CHAPTER 25: The Gamble of Evolution

Dr. Meng Jie’s voice echoed through the room as Zhang Ye’s focus sharpened on the evolving nature of the Awakened. Like Wang Xiong, Zhang Ye had become deeply engrossed in the potential for both zombies and Awakened individuals to evolve. The mysteries surrounding the Tower, the enigmatic 'Mystery Factor,' and the process of cellular integration remained largely unsolved, but the immediate priority was undeniable: discovering how to accelerate the growth and power of both zombies and Awakened alike.

Zhang Ye had listened closely to Dr. Meng’s speculations about corpse crystals acting as catalysts for evolution. Though she emphasized the untested nature of her theories, Zhang Ye brushed her aside with a calm smile. “Speculations are enough.”

He turned to his sister, Zhang Chengcheng, and instructed her to bring forth the collected corpse crystals. They had established a basic classification system: regular zombies were considered Level 0, and giant zombies were classified as Level 1. Zhang Ye understood the increasing danger these giant zombies posed—especially to Awakened individuals like himself. The three Awakened members of his shelter were like glowing beacons, attracting these evolved creatures. Recent attacks had involved at least ten giant zombies assaulting their shelter. Thanks to the fortified walls and Zhang Ye’s strategic leadership, a breach had been avoided so far. The giant zombies hadn’t yet shown signs of coordinated attacks, giving the Zhang family a chance to hold their ground and accumulate around ten Level 1 corpse crystals.

It wasn’t long before Zhang Chengcheng returned, carrying the crystals. She laid them out on the table, where they gleamed in the lights. Without hesitation, Zhang Ye picked one up, briefly studying it before making a shocking decision—he placed it in his mouth.

A wave of disbelief swept through the room.

“What are you doing?!” came the unified cry of alarm from Wang Xiong, Dr. Meng Jie, and the others, their voices tinged with panic.

“Brother Zhang, you’re being reckless!” Wang Xiong’s voice was filled with concern. “Everything that was said about evolution was just theory, not fact! You’re gambling with your life!”

But Zhang Ye had already swallowed the crystal. The room fell into a tense silence as all eyes focused on him, anxiety tightening the air. Wang Xiong and the two other Awakened formed a protective circle around Zhang Ye, ready to step in at the first sign of danger. Zhang Lixin positioned himself near the back, shielding Dr. Meng Jie, who observed the scene with intense focus, carefully documenting every moment.

Minutes passed in heavy silence. Zhang Ye finally tilted his head toward Dr. Meng Jie. “No taste,” he remarked casually. “It melts in your mouth. I’ve been waiting for three minutes, but there’s no sign of anything off. No discomfort, no change.”

Dr. Meng Jie thought for a moment before offering her analysis. “The dose might not be enough,” she suggested.

Zhang Ye nodded thoughtfully. “That’s what I figured.” He reached for another crystal.

Before he could proceed, Wang Xiong, Zhang Chengcheng, and Li Zitong rushed to stop him. “Brother, please don’t be rash!” Wang Xiong pleaded. Zhang Chengcheng’s voice trembled with fear, her eyes welling with tears. “Brother, what happens to all of us if something goes wrong?”

Her emotional outburst made Zhang Ye pause. He sighed deeply, offering her a bittersweet smile. “I’ve never been one for impulsive decisions. Thinking things through has always been my way. But,” he continued, his voice turning grave, “we’re running out of time.”

Turning to Wang Xiong, he explained, “You may not know this, but Zitong and Cheng Cheng are well aware—the frequency of zombie attacks has been rising. More giant zombies are appearing. And as Dr. Meng theorized, a settlement like ours is a beacon, attracting both regular and giant zombies. Your arrival has strengthened our defenses, Wang Xiong, but I fear it’s only a matter of time before even more dangerous zombies arrive.”

Zhang Ye’s tone grew more ominous. “When that happens, our colony will be doomed.”

Li Zitong and Zhang Chengcheng exchanged worried glances. They knew his words were true. The threat was escalating faster than anyone could predict.

Holding the crystal in his hand, Zhang Ye spoke with unwavering resolve. “Now that Dr. Meng has suggested a potential way for Awakened to evolve, I admit I wish there was a safer way. But we don’t have that luxury. Action is needed—immediate action.”

He turned to Dr. Meng Jie. “Since live experimentation is the only way to test this hypothesis, I’ll be the test subject.” A carefree smile touched his lips. “If things go wrong, I’m entrusting the leadership of this colony to you.”

With that, he broke free of Wang Xiong’s grasp and swallowed the second crystal.

A heavy silence fell over the room as they watched him, the tension palpable. Every five minutes, Zhang Ye consumed another crystal. By the time he ingested the tenth, something began to happen.

“Dr. Meng, I’m feeling something,” Zhang Ye announced, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Dr. Meng Jie moved closer, her curiosity piqued. She observed him carefully, noting every change.

Zhang Ye described a growing heat, as if a furnace had ignited inside him. His skin began to redden, and those gathered around could feel the heat radiating from his body. His temperature seemed to be hovering around a scorching 43 degrees Celsius.

“Are you feeling any other symptoms?” Dr. Meng Jie asked, her voice steady but with a trace of nervousness. “Dizziness? Confusion?”

Zhang Ye shook his head. “No. My mind is perfectly clear. It’s just… extremely hot.” He paused, searching for the right words. “But strangely, it feels… comfortable.”

Dr. Meng Jie’s eyes gleamed. Comfort was an important clue. It suggested the process, while intense, wasn’t harmful.

They waited in anxious silence as Zhang Ye’s skin slowly returned to its normal color. There was a faint cracking sound as his body adjusted internally. Twenty minutes later, Zhang Ye let out a long, contented sigh.

“It’s over,” he said, rising to his feet and stretching. “The heat’s gone now, but I feel incredibly strong!” He reached out and grabbed a corner of the heavy mahogany table. With a single, effortless motion, he shattered a piece of it.

“My strength has definitely increased. And it seems I’ve gained something new...” A mischievous grin spread across his face as he looked around at the others.

“Let’s go outside and test it. I want to see what I can do as a Level 2 Awakened!”

End of Chapter 25

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