I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 88

After assuming a posture where we were facing each other, I was finally able to recognize the appearance of the Pope of the Moon at a glance.

Her flowing silver-gray hair, so magnificent it almost defied description, cascaded down her back, almost reaching the floor.

She had bangs that flowed down between her eyes, nearly brushing her lips. Her stunning amethyst eyes sparkled amidst her silver hair, looking as if embedded with jewels.

Around her neck was an ornament adorned with the same type of amethyst gem as her eyes, resembling the one worn by the Pope of the Sun.

Her attire was hardly any different.

It was almost sheer, allowing her skin to show through. Finding parts of her skin that weren’t revealed was more difficult than spotting what was exposed. Essentially, she was dressed just like the Pope of the Sun.

The only thing covering her crucial areas was a thin piece of fabric, and the only accessories were a garter belt and stockings. There was certainly nowhere else to look.

If anything, the sleeves were disproportionately smaller, which was practically an inconsequential difference. In such a sheer garment, it felt like she was practically naked.


The sound of high heels echoed on the marble floor, pulling me from my thoughts. The Pope of the Moon was descending the staircase one step at a time, the moonlight cascading over her flowing silver hair like a spotlight.

It was a similar situation as when I met Floretta, but the atmosphere was entirely different.

If the Pope of the Sun approached to greet me, the Pope of the Moon was coming closer to interrogate me. Her expression was not just stoic—it was downright menacing.

‘…I should be feeling tense right now.’

However, every time she took a step, her chest shook vigorously, drawing attention more than my thoughts could concentrate on. I let out a long sigh inwardly.

Though she was glaring coldly in my direction, her serious expression clashed with her outfit and chest, which made her appear more like a concept than a person. Reacting differently at this point would be a catastrophe.

I clenched my mouth tightly and desperately tried to maintain my composure. It seemed the Pope of the Moon interpreted my actions in another way, as she relaxed her hands clasped in front of her lower abdomen.

“If you intend to remain silent until the end, then do so. Our conversation ends here.”

Her arms waved lightly. With that, the door I had entered through began to emanate even stronger moonlight. Even at a considerable distance, it cast a shadow beneath my feet.

“I will not waste any more time. Seeking my assistance for any reason would be an unwise choice.”

“I understand. I did not come to ask for assistance from Your Holiness either.”

At my words, Luna’s eyebrow twitched slightly.

“There will indeed be limits to the favors granted by the Pope of the Sun, stranger. Overstepping your boundaries would not be a wise choice. Let me ask again, what brings you here?”

“I could say that I’ve come to ask for teachings regarding the ‘solar eclipse’… but I’m sure you wouldn’t allow that. I merely came to convey something to Your Holiness.”

“Something to say… how very presumptuous of you.”

The sound of her footsteps down the stairs quickened slightly. Naturally, her chest’s sway followed suit.

“You barged into the Pope’s quarters for a mere word of conversation?”

“It’s a matter worth that much.”

At my brazen stance, it seemed the Pope of the Moon was momentarily at a loss for words. Seizing the moment, I quickly added, “It’s related to the monsters beneath the Holy Kingdom.”

Click-clack went the high heels as they abruptly stopped. Simultaneously, Luna’s face went pale as a ghost.

Thanks to the moonlight pouring down from behind, her already pale skin now looked as though it had lost all vitality—it was ghostly white to the point that one would struggle to find any warmth in her appearance.

“…What did you just say?”

“I did not come to fight Your Holiness, nor did I come to request a solar eclipse. I merely wished to inform you that I intend to slay the monster sleeping in the depths of the Holy Kingdom—that is the sole purpose of my visit.”

“If you utter another word, I shall consider it blasphemy. Such a blatant lie—”

“Surely Your Holiness must have already received a new revelation from the full moon?”

As if struck to the core, the Pope of the Moon flinched and stopped her words.

A revelation is not given to just one Pope individually; it is delivered simultaneously to both. Just as one cannot separate the sun from the moon, neither can the Popes be thought of independently.

If the Pope of the Sun received a revelation relating to my future in overcoming that monster, then the Pope of the Moon would have received the same regarding my victory over it.

Floretta had assured me of this truth.

“…What do you want to say? Do you think words like that can change my mind?”

“That’s certainly not my intention. Absolutely not.”

It wasn’t necessary to persuade the Pope of the Moon right away. Whatever method I might attempt, she would refuse bluntly, having already shut her heart. It was akin to pouring water into a bottomless pit.

Luna, who had once struck out at her own sister for offering assistance, had now resolved not to budge. To break through her steadfast will, results would be needed—not promises.

‘She might not have completely given up hope, since a revelation was given.’

