Chapter 282: Traversing the Hundred Thousand Mountains

If the Hundred Thousand Mountains were compared to a modern city, the appearance of the zombie beasts would resemble a sprawling metropolis thrown into a post-apocalyptic world, teeming with the undead. Yet, for Lu Ming and his group, who carried the aura of Esek, it was as if they were survivors blessed with immunity, ignored entirely by the ravenous beasts.

Their journey through the Hundred Thousand Mountains was smooth and unobstructed, just as one might imagine.

“However, the core area is off-limits,” Esek reminded them sternly.

The restriction was necessary because there was a limit to the infection ability of Esek’s zombie beast poison. As an Ancient Realm expert, Esek could infect those below the Ancient Realm, but the exotic beasts within the Ancient Realm were completely immune. For this reason, both Lu Ming and Esek knew the core of the Hundred Thousand Mountains was still a dangerous zone.

Fortunately, Roda’s secret passage did not cross into the core.

The group pressed forward, quickening their pace. After five days of steady travel, they finally arrived at their destination: a place known as Frost Lake.

Nestled deep within the mountains, Frost Lake was an inner lake named for its perpetually cold waters. The chill lingered all year, even in the warmest of seasons.

They reached the lake in the early morning, where a pale, ghostly light descended from the gray sky, casting a frosty veil over the landscape. A cold mist rose from the lake, and the air hovered just above freezing. For ordinary people, it would have been unbearable, but for the five of them—each at least at Level Nine of the Physique Realm—the cold was more of an inconvenience than a true challenge.

The surrounding plants had adapted to the biting cold, their hardy forms bending under the chill but still thriving. Pale blue flowers and frost-covered grass were in full bloom, lending a distinct, serene beauty to the otherwise frigid atmosphere.

“The secret passage is beneath the lake,” Roda said, his voice steady as he gestured to the water. “It’s a dried-up underground river.”

After a moment of pause, he continued. “I discovered this secret passage by chance. It’s safe inside, and if we follow it for a month, we’ll reach the territory of the Aeonians, on the other side of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.”

Lu Ming’s eyes narrowed as he processed the information.

“In other words,” Roda added, “you’ll arrive at the Eternal Clan’s Clear River Province.”

Dr. Huo Sheng, Zhang Chengcheng, and the others were already in Clear River Province. The mention of the familiar name caused Lu Ming to pause, his thoughts drifting as he gazed across the still waters of Frost Lake. For the most part, the area seemed undisturbed by exotic beasts, though occasionally, he caught glimpses of movements in the distance—whether they were exotic beasts or zombie beasts, he could not be sure.

The tranquility of Frost Lake was a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind, and the peace it offered stirred something deep within Lu Ming.

After a long moment, he made up his mind.

“I don’t really want to go to the Eternal Clan,” he said finally, his voice steady but contemplative.

The others turned to look at him, but none appeared surprised by his words.

“There are too many people there,” Lu Ming continued. “More people means less peace—and more trivial matters to deal with.”

His companions nodded in silent agreement. They knew Lu Ming well enough to understand his desire for solitude and focus. There was no need for further discussion.

Roda, too, seemed to agree. “I haven’t fully absorbed King Lin’s inheritance yet,” he admitted. “Returning to the Eternal Clan now would only alert my enemies. It’s better to lie low for a while—perhaps give them a warning and save the revenge for later.”

The others—Quan Chao, Uncle Lu, and Roxin—remained quiet but resolute. Like Roda, they saw the wisdom in waiting, and all of them were prepared to follow Lu Ming’s lead.

With their decision made, Lu Ming declared, “Let’s settle here for now.”

Without delay, they began building a house near the edge of Frost Lake. The structure was spacious and well-built, providing ample shelter from the wind and cold. It blended naturally into the serene, frosty surroundings, a testament to their resourcefulness and skill.

By the time they finished, the afternoon sun was sinking low in the sky. Lu Ming, Roda, and Quan Chao decided to take a walk around the area, exploring the untapped wilderness that lay before them. Their exploration soon yielded unexpected rewards.

Not far from their new home, they discovered a Flame Stone mine. For Lu Ming, this discovery was significant. With Flame Stones in hand, he could easily gather the materials needed to cultivate the Flame Body Forging Technique, a powerful technique that could greatly enhance his strength.

But their luck didn’t stop there.

Further exploration led them to another valuable find: a deposit of Star Rock Jade, an essential material for cultivating yet another Origin Realm Body Forging Technique. The deeper they ventured into the mountains, the more they realized just how abundant the resources of the Hundred Thousand Mountains truly were.

For the first time, Lu Ming fully understood why so many explorers risked their lives to venture into these treacherous lands. The promise of hidden treasures wasn’t just a myth. With the right timing and a bit of luck, one could indeed become rich overnight. The sheer abundance of rare materials made it clear that both wealth—and power—were within reach for those daring enough to claim them.

