Chapter 286: Whispers of the Deep

The Black Mist Zone stretched vast and boundless, a land of mystery and untold danger. To the gods, however, it was a playground of secrets, layered in shadows that few could pierce. From its towering peaks to its desolate valleys, the zone concealed truths that even deities struggled to uncover.

Along the Eastern Sea, where the mist met the waves, two figures stood, their black robes fluttering in the briny wind. The man who had spoken first, his voice steady, gazed out at the water’s unending horizon.

"The Black Mist Zone is like an island," he said, his tone calm. "Isolated, surrounded by endless seas. This is the Eastern Sea, though some simply call it the East Sea."

His companion, cloaked in the same dark attire, remained silent for a long moment before finally replying, his voice filled with curiosity.

"I’ve heard all this before," he said with a faint smile. "But I’m more interested in something else."

"Oh?" The first man turned slightly. "And what might that be?"

"Your identity," the second man replied, his tone playful, yet his words carried weight. "Since we’re both Subverters, I’ll introduce myself first. My name is Eta, a god without a clan, without a home."

In the Black Mist Zone, gods without clans were not rare. These deities had outlived their people, wandering aimlessly, free from the responsibilities of leadership. They relied solely on their strength, roaming the realm as drifters.

Eta’s introduction earned a chuckle from his companion, a subtle danger laced within his laughter.

"You want to know my identity?" the man said, his voice turning cold, sharp like the edge of a blade. "Are you sure?"

Eta felt the sudden shift in the air, tension tightening like a coiled spring. But he simply smiled, brushing off the threat with ease. "No need for such dramatics. If you don’t want to share your name, fine. But calling you ‘Hey, you’ might get old quickly."

The dark-robed figure’s lips curled into a smile beneath his hood. The tension melted away just as suddenly as it had appeared.

"Call me Qi," he said at last.

"Very well, Qi," Eta said, his grin widening. "So, you’re in charge of this operation, and I’m here to assist. But I still don’t see why we’re standing at the coast of the East Sea."

Qi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the endless expanse of water, listening to the rhythmic crashing of waves. After a moment, he raised his hand and pointed across the sea, where the horizon met the sky.

"We’re here for that."

Eta squinted, but saw nothing beyond the calm sea. Unease flickered in his chest, a fleeting thought that perhaps he was being led astray. But as time passed, he noticed a change in the water. The waves grew restless, rippling with unnatural energy. Faint sounds echoed from beneath the surface—rumblings, like the march of a hidden army deep below.

Eta’s expression darkened as realization dawned.

"Sea beasts," Qi said softly, his voice carrying a note of reverence. "A species of exotic beasts."

He continued, his tone steeped in history. "During the era of the Beast King, the sea beasts were the mightiest faction of exotic creatures. After the Beast King fell, the land beasts retreated to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but the sea beasts… they disappeared into the depths of the oceans, where they’ve remained ever since."

The waves in the distance grew more violent, churning as the sounds from below intensified.

"And ever since then," Qi said, his voice low and steady, "the seas have been forbidden territory. No clan has dared challenge the dominion of the sea beasts."

Eta listened, the weight of Qi’s words sinking in. "But… we’re here to contact them?"

Qi nodded. "It is not impossible. There are still races chosen by the Supreme God—those drawn to the water, unable to survive on land for long. Some were forced to retreat into the ocean, building their own sanctuary in the depths."

As the waves roared, Eta finally pieced it together. His heart raced as he realized the scale of their mission.

"So, this time… the Subverters are aiming for something big."

Qi shook his head, a faint bitterness creeping into his voice. "It’s not us who want to play big. It’s the other forces in this forsaken land. They’ve been waiting for a chance to reshape the world."

There was a quiet rage beneath Qi’s calm facade, a deep-seated grudge against the order of the world. Eta said nothing, but the gravity of the situation pressed down on him. The storm was gathering.

Far to the west, in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, a hidden war was unfolding.

For most mortals, the core of the mountains was forbidden ground, a place where death lurked in every shadow. But for gods, no land was off-limits. The core was home to the four great beasts who had once served the Beast King: Azure, Bai Xun, Blackmond, and Emperor Yao. They ruled over their domains, content in their isolation.

But that isolation shattered today.

The ground shook as a massive figure—the Blackmond Beast King—stood over the lifeless body of Azure, his thunderous roar echoing across the mountains.

"It is time to restore the glory of the Beast King!" Blackmond bellowed. Behind him, Bai Xun and Emperor Yao bowed low, acknowledging his new leadership.

From the shadows, a figure stepped forward, his voice smooth, calculating. "Then our deal is complete."

Blackmond, still catching his breath from the battle, turned to face the speaker. "Of course! The people of the Beast King always honor their word."

The Subverter smiled, tossing a gleaming crystal ball toward Blackmond. The Beast King’s eyes widened as he saw the contents.

"Beast King’s blood!" Blackmond exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder and greed. "Where did you obtain this?"

The Subverter shrugged, a casual smile on his lips. "Let’s just say it wasn’t easy. But 500 grams of the Beast King’s blood should be enough to prove our sincerity, yes?"

Blackmond’s eyes gleamed as he clutched the crystal ball. "More than enough."

Meanwhile, at Frost Lake, Lu Ming sat in seclusion. The faint tremors from the battle at the core of the mountains had reached him, disturbing his meditation.

"A battle," he muttered, trying to place the source of the disturbance. His senses had detected the chaos, but the distance clouded the details.

"It’s not my concern," he decided after a moment’s reflection. His focus returned to more pressing matters.

"How long has it been?" Lu Ming murmured, gazing at the serene surface of the lake. Time had lost meaning in his isolation. With a faint sigh, he nodded to himself.

"Two months."

It had been two months since he and his companions had settled at Frost Lake. Two months of uninterrupted cultivation. The conflicts of the world had faded into the background.

Opening his attribute panel, Lu Ming’s eyes scanned the familiar numbers, his mind already preparing for the next phase of his journey.

End of Chapter 286

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