I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 68

Yes, I succeeded! All the hard work paid off.


Firstly my whole body was covered in a dark red light and then an armour began to form from it.


The armour was scaly dark red and covered all my body. It was like “Scale Mail” but more dragon looking and scaly than mecha looking. Apart from the jewels on the arms, there was a golden jewel on the chest and it was big. There is also one golden jewel in each of my knees.


The helmet of the armour was long and pointed like a dragon’s snout. There was a short horn on it. I also had a tail and a pair of wings. The lens was golden in color.


I also have thrusters on her shoulders of my armour.


Yes, this armour wasn’t completed. It was in an incomplete state as I still wasn’t strong enough.


[You have five minutes! Your body cannot take more than that.]


Said Red. Well that should be enough.


Ravel was looking at me in disbelief and fear.


Issei was looking awestruck and said, “Wow, that’s cool dude. How did you do it? Will I also get one?”.


“Yes, you will later, now hold on”, I said. I had no time to spare.


“Wha-“, said Issei but before he could complete I picked him up and headed for the rooftop of the new school building.


Time to finish this.


I approached the roof of the new school building at an incredible speed. The “Balance Breaker” sure is awesome!


As I came nearer I could see the battle at full swing. Kiba and Koneko were attacking together, Buchou was attacking in between, and Akeno was attacking at other times.


Their clothes appeared burned. But Buchou and Akeno appeared to be unhurt. They must have used the “Phoenix Tears”.


Asia was a bit away from the battle, occasionally healing Koneko and Kiba. Good, everything is going well.


Riser of course was healing continuously from the attacks.


Issei said worried, “As Buchou said the Phoenix is immortal, can we really beat him?”.


I said, “Of course don’t worry” and smiled at him.


Riser looked very angry and he was saying, “Rias you have humiliated me a lot today. I will make sure to destroy all your servants. Using ‘Phoenix Tears’ won’t save you. I will protect the honour of the Phoenix household”.


Buchou was saying, “Try it Riser. We will definitely defeat you”. Her face looked worried though. And it was understandable.


I approached and put Issei beside Asia.


Asia was startled and said, “Uwah!”.


I quickly said, “It’s ok Asia, it’s me Akira”.


Asia’s face turned happy and she said, “Akira-san you are ok”.


Everyone else looked at me after Asia’s scream and after I said who I was they said..


“Akira-kun..?”, Kiba.


“Akira-senpai..?”, Koneko.


“Ara ara Akira-kun you look different”, said Akeno.


“Akira…what is that?”, Rias.


“Oh it’s just my ‘Balance Breaker’ I will explain later”, I said and without wasting any time sped up and instantly appeared before Riser who looked angry and punched him causing him to crash into the wall of the roof. I didn’t have to waste.


“What ‘Balance Breaker’? The forbidden move? How?”,  asked Rias confused.


“I’ll explain later”, I said. Rias didn’t comment anymore.


Riser got up from the crash and angrily said, “How dare you? I’ll show the power- guh“.


Before he could finish I punched him to the sky. Stop blabbering you idiot, I don’t have time for your bullshit.


I then rushed towards him in the sky.


Riser having gained a little space angrily said, “You impudent little. I’ll show you our clan’s gallant hellfire of the Phoenix, the immortal bird!”.


And he created fire all around him in a V shape and then darted towards me. I dodged it and said, “Dragon Sword” and used it to pierce his back.




Riser said and the attack immediately was nullified.


I then continuously pounded him with my fist and legs, kicking his hands, feet, his balls etc and used the “Dragon Sword” to make deep cuts.


He of course was healing. But the sword had “Dragon Aura” which was slowly cutting through his “Demonic Power”. I didn’t want to use the cross or holy water unless absolutely needed as using either of them can be used against us to challenge our win as they were external items. I wanted to win using our own power so that no one can question our win.


I didn’t let Riser get even a small opening and continued to attack him.


After a little while I saw that the healing was slowing down. A little while later…


[You have 2 minutes left!]


By that time the healing has completely slowed. I then punched him with all my might towards the old school building, adding my wind magic to the punch.


He crashed to the roof.


Wasting no time I quickly poured almost all my demonic energy to my ‘Dragon Sword’. It started to increase in size and eventually became huge, triple my size. My ‘Balance Breaker’ dissipated due to lack of energy even though there was time. I immediately opened my wings to stay afloat. I kept some energy inside to make sure I can fight if this doesn’t fully destroy him.


And then I immediately threw the sword towards Riser. He recovered from the shock just to see the blade in front of him unable to escape.




A huge explosion, flowed by a shockwave as a dark red energy enveloped the old school building and surrounding areas, almost reaching the sports court.


And after the light dissipated, there was nothing but a crater left in the area. More than half of the school was destroyed.


I saw Riser lying on the ground as he was covered in light and disappeared. And the announcement…


[Riser Phoenix-sama retires.]


[The winner of this Rating Game is Rias-Gremory-sama!]


Phew! It worked! I put my fist up in the air and shouted, “YES!”.


Then I made my way up to my team members. They were all happy to see me as well as awed to see that power.


I smiled towards them and said, “See? I told you we’d win”.


And then my eyes and body suddenly felt heavy and I blacked out.

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