That evening, as the sun dipped behind the mountains, Lu Ming returned to their newly built home with his arms full of freshly gathered Flame Stones. Entering his room, he found it simple yet comfortable. The familiar futon he often used rested in the corner, and beside it, a bed crafted from soft hay. It was clear this was Roxin’s handiwork, her care evident in the humble yet thoughtful touches scattered throughout the room.

A soft smile touched Lu Ming’s lips as he surveyed his surroundings. There was something deeply comforting about the small, quiet details of their newfound home.

Settling onto the futon, Lu Ming allowed his mind to relax. Soon, he entered a meditative state, and before long, he slipped into the Void Space, ready to continue his cultivation.

Name: Lu Ming
Level: Physique Realm, Level 5
Status: Self-Limitation State
Strength: 651,900
Physique: 651,900
Agility: 651,900
Free Attribute Points: 610,700
Divine Source Points: 44
Others omitted...

As Lu Ming entered the Void Space, the familiar silence enveloped him. His eyes drifted to his attribute panel, where impressive numbers reflected the immense power he had accumulated. Yet, despite the overwhelming stats, a question gnawed at him.

His level.

According to the system, he was still at Level Five of the Physique Realm, but Lu Ming knew that the appearance of Silver Patterns typically signaled entry into the Ancient Realm. By all logic, he should have already stepped into this new realm of power, but the system insisted otherwise. The contradiction left him puzzled and frustrated.

For a moment, Lu Ming considered the implications. “If the system categorized him differently than what he had come to understand about the Ancient Realm, where did he truly stand?”

Unable to find an answer, Lu Ming sighed and set the matter aside. There were more important things to focus on.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s the Ancient Realm or the Physique Realm,” he muttered to himself. “What matters is my true strength. Once I know what level of expert I can resist, I’ll know exactly where I stand.”

And that was the truth of it. Titles and numbers meant little compared to actual combat ability. Lu Ming didn’t need labels; his power would speak for itself.

At this moment, Lu Ming estimated his real strength to be at the First Level of the Ancient Realm.

Within the First Level of the Ancient Realm, Lu Ming found himself comfortably in the middle. He was much stronger than weaker experts, like those like Zhanglang Ge, but on par with individuals such as the golden-patterned Tang Chongye and Esek. Of course, the outcomes of any battles would depend on more than raw stats—it would come down to their performance, strategy, and how their abilities interacted with each other.

Now, as he contemplated his future path, Lu Ming reflected on his journey and growth.

“For now, let’s assume I’m already an Ancient Realm expert,” he muttered, accepting his progression. From here, his path would mirror the growth of others within the Ancient Realm.

The path forward was clear: cultivate Origin Power Skills, observe the essence of matter, temper the body, and form mystical patterns. Whether silver, gold, or otherwise, these patterns would accumulate without end. Indeed, the journey through the Ancient Realm was endless, with no clear end in sight—except for the looming specter of death.

Ancient Realm experts could accumulate new mystical patterns indefinitely. However, unless they achieved godhood, they would never undergo a higher-level transformation. Their growth would always remain a quantitative change rather than a qualitative one.

This was the path every Ancient Realm expert in the Black Mist Zone had to follow. Even those praised as Quasi-Divine realm experts were bound by this unchanging truth.

Lu Ming’s thoughts drifted to Flame Heart Yanxin, the one who had established the Force System. The concept intrigued him, prompting deeper contemplation.

“Golden patterns… Silver patterns…” he mused aloud. “There seems to be something I don’t fully understand about all this.”

Despite his power and growing knowledge, gaps in his understanding remained. He couldn’t grasp it fully—at least, not yet.

Shaking off the distraction, Lu Ming refocused on the fundamentals.

“There are three types of mystical patterns,” he reminded himself. “The Source of Mystic Silver Patterns, the Foundation of Matter Golden Patterns, and the Primordial Patterns of the Eye of Flesh and Blood.”

Silver Patterns, the lowest but easiest to cultivate, provided the foundation. Golden Patterns, harder to obtain and often dependent on fortune, offered greater power. And finally, the Primordial Patterns, tied to the Eye of Flesh and Blood, were the most difficult to cultivate but also the most potent.

For now, Lu Ming decided to set aside the complexities of Golden Patterns. The Silver Patterns and Primordial Patterns would be his focus.

“Body Forging techniques correspond to the Primordial Patterns, and Origin Power Skills align with the Silver Patterns,” he concluded. “All I need is time.”

With the system on his side, Lu Ming knew that time was the key to solving all of his challenges.

“For now, let’s leave it at that,” he said, feeling his mind calm as he prepared for the next phase of his journey.

End of Chapter 282

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