting on the bed.

“Why are you turning away? Isn’t this supposed to be a boss battle?”

“I told you. I’m showing you something fun.”

After adjusting the chair for a better view of the monitor, I pressed A to enter the boss room. The majestic OST signaling the boss battle began playing, and the ghastly howls of the human-skin wolf echoed.

Focusing on Kaiquilia and Aurora, I dodged the beast’s charge pattern by rolling diagonally, just reacting to its sound. The two, who looked curious as to what I was up to, were taken aback.

“Watch closely. If you follow along, it’ll be easy.”

Regardless of their concern, I evaded all of its attacks solely by sound while efficiently counterattacking. Thwack Thwack — the sound of my strikes hitting the boss resounded.

Thinking back to how I had railed against trying to do this in Darkest Light Mod, seeing their wide-open eyes filled me with a sense of that past struggle being rewarded.

“You just got hit by the front legs twice, right? The first one was off-beat, and the second was on-beat. But the off-beat has a long lead-in for catching rolls. You could hit it at least once with a greatsword, and if you react quickly with a straight sword, you could even land two strikes.”

I didn’t forget to explain the patterns thoroughly as well. Not only was I defeating the boss by sound alone, but I was also smoothly giving instructions, leaving Kaiquilia and Aurora utterly stunned.

“The 2nd Phase is easy too. Now it’s going to use the limbs sprouting from its body to attack, right? Just watch and deflect.”

I deflected all eight consecutive attacks and landed three hits before rolling away at the eleven o’clock direction. Soon after, I heard a thud! but, not hearing a scream meant I had evaded it successfully.

The pace of the game accelerated. With more patterns available that allowed immediate attacking after deflecting, I no longer needed to roll to beat them down.

“How’s that? Easy, right?”

I asked as I rolled away from the last hit. Aurora and Kaiquilia were in a daze, mechanically nodding their heads.

“It’s the last hit now, what will you do, Kaiquilia? Should I take it down for you, or do you want to try it yourself?”

I asked while deflecting all the successive attacks. Kaiquilia, still with dazed eyes, opened her mouth.

“…I want to try it myself.”


I released my grip from the controller. Immediately after, I heard a thump! followed by the character’s scream, and the sound of You died with that short drumbeat, deep sorrowful music followed.

“Then, I’ll wish you luck. Aurora, you work hard too.”

I patted both Aurora and Kaiquilia’s heads before turning to leave. The two sat dumbfounded on the bed until I left the room.

As I headed to check on what Nix was up to, my phone, which I had tucked into my pocket, vibrated. I pulled it out, and as soon as I saw the message on the screen, I frowned.

— How have you been, my dear brother? This foolish younger sister has something to tell the heavenly brother and has taken the liberty of writing a letter. Please, I beseech you, lend me just a moment of your precious time and share your gentle voice with this weak and pitiful sister. Always a sister who, without fail, respects you — Yujin Baek.

“What’s wrong with her.”

I barely managed to hold back the profanities that were about to spill out. I had certainly told her not to use that kind of tone.

I brushed off the goosebumps on my arms and dialed Yujin, who had become increasingly groveling after experiencing the effects of the enhancement potion. Whatever it was, she must be wanting something, hence sending a long text like that.

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