Chapter 283: The Forgotten Path

On the 338th Day of the Black Mist Calendar, Lu Ming and his companions remained hidden at Frost Lake. Beneath the lake’s frigid waters lay a secret passage, offering them both a sanctuary and a strategic stronghold. Its cold, isolated location provided the perfect refuge from the chaos raging beyond the mountains.

Here, the turmoil of the outside world seemed distant and irrelevant. The relentless Three Clans War, the overwhelming power of the Eternal Clan—all of it faded into insignificance at Frost Lake. It became their sanctuary, a place where they could disappear from the conflicts that raged on.

But Lu Ming had made a firm decision.

He set a clear goal for himself: until the Primordial Patterns within his body were fully formed, he would not emerge from seclusion. Even the world’s destruction would not deter him from his relentless pursuit of strength. His mind was fixed on one path, his resolve unshaken by the storms outside.

In the grander scheme, Lu Ming’s existence seemed insignificant. The conflicts between the Giant Clan, the Insect Clan, and the alliances with Huo Huang and The Queen of Blade barely registered in the larger war. His presence, once pivotal, no longer warranted attention from the powerful clans.

Compared to Lu Ming, Esek remained a far more pressing threat. Lu Ming’s actions were not significant enough to drive the Giants or Insects to seek him out in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. And so, the world forgot him.

In the endless grind of power struggles, the Aeonians, the Giant and Insect Clans, and all other major forces shifted their focus elsewhere. Lu Ming’s name slowly faded from memory, becoming little more than a whisper in the quiet hours of the night.

Perhaps, in rare moments of stillness, someone from Nanxiang might faintly recall a man named Lu Ming. But even those memories were fleeting—passing thoughts, not calls to action.

After all, the protagonist of each life is oneself. No matter how deeply Lu Ming had left his mark on others, time would inevitably blur and erase even the most vivid memories.

Qinghe(Clear River) Province, one of the outermost territories of the Eternal Clan, was a vast, sparsely populated region. This province, under the domain of He Qing, a quasi-Divine realm expert, bordered the imposing Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Its relative isolation made it an ideal place for the Nanxiang people to settle, free from unwanted attention.

Today, however, the usually quiet Nanxiang settlement buzzed with excitement as two esteemed guests arrived. Heluo, the beloved eldest daughter of the He family, and her close friend Ivy had come to visit. Their arrival was met with warm hospitality, particularly from Dr. Huo Sheng, who welcomed them to the newly established Nanxiang City with open arms.

As they walked leisurely through the town, Dr. Huo Sheng, Zhang Chengcheng, Heluo, and Ivy admired the architecture. Unlike the traditional structures of the Eternal Clan, the buildings here resembled a modern city from Earth, with sleek lines and innovative designs. Heluo and Ivy were intrigued, their excitement palpable as they marveled at the city’s design.

At every turn, the two visitors found something new and exciting to admire. From the architecture to novel gadgets they had never seen before, their curiosity seemed endless. Occasionally, they stopped to exclaim in delight at a clever design or fresh invention.

As the novelty began to wear off, Heluo’s expression softened into a warm smile. Turning to Dr. Huo Sheng, her voice was filled with genuine concern.

“Are you comfortable living here?” she asked.

Dr. Huo Sheng smiled back, nodding appreciatively. “Thanks to you, we Nanxiang people are very comfortable here,” he replied.

His gratitude was evident. Though the Nanxiang people received no special privileges in Qinghe Province, Heluo’s influence ensured they were treated with respect. They had found a home here, free from the persecution they had once suffered.

Life in Qinghe Province was peaceful. The Nanxiang people lived and thrived on their own terms, far removed from the struggles of the past. They no longer faced injustice, and the future seemed brighter than it had in a long time.

Heluo’s eyes sparkled with kindness at Dr. Huo Sheng’s words. “If there’s ever anything you need,” she said softly, “please don’t hesitate to tell me. I’ll do everything I can to help.”

Dr. Huo Sheng smiled warmly, shaking his head to indicate that he needed nothing more. But beside him, Zhang Chengcheng hesitated, her thoughts lingering on a question she could no longer hold back.

“Miss Heluo,” she began, her voice carrying a quiet hope, “have you heard any news about Brother Lu recently?”

If anyone from Nanxiang had never truly let go of Lu Ming, it was Zhang Chengcheng. Her bond with him ran deep, and the uncertainty surrounding his fate weighed heavily on her heart.