She likely harbored some thoughts of possibility if she received a revelation herself. Still, she was merely shrinking back, trying to avoid the intense despair one feels when hope turns into despair.

“The will that Your Holiness possesses could never be shattered by something so trivial as me. I know that well.”

After all, my objective was never to convince the Pope of the Moon from the very beginning. I hadn’t even expected to request a solar eclipse. If I hadn’t come here to persuade her, what kind of outcome could I possibly achieve?

This was merely a precaution to prevent the Pope of the Moon from acting with force.

She would surely lose her composure saying, “What is the meaning of this?” if she accidentally realized that the entrance leading to the depths of the Holy Kingdom had been opened.

If I were to emerge victorious from defeating the boss only to find the Pope of the Moon causing a ruckus outside, handling the aftermath would become extremely complicated. It was better to communicate this beforehand.

“However, you will not incur any losses, Your Holiness. I assure you. If I, the boastful fool, were to perish while vanquishing the monster, that would be the end of it; I would seal the entrance again. If I succeed, it would be nothing short of a splendid outcome.”


“I know. It may sound like nonsense to you. Both the Inquisitor and the Inquiry Judge, as well as the Pope of the Sun, did not trust me at first either.”

Especially Selene, who felt she could not trust me at all, even going so far as to test my abilities personally. After being thoroughly overwhelmed by me, she begrudgingly accepted the reality.

“I won’t ask you to believe me. I recognize how absurd my words may sound.”

I continued expressionlessly.

“But there’s one thing I can promise you.”

Her amethyst eyes seemed to quiver ever-so-slightly.

“Your Holiness will never have to sacrifice yourself.”

“The solar eclipse…”

Upon exiting the cathedral, Selene, who had been waiting nearby, trailed off with her question. I slightly shook my head. Perhaps understanding the meaning immediately, both of them fell silent.

‘Still, this is going well enough.’

In the worst-case scenario, I had braced myself for an attack from her. But the Pope of the Moon let me go without making any further moves, rendering my precautions unnecessary.

Should she have wanted, she could have summoned the battle nuns and the Inquisitors at any moment, yet Luna refrained from doing so. Perhaps deep down, even she wished to believe in me.

“The solar eclipse would be nice to have but is not essential. A sacred spell can be performed well enough with just a solar eclipse.”

“…I’ve felt this for a long time, but you truly do overflow with confidence, esteemed guest. As if you’re holding onto some solid belief.”

At Stella’s words, I merely responded with a smile. They both must be wondering what exactly I was so confident about.

While the Knight Commanders were aware it was due to that ‘secret,’ I hadn’t mentioned it to Selene or Stella. I also didn’t want to volunteer such knowledge unrequested.

After that, the atmosphere grew subdued for a conversation, so I internally revisited the pattern of the creature abandoned by God. At this moment, I had to brace myself for a long-term battle.

DLCs for Brightest Darkness 4 are notoriously brutal, with the final boss reflecting that challenge, having insane defense and a health level that’s off the charts.

In terms of defense and elemental resistance, you could liken it to a high-tier version of Lucia’s 1st Phase. However, I currently had only one means of exploiting its weaknesses: the solar eclipse.

A long-term battle was inevitable.

“We’ve arrived.”

The two ahead stopped in their tracks. Since the entrance was not far from the cathedral itself, the journey took no time at all. It appeared to be an ordinary building on the outside.

There were claims that the papal palace was constructed to suppress the monster within using the Popes’ divine powers, yet unfortunately, such efforts were in vain.

It was not that it couldn’t emerge; it simply chose not to.

If it so desired, it could shred through the sacred barrier laid by the Popes. The only reason it hadn’t was that it had yet to fully recover its strength.

Even a fraction of its full power surpassed the combined ability of both Popes, which was why it bore the overwhelming title of a creature abandoned by God.

In truth, the protagonist of Brightest Darkness 4 was the one who would venture alone into its den, fight, and return. Now, that was truly an insane ordeal.

“Simply open this door to enter. We will wait here. Please, return safely.”

Selene handed me an old key. Accepting it, I approached the wooden door. It looked fragile, as if it would splinter at a mere tap with a sword.

Of course, its appearance was a facade. The true essence was the sacred barrier laid by the Popes. They had no choice but to make the exterior appear unassuming to hide the presence of the monster.

“Please take care, esteemed guest. I wish you good fortune.”

Hearing Stella’s small encouragement, I inserted the key into the lock. Clank, as the lock disengaged, the door creaked open slightly. Grabbing the door handle, I swung it wide open.

At that moment, a dark shadow lunged out from within, enveloping me entirely. I was surrounded by the shadow before I could even resist. I heard Stella and Selene gasp behind me.

My body was engulfed by the shadow and pulled inside in an instant.

The door shut.

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