I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 81

The next few days passed without any incident. Things were calm.


One day after school, I was in the ORC room with the other members. The cleaning of the old school building has finished so we can finally use the clubroom.


The floors were sparkly clean and shinning. The Bat did a great job.


Gasper was also sitting with us. Lately he has been joining our every meeting since we started to go back to the ORC room for meetings and devil work.


This was a good sign. He was improving in terms of interacting with other.


As for controlling his powers well, his control has improved, however it’s not enough and there’s not enough time until the meeting of the three factions.


I guess desperate times calls for desperate measures. I have no choice but to ask him to drink my blood.


I looked over at Gasper who was sitting beside me on the sofa happily playing a handheld videogame console I gave him. Asia was sitting on my other side.


“Gasper”, I said. 


Gasper looked at me and asked, “Yes? What is it Akira-senpai?”.


I gulped and said, “Umm it’s about controlling your powers”.


“Yes?”, asked Gasper with a tilted head. Damn, he looked so cute. When I said it, everyone paid their attention to me.


“I know of a way to achieve it, the method is quicker than what we are doing but there’s a catch, that’s why I haven’t told you before. But now considering the circumstance it’s best if we utilize it”, I said.


“What method is it Akira?”, asked.


“Well, it’s sucking my blood or it can be Ise’s blood”, I said matter of factly.


“Suck your or Ise’s blood?”, said Rias confused.


“My blood can help Gasper?”, asked Issei.


I nodded my head and said, “Yes, drinking a dragon’s blood will help him control his powers. He is a vampire after all”.


I then looked at Gasper, there was fear in his eyes. As I looked at him he said while crying, “Noooo, I hate blood! I don’t like it’s smell!”.


“Useless vampire”, said Koneko.


Gasper started to cry even harder saying, “Koneko-chan’s being mean to me”.


Everyone was looking at Gasper with a worried expression. You really are a useless vampire Gasper.


I sighed and put a hand on Gasper’s shoulder and said, “Gasper, this is important. You need to get your powers in control. Trust me, just drink my blood once, even if it’s just a drop and you’ll be able to control your powers”.


“But-But I’m scared. Scared of drinking the blood of living things. The only thing I can force myself to do is drink from a blood bag. I still can’t fully control my powers. What am I going to do if it gets even stronger?”.


I smiled and said, “Don’t worry about that. The blood will help you control your powers , it won’t go out of your control. You know I know the future right? Trust me. You can choose whose blood you want to drink, either mine or Ise’s is fine”.


“Yes, you can drink my blood if you want Gasper”, said Issei with determination. He’s a good guy.


Gasper looked at my face for a few seconds. I stared at him with confidence.


Then Gasper nodded and said, “If senpai says it’s ok, I will try”.


I smiled and said, “Good boy”. Then I called my sacred gear in my left hand only and cut a small part of my right hand with dragon aura. A few drops of blood came out.


“Here Gasper”, I said as I put my hand towards him.


Gasper looked at it for a few seconds and then drank it. Almost instantly Gasper eyes shone.


He removed his mouth from my hand and said, “Akira-senpai I feel like I can control my powers now”, joyfully. So this was a success, even if my blood should have worked theoretically, I wasn’t sure it would work until I tried it, this is a relief.


I smiled and said , “That’s great Gasper”.


“Congratulations Gasper”, said Rias as she hugged her.


“Ara ara Gasper-kun good job”, said Akeno smiling.


“Good job Gasper-kun”, said Kiba with a smile.


“Good job”, said Koneko emotionlessly while nodding.


Asia said, “Yes, good job Gasper-kun”.


“Now it’s time for testing”, I said to Gasper.


“Yes”, said Gasper excitedly.


“But before that, you can now turn into a bat correct?”, I asked.


“Yes”, said Gasper.


“Great, show me, I always wanted to witness a vampire turn into a bat”, I said excitedly.


“Okay, Akira-senpai”, said Gasper and turned into a bat.


“Cool”, I said excitedly.


“Ara ara I never knew you had this childish side inside  you, Akira-kun, it makes me want to tease you”, said Akeno with a sadistic smile.


Shivers. This is scary.


Rias said, “Ufufu, I haven’t seen this side as well, how cute”.


Asia said, “I like this side of you Akira-san, it’s funny”.


“This is indeed unexpected”, said Koneko nodding.


“Truly”, said Kiba smiling.


“Oh come on guys, I have things that  enjoy too”, I said defending myself.


So we went to the gym to test you Gasper’s powers.


“Here goes again”, I said as I threw several volleyballs at Gasper.


“Yes”, said Gasper and stopped all of them.




I clapped and said, “Well done”.


Rias said, “It seems like the powers inside Gasper that lay dormant has awakened”.


“I agree”, I said nodding.


“Now let’s take it up a notch, I am going to use one of my attacks so try stopping it”, I said.


“Yes”, said Gasper with determination.


“Here I go”, I said as I attacked with [Unlimited Sword Barrage].


Gasper stopped all 20 swords.


“Great let’s go it again”, I said.


“Yes”, said Gasper. And we continued to do it again and again with more and more swords.


After stopping 100+ swords for a few time, I said, “Great, you have got the hang of it. Now just one thing to do”.


“What is it senpai?”, asked Gasper.


“Stop Ise for a few seconds”, I said.


“What? Why me?”, asked Issei.


Gasper just nodded and said , “Yes”.


“Wai-“, said Issei trying to stop him but Gasper stopped him before he could say anything.


I smirked and said, “Great, now hold him until I say so”.


“Yes”, said Gasper.


“Akira what are you-?”, asked Rias.


I just simply went in front of Issei and wrote “moron” on his face with a marker and then moved away and got back to my previous position and told Gasper, “Ok Gasper, now release him”.


“Yes”, said Gasper.


After being released Issei said, “Huh? What happened?”.


Meanwhile everyone including me and excluding Koneko who had a poker face, started laughing.




“What happened everyone? Why are you all laughing? What’s so funny?” asked Issei confused.


Koneko silently went towards Issei and tugged his shirt.


Issei looked at her and asked, “What is it Koneko-chan?”.


Koneko just handed him a mirror without saying anything.


“What? Is something on my face?”, asked Issei as he looked on the face. AS he looked his face became red in anger.


“How? Who?”, asked Issei in anger. Koneko just silently pointed at me.


“AKIRA YOOOUUU. I WILL KILL YOOOU”, said Issei and began to chase after me. I laughed as I ran away from him.


With this the day ended with everyone laughing.

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