I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 330

Side Story: A Request from an Ordinary Sibling – 2


Before the second ring of the phone could sound, a lively voice came through. As soon as I heard my sister calling for me, I brushed away the goosebumps that were threatening to rise again.

“Ouch, damn it. Goosebumps.”

“Is that really your first response upon hearing your sister’s voice?”

“Isn’t it natural? Hearing you call me ‘oppa’ makes my body want to do flips and stuff.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Do you want to shrink my chest again?”

“I’m sorry. That was presumptuous of me.”

An apologetic response came back. It was an action I never would have imagined before.

“So what was that message just now? Were you having a competition to see how much nonsense you could write?”

“Nonsense, huh? Still, I’m the one making the request, so it deserves some formality…”

“Quit the nonsense and just tell me why you called.”

I could faintly hear her grumbling, “Geez, even being polite gets on your nerves…” but I decided to ignore it.

Her voice was too small for an ordinary human to hear. If I pointed that out, the question of how I heard it would naturally arise.

“You’re not seriously asking for more of that enhancement potion, are you? We agreed to slowly increase it over a year to avoid suspicion.”

If I wanted, I could quickly boost her breasts to her target size of F in one go, just like Ceres did. Growing breasts isn’t just a gift from the goddess; even Minerva could make it happen.

The problem was that doing so would undoubtedly raise eyebrows around her. If her previously flat chest suddenly grew to F, it would be stranger if people didn’t get suspicious.

To prevent unnecessary trouble, some extra work was definitely called for, meaning Eclipse would have to intervene in this world.

My sister had such a strong desire to grow her breasts that she pushed common sense to its limits according to my standards, but others wouldn’t think the same way.

I absolutely refused to let this place be influenced by Eclipse’s world.

“Of course not! Why would I…? It’s just… umm… that is…”

Bouncing up and denying my words, Baek Yujin struggled to find her words. That kind of reaction made me even more suspicious. She clearly looked like someone scrambling to come up with excuses.

“…What if, you know, I could talk to my sister-in-law for a second? There’s something I want to say, but I realized I don’t have her number.”

“My girlfriend? Why?”

“Umm… It’s a conversation between women, so it’s kind of awkward to explain why… Just trust me and let me swap for a moment. Okay?”

‘Sounds suspicious.’

Something felt off. What kind of conversation would she want to have with my girlfriend that she needed to keep it a secret?

She had been hit hard enough in the gut by Iris that her expression couldn’t have been pleasant.

As I pondered, a good idea suddenly popped into my head.

“Sure. I’ll do it.”

“Really? No take-backs? Thanks, oppa!”

“On one condition: bark for me.”


Her astonished voice came back.

“Did you really think I would do this for free? I’m not asking for much, just bark like a dog, and I’ll let you talk—”

“Woof woof! Woof woof!”


The dog barks came without a hint of hesitation, and it was now my turn to be flabbergasted.

‘Did she really just do that?’

I had assumed she wouldn’t do it based on her personality and was just looking for an excuse to hang up.

I was slightly surprised, but one fact was now clear: this was definitely about her breasts. There was no way Baek Yujin would go this far if it wasn’t related.

“How was that? Good enough? Now let me talk to my sister-in-law.”

My younger sister cheerily demanded, sounding quite proud of herself.

In reality, I could have refused. After all, I held all the cards. Even if I pretended to hear her out and hung up, what could she do? The enhancement potion was in my possession.

But doing that would have made my conscience twinge. I had already milked quite a bit from her, treating it as interest for the trouble she had caused.

Having settled all debts, if I picked a fight after that, it would mean I was on the same level as Baek Yujin. I absolutely did not want that to happen.


“Wow! Really? You promised? Then when can we do it? Just tell me when is good; I’ll handle the time.”

“Why schedule? We can just do it now.”

“Huh? Now?”

I instructed her not to hang up and headed into my room. I lay down on my bed, sniffing the comforter, and held out my phone to Nix, who was happily smiling.

Nix, with her big round eyes, propped herself up. The blanket, caught between her massive chest, fell away and landed squarely on her thighs.

“Who is it?”

“My sister. She wants to talk to you.”

—I’ll connect it on speakerphone. I need to know what she’s plotting.

I communicated my thoughts through my mind. There was definitely some ulterior motive behind this. Nix nodded and took the phone.

“Yeah. Yujin, right? Juwon said he’s looking for you?”

The eerie smile that had been on her face just moments ago vanished, replaced by a slightly drowsy tone.

“Hello, sister-in-law! How have you been? What have you been up to? I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.”

“Me? Delta… no, Juwon was just sleeping in bed.”

“…In oppa’s bed?”


“It’s 1 PM, so if he’s in bed… No, never mind. I’m sorry, sister. I shouldn’t have asked something irrelevant.”

