I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 82

Like this the days went by. Everything was going on as usual.


One night, I was working at “Love Love Maid Café” as a maid, yes I occasionally work here as the manager requests my help time to time, saying that I do a good job.


Honestly I would have refused as it’s embarrassing but as a devil I have to fulfil my contracts. And if I don’t go even if he calls me, it will ruin the reputation of the Gremory peerage.


It’s not like I care much about the reputation itself but I pride myself in being professional and doing my job. So I do my job diligently.


I finished my and was just going to change back into my original self in the back room when one of the girls asked, “Akira-san do you have a girlfriend? No, you must have one right? With how good and kind you are”.


This is strange. Why is she asking this out of the blue? I asked, “Umm, why are you asking me this suddenly?”.


She replied, “I-It’s nothing. We were just curious”. The other girls nodded.


I smiled and said, “Yes, I do. I have two in fact”.


The girl looked surprised and asked, “Akira-san you are actually two timing? I never thought you would be like-“.


I raised my hand to stop her and said, “No, I am not two timing. They both know about each other and are ok about it”.


The girl looked surprised but when she saw my serious face she said, “I-Is that so? Then it’s ok. Akira-san won’t like right?”.


I smiled and said, “Of course.  Anyway, it’s getting late, I am going home, goodbye everyone” and then went to the back room to change and leave. The girls also waved good bye to me.


I undid my magic transformation and turned back to my usual self. Then collected by payment from the manager and teleported back to the ORC room to report.


But as I arrived there I found the club room to be empty. Where is everyone? Have they gone somewhere?


As I was wondering that, my phone rang. It was Rias. I picked up the call and said , Hello Buchou?”, from the other side I could hear Rias’s voice…..


“Akira please come to the abandoned factory at the outskirts of the city in the north”, said Rias.


“Why? Is there something wrong?”, I asked.


“No, nothing is wrong. Just come her and you will see”, said Rias.


“Ok”, I said and disconnected the call. What was that? Why is she being so vague? Anyway, got to go.


But it’s a pain though, I don’t have by cycle now and since I have vague recollection of the location I cannot teleport. But I don’t want to walk either.


In the end I decided to fly. Even though humans won’t typically be able to see me if they don’t have enough greed, I put an invisibility spell on me and took flight.


I reached the my destination in a few minutes. As I landed there I saw everyone except Issei and Gasper was present.


Rias saw me and said, “Akira, you have arrived. Just wait till Ise comes and I’ll explain everything”.


I nodded. After a few minutes we saw Issei coming riding his cycle. There was a big package in the front basket of his cycle, which looked like a photo frame.


Rias saw him and said, “Ise, over here”.


After he came Rias said, “Akira, Ise sorry for calling you on the way here”.


“It’s ok”, I said. “Yes it’s ok but what’s the problem?”, said Ise.


Akeno said, “We have a rogue devil situation. We have received orders to immediately slay it”.


Rias said, “That’s how dangerous it is”.


Wait, I remember this, it’s that spider like devil right? Anyway, I have come to realize something after coming here, I cannot kill. I knew this from before but I didn’t pay any attention to this.


I think now is the time to get out of this mindset , otherwise it might come to bite me later, after all a lot of enemies in the future will want me dead. If I don’t have the same mindset, I’ll definitely die.


So, since I will assist in killing this anyway, I better kill it myself and get used to it. This is also a good chance to test that new magic I have been practicing.


I prepared myself mentally.


“It’s inside inside, a rogue devil”, said Koneko looking at the factory.


Rias said, “We will be in danger indoors. Alright Asia-“, before she could finish I said, “Umm Buchou, I have something I want to say”.


Rias looked at me and asked, “What is it Akira?”.


“Can I kill it myself? I have been practicing and I know I can do it. This is also to prepare myself for the future”, I said.


Everyone looked at me surprised.


Rias immediately, “No, Akira it’s too dangerous”.


“Please Buchou, let me do it. I promise I won’t get hurt. This is important”, I said with determination.


Seeing my determined look Rias sighed and said, “Fine, but you must absolutely not get hurt, ok?”.


“Of course, I promise you that”, I smiled and said. Rias nodded and smiled and said “Good luck”.


Asia came to me looking worried and said, “Akira-san please be safe. I’ll be cheering for you”.


I smiled and patted her head and said, “Asia don’t worry, I know what I am doing and thank you for cheering for me”. Asia smiled and nodded.


Issei said, “Good luck man”.


Kiba said, “Good luck”. Akeno smiled and said, “Fufu good luck, if it’s you I know you can do it”.


I looked at everyone and smiled and said, “Thank you everyone”.


Saying that I went towards the factory door. No need to hide , I’ll just force myself in. So I kicked open the door.




The door flew open. I went inside. It was pitch black except for the moon light coming from the broken roof.


After going a few steps I noticed a woman hiding behind a large pipe. She was naked and had white hair. Why are all the rogue devils that I encounter female and are naked?


She seems me and then falls then transforms into a giant spider with pointed teeth, a horn on it’s forehead and her arms and body gets transformed into the body of a spider, she crawls towards me from the ceiling.


I mentally prepare myself for what I am about to do. I call out my sacred gear.


[Dragon’s Fists]


[Power Up!] x 20


Then I jumped and went towards her before she could attack and kicked out through the roof. I did so because my attacks could level this place and I could get hurt. So it’s logical to kick her out before attacking.




She screamed as she flew towards the roof.




She crashed through the roof and landed outside the factory in front of Rias and co.


I followed after her and casted my spell before she could get up.


[Hell Flare!]


I said as magic circle appeared below her and she was enveloped in flames so hot that it would burn anything to ashes.




She screamed and within less than a minute she was burned to ashes. This was my special attack I was practicing to fight the future enemies.


This is my ultimate fire spell capable of burning anything, especially with the power of my sacred gear it can turn my enemies to ashes within seconds. Though enemies above a certain level will resist it but for lower level enemies like this, it’s one hit kill.


“I did it”, I said with a bitter smile.


I slumped down after the kill. I was feeling mixed emotions. I was happy in being able to successfully cast my spell, but at the same time I felt the weight of my first kill.


Seeing me Rias and the others came running towards me in concern.

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