CHAPTER 26: A Level 2 Awakened

Following his daring experiment, Zhang Ye became the first known individual to break through to the next stage of evolution – a Level 2 Awakened. This classification mirrored the tiered structure observed in zombies, with Level 0 representing ordinary humans and Level 1 corresponding to their un-evolved Awakened counterparts.

In the courtyard, under Dr. Meng Jie’s guidance, Zhang Ye underwent a series of tests to measure his newfound abilities. The tests assessed his strength, speed, and overall fitness, along with other physical attributes. After a thorough evaluation, the conclusion was undeniable.


Dr. Meng Jie’s concise summary was enough to convey the importance of the change. Every aspect of Zhang Ye's physical prowess had doubled compared to his former Level 1 state. If his previous attributes were a 10, they now stood at a formidable 20. This exponential growth translated into a significant leap in combat power. In his current state, Zhang Ye could effortlessly overpower even the strongest of Level 1 Awakened, including Wang Xiong, with just one hand.

“But that’s not all,” Zhang Ye declared, extending his right hand. A faint red glow appeared in his palm, flickering to life as a small flame. The group stared in stunned silence as the fire danced in his hand. With a casual flick of his wrist, Zhang Ye sent the flame flying ten meters before it exploded with a bang, shaking the ground like a hand grenade.

“This is the awakened ability I mentioned earlier!” Zhang Ye announced, pride evident in his voice.

The three Level 1 Awakened, including Wang Xiong, watched in awe. Dr. Meng Jie, always the researcher, offered a critical observation. “Level 1 Awakened individuals don’t possess abilities like this. It seems that unique powers only manifest at Level 2.”

“Extraordinary power,” she mused aloud, coining a term to describe these newly discovered abilities.

As they say, good fortune comes in pairs. That day, the Zhang family stronghold had two reasons to celebrate. First, they had gained a new Awakened – Wang Xiong. Second, Zhang Ye had successfully advanced to become the first known Level 2 Awakened.

The atmosphere of celebration extended even to the dining hall, where meals were served communally. Everyone, including the ordinary survivors like Yu Fei and Bai Lu, received a special treat – an extra can of meat, in addition to their usual half-bowl of rice, dried vegetables, and a single can of meat.

Before the apocalypse, Yu Fei and Bai Lu had lived lives of luxury, accustomed to fine dining and the best the world had to offer. But ten days of survival had changed them. Now, sitting in the communal hall, this simple meal was the most satisfying thing they had eaten since the world fell apart. Gone were the days of instant noodles and crowded shelter life in the vicinity of Lu Ming’s house. Maintaining appearances no longer mattered. Their focus was survival.

As they ate with renewed vigor, a cheerful voice interrupted their quiet. A young woman approached them with a warm smile – it was Zhang Chengcheng, Zhang Ye’s sister and a fellow Awakened. She politely asked to join them, and Yu Fei and Bai Lu gladly made room.

“Where was your previous group located?” Zhang Chengcheng inquired after a bit of small talk.

Yu Fei answered, “Guangping Street.”

“Were there many zombies there?”

“Not too many near our gathering spot—Brother Wang and Brother Lu cleared them out. But the village entrance was crawling with them. It was a mess after Zhang Lixin’s group fought there. They’re still blocking the main road.”

Zhang Chengcheng’s interest was piqued. She knew of the military’s involvement but hadn’t seen the battlefield herself. Zhang Lixin had mentioned abandoned military vehicles and equipment, which represented a potential goldmine for the Zhang family. As she continued chatting with Yu Fei and Bai Lu, her mind raced with possibilities. But then, Yu Fei casually mentioned something that caught her off guard.

“Brother Lu? Who’s that?” Zhang Chengcheng asked.

“Lu Ming,” Bai Lu clarified. “He’s an Awakened from our old group.”

Zhang Chengcheng’s eyebrows raised in surprise. Another Awakened? Wang Xiong hadn’t mentioned him. Intrigued, she pressed further. “Why didn’t he come with you?”

Yu Fei chuckled softly. “Brother Lu… he’s kind of strange. I was there for a week and never saw him leave his house.”

Bai Lu nodded. “He’s a bit of a recluse. When we left yesterday, Brother Wang tried to convince him to come along, but he wouldn’t budge. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still holed up there... or worse.”

Their words left a shadow over Zhang Chengcheng’s thoughts. She felt an urge to defend Lu Ming, but instead, she steered the conversation elsewhere.

“Are you settling in comfortably here?” she asked.

Both women nodded enthusiastically.

“Of course! The bedding’s clean and fresh!”

“And the food’s a hundred times better here!”

“There are more people, too, so it feels safer.”

Yu Fei and Bai Lu recounted their experiences, comparing their time at Guangping Street to the new life they had found at the Zhang family stronghold. Here, they were well-fed, surrounded by a larger group, and finally felt the sense of security that had been sorely lacking in their previous shelter.

Zhang Chengcheng, however, found herself losing interest in the conversation. With a polite smile, she excused herself. As she left the dining hall, she noticed Li Zitong taking her seat, engaging Yu Fei and Bai Lu in an animated discussion. Amused, she walked away, leaving them to their chatter.

Meanwhile, in the quiet of his home, Lu Ming sat down to a simple dinner of rice, boiled chicken breast, and dehydrated vegetables. It wasn’t the most exciting meal, but it provided the nourishment he needed. After finishing, he opened his attribute panel to review his progress:

Name: Lu Ming ♂
Strength: 28.5
Physique: 29
Agility: 27.3


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat Level 8 → Level 9

The peaceful day was winding down. After some time practicing archery on the second floor, the sudden sound of heavy, thundering footsteps broke the calm. The noise was so loud it penetrated the sound insulation of his home. Alarmed, Lu Ming rushed to the window and peered through a small observation hole.

What he saw chilled him to the core – a massive horde of zombies, with towering giant zombies interspersed among them, was marching toward the village. It was no random outbreak. This was coordinated.

“The group from the village entrance,” he muttered. “This is a planned attack… something’s organizing them.”

He closed the window and took a deep breath, steadying himself. Something big is happening tonight…

Lu Ming quickly gathered his weapons. The sheer number of zombies made direct combat impossible, and from his vantage point, it didn’t seem like his house was their immediate target. He opted to stay hidden, choosing not to engage unless absolutely necessary. Still, his unease grew.

“My attributes still aren’t enough,” he thought grimly. “If my stats were over 100, no, over 200 in all categories, I could wipe them out.”

His thoughts drifted to Wang Xiong. He’d make a great shield against this horde… But even with Wang Xiong, the odds were slim. He knew he was on his own.

“Looks like I’ll have to rely on myself,” Lu Ming muttered, resolve hardening as he prepared for whatever was to come.

End of Chapter 26

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