Hearing her mention both the time and the bed, her voice started to falter. It seemed she had made an odd assumption.

Well, it wasn’t entirely wrong; it was half-true. It just wasn’t what I was doing with Nix.

“Sister, does oppa happen to be nearby?”

After hearing that, Nix shot me a quick glance.

—Say he’s not there.

“He went to do computer stuff after saying you’d talk later. Why?”

“Because it’s a bit sensitive to talk about with oppa around. Sister, you have a really big chest, right?”

The first topic my sister brought up was about breasts.

There was no surprise there. Excluding Reze, the Pope, and unique cases like Nix, everyone was at least a decent size by this world’s standards.

Even Erica, treated as below average in the other world, was still exceptionally large here.

“Of course, it’s not just that oppa and sister-in-law are a good match, but it’s also true that oppa wouldn’t dislike your chest. Right?”

“Isn’t that so…?”

“You must know how advantageous having a big chest is for a woman.”

“Yeah. I do.”

This time, Nix responded with relative confidence. It was likely because she designed her body herself, infused with the desires of the soul guardian.

“Sister’s pretty face and large chest along with a great personality… are you sure you wouldn’t mind making a small request?”

As she praised her, Baek Yujin finally got to the point. I focused my attention; it was finally time to uncover the reason she had messaged me.

“Is it true that you also have that enhancement potion, sister?”

Here it comes.

She must have remembered seeing Kaiquilia around when she heard my girlfriend mention the potion; she was prodding cautiously.

I sent a thought to say that I did have it.

“I do, but why do you want to know?”

“You really have it?! Seriously?! Er, um, it’s not a big deal, sister, but could you share a little with me? I’m sure you’ve grown enough by now that you don’t need it…”

She genuinely seemed to believe that her current size was thanks to the enhancement potion. In truth, not even the goddess could have created her physique on a genetic level with mere product effects.

“But you already made a deal with Juwon. He’ll catch on quickly, trust me… Ah, my boyfriend… yeah, my boyfriend is really perceptive.”

When she said “boyfriend,” Nix lit up with a smile, as if a current had passed through her body.

“Isn’t a little fine? I’ll wear loose clothes to hide it, so he won’t notice! I’m not asking for much; just a bit more growth. My clueless oppa wouldn’t catch on, right?”

Yeah, no way, sis.

I contemplated how to handle this girl. The best move would be to confiscate the enhancement potion, but that’s too played out. It was time to come up with something different.

I figured this was when I needed to jump in, so I gestured for the phone. Nix, without question, extended her arm and leaned in as well. I affectionately ruffled her hair and spoke up.

“I caught your aspirations. So, you want to grow those breasts more?”

“Oppa?! When did you get here?! Weren’t you going to do computer stuff?!”

The resounding voice echoed, revealing just how startled she was. I clicked my tongue.

“Of course it was a lie. Who’s gonna listen to you or me, huh? How come nothing’s changed from before?”

Baek Yujin grasped my attention even more with my half-hearted affection. It felt just like I was looking at a big puppy.

“Ah, ha ha… that’s not it, oppa…”

“I told you not to use that expression. Enough, I’ll let you know later.”

“Oppa?! Oppa! Wait—”

Click, I ignored her desperate pleas and hung up. I paid no mind to the relentless ringing smartphone that followed. It was all her own doing.

—After the connection was lost, the beeping sound followed…

“I messed up…”

Baek Yujin stared at the disconnected phone in a daze. This was a genuine disaster. I never thought my sister-in-law would lie. I always thought she was too kind to tell lies.

Even the question of why someone without breasts would wear underwear seemed genuinely inquisitive rather than malicious.

Even thinking of that incident sent pangs to my gut.

‘If only I had taken a calm 10 seconds to think…’

Sister-in-law and oppa were two sides of the same coin. I should have expected that they would prioritize each other’s thoughts over my sister’s words.

I should have realized that and not let my mind wander when I had seen a glimmer of result soon after consuming the enhancement potion with such cruel hope.

“What do I do? If this keeps up, it really won’t end well…”

I nervously bit my fingernails. The last parting words urging me to expect only heightened my unease.

After all, this was a growing chest, and how could it possibly stop now or shrink back? There was no doubt I would reach my target alphabet letter somehow.

For that, I was confident enough to do anything, even if it meant begging my oppa on my knees. After all, I didn’t even hesitate to bark like a dog when asked earlier.


With a brilliant idea forming, Baek Yujin dashed out of the room and headed straight for the kitchen where Mom was.

“Mom! I’ll drop by to bring oppa some side dishes this weekend! Tomorrow, okay?”

In the past, when I visited home, I would pack food to send but never personally bring it to my brother’s place. However, I had started doing so simply because I was really fond of his girlfriend.

