I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 86

On the way to school Asia looked down. Of course Asia, Rias and me were walking together to school as usual, with Rias and Asia on either side of me.


I tried to cheer up Asia saying, “Asia don’t be sad I promise I will make it up to you”.


Asia perked up a bit but then looked down saying, “Yes, I understand Akira-san”. Rias had a happy look on her face, clearly she was enjoying her “victory” for the lack of a better word.


I then thought of something and told Asia, “Asia, how about this? Let’s go on a date tomorrow”. This should work, as I was going on a date with her before Rias, this should count as a “victory” to Asia, I mean I need to compromise to maintain peace.


Asia perked up immediately with a big smile and said, “Really?”. I smiled and said, “Yes, of course”.


Asia said with a big smile, “Thank you, I really look forward to it Akira-san” and hugged me causing me get cold stares from the other students going to the school.


Rias angrily said, “Hey Akira, wasn’t I supposed to get a date first? And she had a date before correct?”.


I just smiled uncomfortably and told Rias, “Yes, it was. But what happened last night was unplanned correct? So, please compromise this for the sake of peace”.


Rias looked at my pleading face for a second and then sighed and said, “Fine. I’ll accept it just this once”.


I smiled and said, “Thank you for understanding Rias”. Asia smiled and said, “Thank you Buchou”.


Rias just said, “Hmph” and turned her face away.


After we reached the school gate, we parted ways. As I and Asia entered class things went as usual. Though I had a big grin on my face.


Issei asked suspiciously, “Why are you grinning like that Akira?”. Motohama adjusted his glasses saying, “Did something good happen? Did you get some sexual enlightenment?”.


“Tell us. Tell us”, said Matsuda, I just said, “Nothing happened guys. I just had a good dream after all”.


“What kind of dream?”, asked Matsuda. “Did you become a man in your dream?”, asked Motohama.


I laughed and said, “Hahaha, nothing of that sort. I just dreamed of getting rich , that’s all”, a lie but I would have to be an idiot for telling them the truth.


“I see”, said Matsuda. “Boring”, said Motohama as the three perverts lost interest.


I sighed in relief. I dodged a bullet. I should control my expression. With that I changed my thoughts to other things and tried my best to keep my face serious.


It happened during lunch. As I, Issei, Matsuda and Motohama were chatting and eating lunch together, suddenly Kiryuu walked up to us with Asia behind her, frantically trying to stop her.


Kiryuu stood in front of our table. “What’s up Aika?”,I asked with a friendly smile.


“What are you doing here?”, said Matsuda. “Leave us alone”, said Motohama.


Aika had a wicked smiled on her face as she ignored Matsuda and Motohama and said to me, “Akira-kun I can’t believe you cheated on Asia”.


“WHHHAAAT?”, the entire class roared together. Issei, Matsuda and Motohama were looking at me incredulously, with a mixed of respect and curiosity. The rest of the class were looking at me as if I were the biggest scum on earth.


Asia covered her face with her hands and said, “Hauuuu”.


CRAP! Crap, Crap, Crap, I forgot to warn Asia not to blabber to Aika, but I so ecstatic of last night’s events  that I forgot. But, then again this shrewd girl might have extracted all the details from the nave Asia anyway.


I sighed and said, “Kiryuu, can you please keep it down, it’s not what you think”.


Kiryuu raised voice even higher and said, “Then, are you saying Asia is lying?”. Damn this girl. Everyone started looking at me with an even meaner exression.


With this my already dwindling reputation will down even further. But, it looks like I can’t do anything about it.  Have to endure it but let’s see how much of my reputation I can salvage.


I quickly said, “No, no that’s what I am saying. What I am saying is that Asia knew about this other relationship”. Damn, I now sound like scumbag. Fuck my life.


“Isn’t that true Asia”, I said while looking at her. Asia silently nodded.


“Is that really true Asia?”, asked KIryuu. Asia nodded and said, “Yes”.


Kiryuu sighed and said, “Guess it can’t be helped. But, I have to hand it you Akira, making Rias Gremory your girlfriend and even going all the way with her, I am impressed. How did you do it?”.


“WHHHAAAAT”, again everyone in the class shouted. Damn you Kiryuu.


“Nooooooo Rias-oneesama, tell me it’s not true and luring in the nave Asia-chan too. How despicable. You deserve to die”, all the girls in the class shouted.


“You bastard”, shouted all the boys. Everyone surrounded us.


Matsuda said, “Damn man, you graduated before us. You have to tell us how it feels…”, while crying.


Motohama adjusted his glasses and said, “Yes, every little detail”. Issei said, “Man, I never thought you guys had that level of relationship, damn…..why him and not me?”, and started crying.


Sigh, right now I am probably the most hated person in the school, even more than the perverted trio, well no use trying to salvage my reputation now, let’s just go with the flow.


“Well, it happened. Anyway about Asia, I promised her to make up for it, so you don’t have to worry”, I said.


Kiryuu had a smirk on her face as she said, “Make up for it? You mean…mumph”.


Before she could finish Asia covered her mouth and said, “That’s enough Kiryuu-san stop this. It’s embarrassing and it’s causing trouble for Akira-san”.


Kiryuu nodded and said, “You are so kind Asia”. Then the bell rang and everyone went back to their seats.


Throughout the day I keep getting dirty stares from all my classmates. The girls were even loudly telling Asia during the breaks to break up with a “cheating, perverted bastard” like me. It hurts you know? Can’t you say that quietly.


After the last bell rung indicating the end of school, I quickly packed up my stuff to leave so as not to be in this suffocating environment.


I was surrounded by Matsuda, Motohama and Issei. Matsuda held my collar saying, “Bastard, tell us all about your experience with Rias-senpai”. Motohama adjusting glasses said, “Yes, yes tell us”. Issei said with determination, “Give us tips of how to be popular like you”.


I sighed and said, “I am NOT To going to say anything about that, It’s embarrassing. About how to be popular, it’s easy, stop beings perverts. You will never be popular with sneak around girls changing room, spying on them. They will only be disgusted”.


“But it’s impossible for us”, said Matsuda. Motohama and Issei nodded.


I used this opportunity to shake off Matsuda’s hand from my collar and said, “I know, that’s why you guys will NEVER be popular” and left before they could recover from being stunned.


I told Asia, “Let’s go” and she said, “Yes, Akira-san” and we made our way to the ORC room. On the way I could see people giving me dirty stares and whispering loudly amongst themselves.


“There, it’s that guy…..”.


“No, way why did Rias-oneesama choose someone like that….”.


“I heard he is two timing Asia over there with Rias-oneesama…”.


“Really? Such lowlife…..”.


“Absolute scum…”.


So, the rumor has spread this much huh? I could only sigh in frustration.

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