CHAPTER 22: The Corpse Crystal

Wang Xiong followed Dr. Meng Jie into the house, his gaze immediately drawn to the dissected remains of the giant zombie sprawled across the table. The lack of proper tools made the dissection crude and brutal, and the grotesque sight nauseated Yu Fei and Bai Lu, who hesitated near the doorway. Luckily, neither had eaten in days, sparing them from the full impact of the grisly scene.

Dr. Meng Jie, ever the professional, remained unfazed by the carnage. In contrast, Wang Xiong’s single-minded pursuit of strength made him indifferent to the gruesomeness before him. The potential for growth as an Awakened far outweighed any discomfort.

They approached the table where the mangled corpse of the giant zombie lay. Dr. Meng Jie pointed at the bloodied remains and began her explanation.

"Without proper equipment, I can’t conduct any microscopic analysis," she said. "So, my research has focused on three key areas."

The First Aspect: Physical Strength

She gestured toward the hulking mass of the giant zombie’s body. "The giant zombie possesses about twice the physical strength of an ordinary one," Dr. Meng Jie began. "In terms of attributes, that puts it around 12 points of strength. That’s not far from your own, Wang Xiong."

Wang Xiong nodded, absorbing the information. Dr. Meng Jie continued, "However, your height and build give you an advantage in combat, and your combat experience far surpasses that of a mindless zombie. In a one-on-one fight, you'd easily come out on top."

The Second Aspect: Evolution

Dr. Meng Jie picked up a blood-stained sac from the dissected remains and held it up for Wang Xiong to inspect. "Any guesses what this is?"

Wang Xiong shook his head.

"It’s the giant zombie’s stomach," Dr. Meng Jie revealed, her voice clinical despite the grotesque object in her hand.

"Compared to ordinary zombies, the giant ones have undergone significant anatomical changes," she explained, her eyes briefly flicking to the dissected body. "The most notable difference is in the stomach."

She continued, "A giant zombie’s digestive system is far more robust. Their stomach is equipped with powerful enzymes that can rapidly break down flesh and blood. This allows them to process their meals faster and more efficiently."

Setting the organ aside, Dr. Meng Jie went on, "I theorize that these enzymes play a role in the zombie’s evolution. They may even help facilitate the absorption of the Mystery Factor—the same ones that allow zombies, and perhaps even us, to evolve."

Wang Xiong furrowed his brow. "So, you're saying that regular humans have these Mystery Factor in them too?"

Dr. Meng Jie nodded. "Yes. Ever since the Tower appeared, the atmosphere has been saturated with these Mystery Factors. Everyone breathes them in, though most people only absorb trace amounts, and they remain unintegrated within their cells. That’s why not everyone experiences an Awakening."

"So," Dr. Meng Jie continued, "Awakening is like winning the lottery. The exact cause remains a mystery, but we all absorb the Mystery Factor whether we realize it or not. For some, they trigger an Awakening, while for others, they don’t."

She paused, her eyes gleaming with a new idea. "Which brings me to an interesting thought. What if there were a way to safely increase the concentration of Mystery Factor in regular people? Maybe we could induce an Awakening in those who otherwise wouldn’t experience it."

Wang Xiong was silent, digesting the possibility. He didn’t have an answer, and neither did Dr. Meng Jie. She was limited by the lack of proper equipment, but the potential of her theory was undeniable.

Dr. Meng Jie then shifted her focus back to him. "But let’s be honest, you’re probably not as interested in the first two findings as you are in how to evolve further as an Awakened, right?"

Wang Xiong grinned sheepishly. "You know me too well."

With a flourish, Dr. Meng Jie retrieved a small, transparent crystal from her pocket. Its prism-like surface gleamed faintly in the dim light, immediately drawing Wang Xiong’s full attention.

"What’s that?" he asked, intrigued.

Dr. Meng Jie held the crystal up. "This is a Corpse Crystal," she said, her tone suddenly weighty. "I found it lodged inside the giant zombie’s brain."

Wang Xiong’s mind whirled, déjà vu flooding over him. "Wait a second… isn’t this like something straight out of a novel?"

Dr. Meng Jie looked confused, her scientific detachment preventing her from grasping his literary reference. Wang Xiong elaborated, "You know, zombies with crystals in their brains, and humans who consume them to gain powers? It’s kind of a cliché."

Dr. Meng Jie shook her head, clearly uninterested in such fictional comparisons. "Well, here we are," she replied, matter-of-factly. "Whether it’s cliché or not, the facts remain the same."

Wang Xiong let out a dry laugh. The world was indeed becoming stranger than fiction.

Dr. Meng Jie resumed her explanation. "While dissecting the giant zombie, I discovered this crystal embedded within its brain. Given the limited resources, I couldn’t run a full analysis, but I’ve confirmed two things: first, the crystal seems harmless. Second, it contains a concentrated form of the Mystery Factor we’ve been discussing."

She paused for emphasis. "These same Mystery Factors are what give zombies—and Awakened individuals—our powers. My hypothesis is that this Corpse Crystal might enhance an Awakened’s abilities or even trigger an Awakening in a normal human."

Wang Xiong’s eyes widened. "Then I should take it! This could be exactly what I need to evolve."

Dr. Meng Jie shook her head firmly. "No. Everything I’ve told you is purely theoretical. We don’t know enough about this crystal, and without proper tests, I can’t let you risk consuming it."

Wang Xiong scratched his head in frustration. "But—"

Dr. Meng Jie placed a hand on his shoulder, her expression softening. "Wang Xiong, you’re one of the strongest Awakened we have. You represent our best hope for survival. I can’t let you gamble your life on an untested theory."

Wang Xiong opened his mouth to argue further but found no words. Her logic was undeniable.

Later, after waking from his afternoon nap, Lu Ming checked his attribute panel out of habit. Satisfied with his stats, he grabbed some canned fruit for a quick meal and, between bites, glanced out the window.

He caught sight of Wang Xiong venturing out yet again, tireless as ever. Lu Ming shook his head, amused at how different they were. Wang Xiong seemed incapable of staying indoors, always craving action, while Lu Ming much preferred the safety and solitude of the inside.

Shifting his gaze downward, he noticed Zhang Lixin, Li Gang(?), and the others cleaning the street. Yu Fei and Bai Lu had joined them, their efforts bringing some semblance of life back to the street below. A small part of Lu Ming acknowledged the changes, but it wasn’t enough to draw him outside.

He shut the window and returned to his exercise routine. The thwang! of his slingshot echoed in the room, but today, it would not see any real action. For now, the streets were free of zombies.

End of Chapter 22

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