“You, Yujin? Why?”

“Don’t ask why, just let me do this, okay?”

Recognizing the strange change in her children, who had been at each other’s throats lately, Kang Soyoung looked down at her pleading daughter and chuckled.

“Alright. Did you do something wrong to Juwon? You failed your phone apology, so you want to make it better, huh?”

“…W-well! I’m doing it this time! Got it?”

After being struck by her mother’s insightful question, her eyes rolled around wildly before finally settling on her decision.

Her mother, noticing her daughter’s resolve, smiled proudly.

The girl, who constantly picked fights with Juwon, had finally learned to apologize. It made her believe that her daughter had matured.

Of course, the reality was a bit different.

Side Story: A Visit

The Pope’s day begins early.

At 4 AM, the sisters, cuddling sweetly, woke up as if scripted. Their green and blue eyes shone brightly in the dim light.

“Sister, again today?”

“We must, Evangelina.”

Floretta and Luna nodded at one another. Delta had been called urgently back to the Mage Tower for a brief moment since about 1 AM.

Awakened, the eternal magician needed help because he couldn’t manage it on his own, and the human-form dragon had requested assistance.

He didn’t specify what kind of help exactly. Just a desperate plea to hurry.

Honestly, I was a bit envious that someone could monopolize Delta for four days, but I could understand as it was the first experience for him. Once you stepped in, you couldn’t easily back out.

After all, the Pope herself often sought affection at any time and place. It made sense that someone who had just discovered pleasure after four hundred years of not knowing men would continuously be excited.

As the popes left the room, tidying up the blankets they had tussled in their sleep, the gentle light of dawn illuminated their living space, creating a serene yet dreamlike atmosphere.

“The Silver Dawn Knights haven’t returned yet.”

“The dark mage is probably in Delta’s room.”

“The emperor and the late emperor…”

“Both are gaming.”

The living room was quiet. Minerva and Delta were at the Mage Tower, while the knight commanders had briefly returned to the other world, and Nix was now trapped in Delta’s bed, likely enveloped in heavenly aromas.

Only two rooms had their lights on: Kaiquilia’s and Aurora’s. Bright light leaked from the closed doors, proof that they had been engrossed in games all through the night.

Stella and Selene wouldn’t disturb the popes either, so everything was ready.

“Then let’s begin, Seraphica.”

“Understood, Evangelina.”

The pope sisters tiptoed to the kitchen, ensuring they didn’t disturb the ones still absorbed in their games as they set up a soundproof barrier. They began taking out various ingredients from the fridge to start cooking.

This had been a small goal ever since they were served a meal made by Delta’s mother. They planned to someday feed him their home-cooked meal.

To surprise him, they decided to do this secretly, as revealing their preparations would reduce the impact of the shock.

“I think we put in too much divine power, Evangelina. This isn’t stew, it’s holy water now.”

“……I’ll be careful next time. But, hey, I think you should do the same, Seraphica.”

Of course, they still had a long way to go.

Floretta had created bubbling holy water from the stew, and Luna had transformed a rib dish into something holy as well.

Both of them had good cooking skills, so if they dropped their insistence on using divine power, they would have finished quickly. However, due to their belief that the amount of divine power equated to their love, the results remained sluggish.

The two tossed the deformed pot in the trash and purified it, then took out new pots and fresh ingredients. Thanks to the blessings granted by the sun and moon, the eliminated items were restored.

Ding dong!

Lost in their cooking for what felt like an eternity, the sisters halted at the sudden doorbell and checked the time.

The hand pointed to 8:20 AM. It was quite early for someone to come visit.

“Is there anyone expected to visit Delta at this hour?”

“I’m uncertain, Evangelina.”

Someone was indeed expected today. Delta’s mother would come to deliver side dishes around lunchtime. 8:20 AM was far too early for lunch.

“I will check.”

“Yes, sister. I’ll leave it to you.”

Luna put down her knife and headed to the entrance. Before opening the door, she remembered to change her outfit. It was something Delta had repeatedly stressed—always change clothes before meeting someone from this world.

Wearing her silver homewear, which had distortion magic over the chest and butt to obscure the external gaze, Luna peeked outside to see who was there.

A cute girl with black hair and eyes stood anxiously, and when there was no response from inside, she fidgeted restlessly. Luna knew exactly who this girl was.

“…She’s Delta’s sister.”

“Excuse me?”

Floretta questioned in disbelief. But Luna was no less surprised either. Why would Delta’s sister come all this way? She had never heard of such a thing.

They’d only recently patched things up over the secret of breast size and, in the past, had been almost enemies. So what spurred this girl to arrive this early in the morning?

“I should contact Delta, shouldn’t I, Seraphica?”