Heluo’s expression softened as the mention of Lu Ming stirred memories of the powerful figure—the giant whale among the tribulation bearers. She shook her head gently.

“I haven’t heard any news,” she said, her voice calm but reassuring. “But I believe that no news is the best news.”

Heluo paused, considering the recent turmoil in the outside world. “Archean City has been drawn into the Battle of the Three Clans,” she continued, “and I heard there was a battle between Ancient Realm experts there just a few days ago.”

At the mention of an Ancient Realm battle, Zhang Chengcheng’s breath hitched, her anxiety rising.

“However,” Heluo added, her voice steadying, “the reports say the battle didn’t affect the city directly. In fact, it seems City Lord Roda took advantage of the chaos and withdrew from Archean City altogether.”

She glanced at Zhang Chengcheng with a thoughtful look. “Knowing Brother Lu’s cautious nature, I’m certain he left Archean City long before the battle began. He’s not the kind of man who would stand under a crumbling wall.”

Lu Ming’s instincts had always guided him away from unnecessary danger. In this way, he was indeed a gentleman among gentlemen.

Heluo smiled once more, her voice filled with optimism. “I’m sure Brother Lu will come to see you soon. It won’t be long before you meet again.”

Yet, instead of relief, Zhang Chengcheng’s expression grew more determined. Something within her shifted, the words stirring a deep resolve. After a moment of contemplation, she made up her mind.

“Miss Heluo,” Zhang Chengcheng said, her voice firm, “I have a personal request.”

Heluo turned to Zhang Chengcheng, her curiosity piqued. “Please, go ahead.”

Zhang Chengcheng took a deep breath, her voice steady as she spoke. “I’d like to join the Eternal Clan’s Sky Monitoring Bureau. Could you help introduce me?”

Heluo blinked in surprise but quickly composed herself. “There’s no need for a formal recommendation,” she explained. “The Sky Monitoring Bureau is open to people of all races within the Eternal Clan. However, the minimum requirement is the Physique Realm.” She paused, eyeing Zhang Chengcheng with curiosity. “You…”

Zhang Chengcheng revealed a subtle aura of power. “I just reached the Physique Realm yesterday,” she said quietly.

Heluo’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but a smile quickly followed. “I remember it hasn’t been a full year since you came to the Black Mist Zone.”

“Exactly a year,” Zhang Chengcheng confirmed.

Heluo let out a soft sigh of admiration. “Zhang Chengcheng, your rate of progress is remarkable.”

Few could advance so quickly in such harsh conditions. Zhang Chengcheng’s potential was becoming more apparent. “I doubt you’ll have any trouble joining the Sky Monitoring Bureau,” Heluo continued. “I’ll talk to them when I return.”

Zhang Chengcheng’s ambition was clear. Joining the Sky Monitoring Bureau wasn’t just about the title; it was a strategic move, a path to accelerate her growth. Heluo understood this ambition well—gaining a higher starting point was a smart move.

Suddenly, Ivy chimed in, her voice light but with an edge of urgency. “Actually, if anyone else from your group is interested, they’re welcome to join the Sky Monitoring Bureau too. We’re short on staff…”

Dr. Huo Sheng’s eyes flashed with interest. “Short on staff?”

Ivy nodded. “We’ve had a flood of unusual cases lately. The Bureau is overwhelmed.”

The specifics of these cases were left unsaid, and Dr. Huo Sheng, sensing their sensitivity, didn’t pry further. But after a brief pause, he added, “Besides Zhang Chengcheng, we have two other Physique Realm experts.”

Heluo chuckled softly. “Why wouldn’t the Bureau want them?”

That evening, Zhang Chengcheng, Bai Tianyu, and Duan Mei left with Heluo and Ivy, ready to report to the Sky Monitoring Bureau in Qinghe Province.

Back in Nanxiang City, Dr. Huo Sheng stood by the window, staring at the night sky. His thoughts were heavy with an unsettling feeling he couldn’t quite place. The stars twinkled faintly above, but his mind remained clouded with unease.

A pair of soft hands wrapped around him gently, and Dr. Meng Jie’s voice, tender and filled with concern, broke the silence.

“What’s on your mind?” she asked softly. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

Dr. Huo Sheng turned toward her, his brow furrowed. “It’s just this feeling,” he admitted. “Something about the staff shortage at the Sky Monitoring Bureau doesn’t sit right with me.”

For a long time, Dr. Huo Sheng stood there, staring into the night, hoping the feeling of foreboding would soon fade.

End of Chapter 283

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