CHAPTER 23: Growing Shadows in Good Hope Village

[Day 12 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Thursday, Rest Day]

“Nothing happened today.”

“Wang Xiong still came to harass me. He brought back four more survivors. I don’t remember their names, and frankly, it doesn’t matter.”

“There is something worth noting, though.”

“Wang Xiong was attacked by a giant zombie while he was out. It’s becoming clear that these giant zombies are appearing more frequently. It’s not just a coincidence anymore. The apocalypse is getting worse, more dangerous by the day.”

[Physical Status Record: Day 12 —Pass…]

[Day 13 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Friday, Chest-Training Day]

“Nothing happened today.”

“Wang Xiong visited again. This time, he mentioned signs of other survivors in Good Hope Village. Apparently, while exploring, he found evidence of a large group based on the traces they left behind. He’s planning to follow up on this tomorrow.”

“I still don’t understand Wang Xiong’s obsession with rescuing people. It’s not like he needs my help, though. He can do whatever he wants.”

[Physical Status Record: Day 13 —Pass…]

[Day 14 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Saturday, Back-Training Day]

“Nothing happened today.”

“Wang Xiong didn’t show up.”

“The good news: I’ve leveled up my Slingshot Shooting to Level 10! The bad news: reaching Level 10 means I no longer gain proficiency points from target practice.”

“In other words, I’ve maxed out my Slingshot Skill. Time to focus on Archery, but I know that won’t last long either. Practice alone will only get me to Level 10 again. What I really need are live targets. Too bad Wang Xiong hasn’t attracted any zombies lately, and I’m not about to go looking for them myself.”

[Physical Status Record: Day 14 —Pass…]

(Days 15 & 16 —skipped.)

[Day 17 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Tuesday, Back-Training Day]

[11:00 Noon]

While preparing lunch, Lu Ming opened his attribute panel to check his progress.

Name: Lu Ming♂
Age: 25 years old
Strength: 26.7
Physique: 27.2
Agility: 26.4


  • Fitness Lv4 (150/400)
  • Slingshot Lv10 (0/1000)
  • Archery Lv7 (55/700)
  • Hand-to-hand Combat Lv8 (523/800)
  • Cold Weapon Combat Lv10 (0/1000)

Almost a week had passed since he’d last checked, and the results were satisfying. His attributes had risen steadily, and his fitness level had reached Level 4, allowing him to gain up to 0.9 attribute points per day. Having maxed out both his Slingshot and Cold Weapon skills, Lu Ming now found himself restless, craving new challenges. But target practice with dummies wasn’t enough anymore. What he needed were live targets—zombies or otherwise.

He sat down for lunch, a simple but nourishing meal of rice, chicken breast, and dried vegetables. As he ate, a gnawing concern returned—Wang Xiong hadn’t visited for two days.

On the other side of Good Hope Village, Wang Xiong was deep in his mission— finding more survivors. The traces he had discovered a few days ago had sent him on a relentless search. Today, it finally paid off.

Before him loomed a large courtyard, enclosed by three five-story buildings and a thick, towering perimeter wall. A vigilant lookout manned the crude observation deck above the wall. The architecture was reminiscent of Nanxiang City’s older clan-based communities. These remnants from the past stood as a reminder of a time when extended families lived together for strength and support, long before the economic boom reshaped the country.

The Zhang family complex was unmistakable. Known throughout Good Hope Village, the Zhangs were a clan of nearly a hundred members. While they no longer adhered to the strict ancestral customs of the past, their sense of unity remained strong. During the annual New Year celebrations, their gatherings were a spectacle in the village, a show of family solidarity.

Wang Xiong observed the complex from a distance, curiosity overcoming his caution. He approached the gate, but before he could knock, a voice boomed from the lookout above.

“Someone’s approaching! A living person!”

The iron gate creaked open slightly, revealing a small window through which a pair of sharp eyes examined him closely. Wang Xiong’s heart skipped a beat as the person on the other side noticed the scar on his neck—a mark of his status as an Awakened.

After a tense pause, a muffled voice asked, “An Awakened?”

Wang Xiong nodded.

The iron gate groaned as it swung open. A tall, muscular middle-aged man stood at the entrance and waved Wang Xiong inside. “Come in quickly.”

Stepping into the courtyard, Wang Xiong was immediately struck by the piles of supplies stacked high like small mountains. The Zhang family’s resourcefulness was evident. Armed men and women, some with bows and machetes, moved cautiously around the space, vigilant and prepared for any threat. It was clear that these people had adapted quickly to the new world.

Before Wang Xiong could fully take in the scene, the middle-aged man introduced himself. “I’m Zhang Ye, the leader here. And you?”

“Wang Xiong,” he replied.

Zhang Ye eyed him carefully. “Are you scouting, or are you looking for a place to stay?”

The question gave Wang Xiong pause. He is operating solo this time, never seriously considering joining any current group. Before he could respond, Zhang Ye continued, “If you’re just here to take a look, I’ll show you around. But if you’re seeking refuge, we’d welcome you. An Awakened like you would be a valuable asset.”

Wang Xiong raised an eyebrow. “You know about Awakened?”

Zhang Ye nodded. “I am one myself. We’ve got three Awakened here. Without us, we wouldn’t be able to defend this place.”

Wang Xiong’s eyes widened in surprise. Three Awakened in one place? That was a considerable force, especially given the increasing danger of the apocalypse.

Just then, the door creaked open once more. A group of people, led by a strong woman armed with a bow and arrow, hurried inside. She went straight to Zhang Ye.

“Brother, we found seven more survivors!” she announced.

Zhang Ye nodded. “Make sure they’re taken care of.”

Wang Xiong’s interest was piqued. Maybe joining a group isn’t such a bad idea after all. I might learn more about the current situation… and maybe even find more information about Awakeners for Dr. Meng Jie.

End of Chapter 23

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