“…I’m not sure either.”

While the popes stood confused, unable to decide what to do…

Umm… It’s not opening. Delta said he might still be asleep, so just input the code and go in… let’s see, what was the password…

Beep beep beep beep. The sound of the door lock being entered made it clear that the locking mechanism was released as the door opened wide.

A girl tiptoed into the room, trying to minimize her footsteps, a mountain of paper bags in her hands.


Before she could take another step, she froze in surprise upon seeing Luna standing awkwardly.

“S-sister-in-law? You were here? I thought you weren’t inside, so I was about to step in…”

Luna and Baek Yujin were both taken aback. For different reasons, but Luna was certainly much more distressed.

Right now, Floretta was in the kitchen, Kaiquilia and Aurora were busy gaming, and Nix was buried in Delta’s bed while Stella and Selene were who knows where.

After introducing one girlfriend, revealing the presence of several would be impossible.

“Two sisters-in-law…?”

Luna gasped faintly as she spun around, her eyes locking onto Floretta’s who was peeking from the kitchen.

“If there’s something you did to upset him, just go and sincerely apologize. Your oppa is kind; if you sincerely apologize, he will forgive you. Is it too early? Didn’t I say to go around lunchtime? Yujin insisted on coming on the first bus.”

“…I understand for now.”

“Yes. As long as Yujin hasn’t done anything too severe, you can just ask him for forgiveness a few times. You two have been getting along well lately, right? I’ll send you some money; make it a secret that I gave it to you. You can give him allowance and say it’s from you. 100,000 won for Yujin, the rest is for my son. Got it, son?”

The call ended. Checking my account, 300,000 won was deposited.

“That brat, Baek Yujin…”

As baffling as the sort of message was, I was still bewildered.

I shook off my previous distraction, brushing away Minerva who was too attached earlier, and returned hurriedly to my place, where I came across my sister awkwardly laughing at the table while Floretta and Luna stood by in utter confusion. The rest had sealed themselves in their rooms.

What a commotion on a Saturday morning.

“So, you messed up, and you came here to personally apologize?”

“Yes, that is correct!”

Baek Yujin answered sharply, fully aware of her position as a subordinate. Then, she nervously gazed at Floretta and Luna.

“By the way, oppa. Both my sisters-in-law are really pretty. You said they’re twins, right? Wow, I could live my whole life with faces like that.”

“Thanks for the compliment, but are you trying to change the subject? Do you think I’m going to fall for it?”

“I’m sorry, oppa!”

It was only natural that Baek Yujin found Floretta and Luna similar. After all, they had all been made to look like the same person.

Logically, it was impossible for two of the same person to exist, so she naturally considered them to be twins.

“Now that you understand you were wrong, you should leave. Tell him thanks for the side dishes. And, while you’re here, I’ll give you some pocket money. 100,000 won. Good?”

“Not that… the money isn’t the issue!”

“It’s not?”

“…No, it’s not. But, um, I think I need to apologize for my actions first…”

“I have no expectations from you, so you don’t need to apologize. Now, was that it? The exit is over there.”

“No! I don’t want to go!”

Baek Yujin clutched my ankle tightly.

“Oppa! Please, just look at me once! I swear I won’t do something like that again! Please!”

I contemplated kicking her off but held back. I didn’t think I could control my strength properly.

I looked down at my little sister, still clinging and whining, and a mischievous idea struck me.

“I’m back.”

“You’re back, Yujin? What did Juwon say?”

“…He said he’ll forgive me. I even got money. 100,000 won.”

“Oh, that’s great! See, good things happen when you two get along, right? You need to maintain that good relationship from now on.”

Baek Yujin half-heartedly acknowledged and retreated to her room. Closing the door wasn’t enough; she even locked it and plopped down on her bed.


A long, deep sigh escaped from her lips. She unzipped the tank top she had put on over her tops.

A swoosh!

And just like that, a monumental chest burst out, popping the zipper open. It wasn’t just big; one of her breasts was twice the size of her head.

I couldn’t tell the exact size without measuring, but it was definitely clearer to count from the letter Z upwards. She may have wanted her chest to grow but never like this.

“Ugh! Baek Juwon, you bastard!”

Baek Yujin flailed on the bed. If she wished for big breasts, it should have fulfilled her request without resulting to this.

While the various side effects that naturally came with such a large chest would have been treated properly if she were wearing proper clothing, it now meant she could forget about wearing anything revealing.

“Damn it… You’ll pay for this…”

She grumbled, looking down at the breasts that were hard to even hold properly. Her fingers couldn’t even see her legs anymore.

Evil grin.

While I relished in the heaviness of it all, a smirk crept onto my lips.

For just a moment, very briefly, the saying “too much of a good thing is never a good thing” seemed like nonsense.

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