I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 70

The next day in the evening, Asia and I got ready to school, to attend the party hosted to honour our victory. The party is to be held at the Occult Research club itself. We were asked to dress in the school uniform.


We were given 2 more days off from school after the match so that we can rest. Rias talked with Sona about that. I was glad as I could rest due to it.


As we arrived at the venue, I found that Rias and Akeno were already there, the other’s haven’t arrived. Grayfia was also there and she was busy decorating the room. She was using magic to do that, there were colourful streamers, as well the symbol of house Gremory and a banner saying, “Congratulations on your first rating game win Rias”.


Rias was sitting on the sofa drinking tea and Akeno was standing beside her. Both were in their uniform as well.


Seeing us enter Grayfia said, “Welcome Akira-sama, Asia-sama”.


I said, “Good evening Grayfia-san”.


Asia said, “Good evening Grayfia-san”.


Rias smiled and put down her tea and said, “Oh, you two are here. Good evening”.


Akeno said, “Ara ara , welcome you two”.


“Good evening Buchou, Akeno-san”, I smiled and said. Asia also repeated the same.


Rias then got up and rushed towards me and put her arms around me and asked, “Akira how are you? Are you ok?”, then was concern in her voice.


I looked towards Asia, she was giving teary and angry looks. I decided to just ignore that.


I smiled, “I am ok Buchou don’t worry”.


Rias sighed in relief and said, “That’s good”, and then suddenly hugged me. My face was on her chest. Man I am so blessed.


I could hear Asia sniffing. Where Akeno said, “Ara ara”.


After we all took our seats and chatted while waiting for others.


One by one our club members came in and we greeted them. Then the Student Council came in together. They were all wearing the school uniform.


Rias said, “Good evening Sona” with a smile.


Sona replied with a smile, “Good evening Rias and congratulations on winning your first rating game”.


“Thank you”, said Rias with a smile.


At that time the magic circle glowed and a handsome man wearing a blue suit, with crimson hair and blue eyes. Yes, this was Rias’s brother Sirzechs Lucifer.


At that time, expect for me, Issei, Asia, Saji, Grayfia, Sona and Rias got down on their knees and said, “Welcome Maou-sama”.


Rias smiled and said, “Welcome Onii-sama”.


I didn’t do anything even knowing who he was cause, I have never seen him, it would be suspicious if I knew him. I don’t want to reveal about my past life here.


Issei exclaimed in surprised, “Maou-sama”. I acted surprised as well to avoid suspicion.


Sirzechs smiled and waved his hand and said, “Hello everyone. Rias good to see you again. You too Sona”.

“It’s good to see you again too Maou-sama” , said Sona and bowed a little.


Then Sirzechs took a glass of wine and said, “First of all I would like to congratulate my little sister Rias for winning her first rating game. I would also like to thank Sona Sitri and peerage for attending this party. I would have liked to hold a much bigger celebration but the situation wasn’t ideal. Anyway everyone enjoy the party”.


With that the party started. There were lots of delicious food along with different kinds of drinks.


Oh by the way as per my request, a magic circle was created so send the food to Gasper as well as a magic device that allows him to watch. I didn’t want him to miss out on this.


We all chatted with each other. Sirzechs was conversing with Rias happily. Grayfia was standing in a dignified manner in a corner.


We greeted and talked with the Student Council members.


“How are you doing?”, asked Sona with a smile.


“I am doing well Kaichou”, I said.


We became closer to the Student Council.


Saji sighed and said to me, “Man you were great back there. I wish I was as good as you. I have to catch up”.


I smiled and said, “Don’t worry you will”.


“By the way Saji, why were you recruited in the Student Council? Do you have a sacred gear as well?”, I asked. Of course I knew he had one but I couldn’t just say it.  I need his help for a certain purpose.


Saji put on a proud smile and said, “Huh Huh Huh as a matter of fact  I do. I have this”.


With that he summoned his sacred gear which was a  small black bracer in the form of a small and cute black chameleon-like lizard with violet eyes and a deformed face which appeared on his hand.


Saji said proudly, “This is my sacred gear Absorption Line”.


“Whoa, nice Saji”, said Issei.


I said excitedly, “Cool. Absorption line huh? So what does it do?”.


“It can absorb the energy of an opponent”, said Saji smugly.


“I see”, I said. Then I pretended to think. Then I asked, “Saji can I ask a favour?”.


“What?”, asked Saji.


“Well you see, we have a member…”, I said. I told him the circumstances Gasper and asked for his help.


