I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 87

Damn, that Kiryuu. That loudmouth can’t keep things to herself or talk about this quietly.


She loves to stir up trouble. Does she not care if people’s reputation are lost as long as she has fun? I think that’s the case.


I hate her now. Originally I loved to see her antics in the anime but now when I am at the receiving end of it, I realized how bad it is.


I need to have a talk with her about this. About her respecting privacy. Spreading it like this isn’t her business, no matter how much fun she gets out of this.


Though, to be honest, knowing her, she won’t change but still, I have to talk to her about this, to show her how displeased I am.


I wanted to talk back to her during the time she ranted out my personal business in public but I held back because those dumb losers in school.


These guys think they can decide who their idols hang out with and get angry if things didn’t go their way. If I snapped back they would just ignore it and focus on what I did to their idols instead.


Their stares were uncomfortable and I didn’t want to continue on being on the receiving end of it, so I wanted to end the conversation as fast as possible.


It’s one thing if they do it from afar but when they do it in front of your face , it’s annoying as hell.


Now to the other side of the problem. I looked at Asia who was walking alongside me. She had her face down with a sad look on her face, well looks like she understands it’s her fault, well it makes things easier.


I said, “Asia..”. Asia jolted and looked up with tears in her eyes saying, “A-Akira-san I-I am s-sorry for what happened. I didn’t know Kiryuu-san will…”.


I simply said seriously, “So, you understand what you did was wrong?”. Asia nodded in silence.


I continued, “Seeking advice from friends for your love life is acceptable. But you must never reveal your personal life to anyone. Doing it will cause trouble to not only you but also the other person involved. You saw what happened right? People hate me even more now”.


Asia nodded and said with tears, “I-I understand. I have made a grave mistake, please forgive me”.


I said, “Remember this and don’t do this again. But, you need to face the consequences of your action. Even though I know you did it because you didn’t know any better. So, don’t come to room at night, regardless of whether Rias comes or not and tomorrow’s date is also cancelled”.


Asia started to cry and said, “Hauuuu..but, but, please I didn’t know, please forgive me, I won’t do it again”.


I firmly said, “No, this is my decision”. I am glad there is no one around, otherwise I would have gotten more stares cause of Asia’s actions.


I just walked in front and Asia tagged behind. I opened the ORC room door and saw that everyone except Issei was there. I greeted everyone, “Good evening”.


After all the greetings Rias said, “Akira, I have hearing things, how did this happen?”. I sighed and said, “Asia told one of our classmates Aika Kiryuu about what happened yesterday, Aika is her friend but you know she is a loudmouth and it spread”.


Asia looked down and said, “I-I am sorry Buchou-san, it won’t happen again”.


Rias smiled and said, “It’s ok, I don’t mind”. Yes, it’s easy for you to say, you don’t get the flack for it.


Akeno said with a seductive smile, “Ara, ara Akira-kun, since you have already done it with Rias, I can go forward correct”.


“No, absolutely not”, said Rias sternly. Oh, by the way, after that seduction with the bathrobe incident Rias doesn’t let Akeno treat me at all, she does it herself.


Akeno laughed and said, “Fufu, being jealous, how cute”. The other’s remained silent.


Rias then said, “Although, it’s not a problem for me, this issue will become a problem for you yes Akira?”.


“Yes, very much”, I said bitterly.


Rias then smiled and said, “Well then we can just erase everyone’s memory of the incident”.


I perked up upon hearing this, yes this is a good solution. Then, I don’t have to worry about those stares, though that means I won’t be able to have a “talk” with Aika, this is a better solution.


I immediately said, “Yes, that would be great”. Rias smiled and said, “Akeno, do it”.


“Yes, Buchou”,s aid Akeno happily. “Can, I watch and learn?”, I asked. “Sure. But remember the Student Council members will remember, we can’t erase their memories a they are fellow devils”, said Akeno.


Well, that sucks but it’s better than everyone else remembering. “Oh, that reminds me, I need to inform Sona, before casting a wide scale magic like this”, said Rias and dialed her phone and spoke to the Student Council president. After speaking a bit she nodded and said, “You are good to go”.


“But a few of them are at home right now, will this work?”, I asked curious. Akeno smiled and said, “It will, if the right spell is cast”. I nodded and watched the spell being casted.


At that time Issei entered and asked, “What are you guys doing?”. I said, “Erasing the memory of everyone regrading the incident that happened toady in class”.


“But why?’, asked Issei. “Because it’s frustrating to see all those stares from all the student that’s why. Understand you dimwit”, I snapped in bottled up anger. I know I shouldn’t have as he’s not responsible but I don’t care.


Issei became quiet after that. I watched the whole spell being casted and memorized how to do it.


After that we talked about club stuff and went home. That night Rias was very happy as Asia wasn’t allowed to sleep in the same bed as me as she could have me by  herself but I wasn’t in the mood for anything so I told her to sleep, which she agreed, albeit a bit disappointed.


Asia was very sad but I didn’t give her much attention. Thankfully when mom asked what’s wrong, she didn’t say it was because of me, then it would have gotten full of drama.


The next day as I said I didn’t go on a date with Asia but I talked with her normally. She was a bit disappointed but she was relieved that I was less angry and talking to her.

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