“I see, let me ask Kaichou first”, said Saji. I nodded. Saji went to ask Sona. They talked a it then Saji came to me and said, “Ok I am in”.


I smiled and said with a bow, “Thank you very much Saji, Kaichou. I appreciate it”.


“No problem”, said Saji with a smile and Sona nodded.


After sometime Sirzechs got up and said, “I have to go everyone, I have work to do. Enjoy the party. Oh yeah Akira-kun come with me”.


“Yes”, I said. What do you want me for?


Rias looked at me worried and asked Sirzechs , “Onii-sama, what…”.


“Don’t worry, I will return him quickly”, said Sirzechs assuredly.


Rias nodded.


Sirzechs, Grayfia and I got in the magic circle. I waved at everyone.


Then the circle glowed and then I found myself in a large room. There were different pictures and decorations in the room and expensive furniture and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.


It looked like a living room with massive sofas in the centre with a table in the middle.


Sirzechs sat on the sofa and told me to sit. Grayfia was standing behind him.


Then he said, “First of all I would like to thank you. If it weren’t for you my sister wouldn’t have won the game”.


I immediately, “No no it was a team effort. Everyone weakened Riser and with Issei’s power I wouldn’t have been able to achieve Balance Breaker”.


Sirzechs said, “That may be true but you coordinated their attacks. And you were the one to ask the Sekiryuutei to transfer his power correct”.


I cannot deny this so I nodded my head.


Sirzechs then said, “With that being said, I want to reward you for your contribution. What do you want? I can give you anything. A peerage? Or the most beautiful woman? Say anything that will be yours”.


I looked at him for a second. Why is he offering me this? He did offer Issei but there was a reason for that, breaking Rias’s  engagement. But he has no reason now to offer me anything. Unless he is testing me.


Well, whatever this is a chance so I’ll take it. Well to be honest the thing I really want I can’t possibly ask, otherwise I might get killed here. And secondly she’s taken, I am talking about Grayfia, I’ll gladly give up others for her. But I can’t say that, nor I dare to look at her.


If that’s the case then the other thing is…


“I want a barrier”, I said.


“A barrier”, asked Sirzechs confused.


“Yes, a barrier or to be more accurate, a device to make a barrier. I want one to protect my parents. They are not involved in this business but they might get attacked by enemies cause of this. So at the very least I need a barrier to protect my house”, I said.


That’s right, I entered this world to protect myself and my parents, now’s the time to gain that security.


Sirzechs smiled and said, “As you wish, Garyfai and go and set up a barrier tonight”.


“Thank you”, I said.


“You can leave now”, said Sirzechs.


I got up and Grayfia handed me a magic circle on a paper and I used it to teleport.


I returned in the ORC room.


Rias immediately rushed to me asked, “Akira are you ok.? What did Onii-sama want from you?”.


I smiled and told her I am ok and told everyone what happened.


After that the party went on for a bit then before dawn the party stopped.


Everyone started leaving.


Before I and Asia left Rias called me to another room.


I went there and saw Rias looking out of the window.


When I approached beside her, Rias said, “The sky is beautiful isn’t it?”.


I looked at the window and it was indeed a beautiful looking sky filled with stars.


“Yes it is”, I said.


Rias then touched my face and said , “Thank you for everything Akira”.


“No prob-“, I said.


But before I could finish my mouth was blocked by a kiss from her. Buchou put her hands around my neck and put her lips on top of mine.


They kiss was just on the lips with no tongue action but  I could feel her emotions through it. I didn’t try to go  further as I knew it will immediately happen on it’s own. Anyway I like this.


Then after sometime she let go and laughed.


“My first kiss. It’s something that girls treasure in Japan, right?”, asked rias.


“Yes. Is this a reward?”, I said.


“Of course”, said Rias with a smile.


“Thank you very much”, I said enthusiastically.


“You are welcome”, said Rias with a smile.


I then thought of something. Let’s clear it now, otherwise it will cause unnecessary drama later.


“Umm. Buchou”, I said.


“Yes?”, said Rias.


“Can I call you Rias from now on?”, I asked.


Rias thought for a second then said, “You can but only outside the club, call be Buchou while in the club”.


“Thank you. As you wish”, I said with a smile. Yes, I have solved a major problem.


After that I talked a bit then goodbye to Rias and headed home with Asia, not before speaking with Gasper.


With this Season 1 ends. From next chapter onwards it's Season 2. Thank you everyone for your support so far.

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