Chapter 288: A Deal with the Devil

The chain of events leading to this moment was straightforward enough.

After parting ways with Lu Ming, Esek had returned to the Undead Clan. He had much to report regarding the developments in Archean City. Given that Esek’s breakthrough into the Ancient Realm had been achieved through the fusion with the son of the Beast King—a key experiment of the Corpse God—he was promptly summoned for a personal debriefing.

In the presence of the Corpse God, Esek revealed everything. There was no reason for him to hold back. Among the details he disclosed was a particular name: Lu Ming.

Lu Ming, while not yet an extraordinary entity capable of wielding both golden and silver patterns, had piqued the Corpse God’s interest. Unusual individuals were valuable to those with vision. The Corpse God, a higher-up within the Subverters, immediately recognized this. He passed Lu Ming’s details to the Subverters' information network, curious to see where the young man’s potential would lead.

At the time, the Subverters were preparing to step out of the shadows. Their hidden forces were mobilizing, aiming to either subdue the exotic beasts or expose the true strength of their faction. Moonfiend Yue, who had been tasked with contacting the Blackmond Beast King, decided to take a detour after learning about Lu Ming from the Corpse God.

Moonfiend Yue wasn’t a high-ranking member of the Subverters. Her power placed her at the lower end of the Divine Realm, and she lacked a clan or substantial influence. Watching the more powerful gods within the Subverters—beings of second- and first-rate clans—Moonfiend Yue felt the urgency to carve out her own place in the emerging order.

It was a gamble.

She wasn’t driven by some grand vision or intricate strategy. For Moonfiend Yue, the goal was simple: recruit talented individuals like Lu Ming, establish her own faction, and rise within the Subverters. It wasn’t about building something formidable but about ensuring she wasn’t left behind in the wake of more powerful figures.

Her approach was direct. She had no time for games.

"You’ll follow me from now on," she declared to Lu Ming, her tone cold and commanding.

There was no room for debate in her words, though she added after a moment, "If you have any questions, ask now. I don’t have time to waste."

Lu Ming’s heart tightened. He understood the dynamic all too well. In the Black Mist Zone, the weak didn’t have the luxury of refusing the strong. Outwardly calm, he forced himself to play along.

"What’s the name of your organization?" he asked, knowing full well that refusal wasn’t an option.

Moonfiend Yue shrugged, her fingers tracing an idle pattern in the air. "You don’t need to know that yet. You’re just a reserve member. When you’re stronger, the rest will be revealed."

Lu Ming held back his frustration. "What are my obligations, and what do I stand to gain?"

A flicker of surprise crossed Moonfiend Yue’s face, as though she hadn’t expected such a direct question. She mulled over her response before answering, "Your obligation is simple: you complete the missions I assign you. In return, you gain a Divine backer. I’ll handle the situations you can’t, and you’ll deal with smaller matters I don’t have time for."

Satisfied with her explanation, she leaned back, clearly confident in the arrangement.

Lu Ming, however, was still weighing his options. The terms seemed straightforward enough, but there was something about the situation that felt… off.

After a pause, Lu Ming pulled open his shirt, revealing the silver patterns etched across his chest. "What makes these silver patterns of mine so special?" he asked, his tone careful.

Moonfiend Yue’s gaze flicked over the markings before she sighed. "Most Ancient Realm silver patterns don’t grow. Yours, however, have been steadily evolving. A few months ago, they were much weaker, but now they’re nearly on par with a standard protective pattern."

Lu Ming’s eyes narrowed. "Why is that?"

Moonfiend Yue’s expression darkened, and her reply was curt. "There’s no clear reason. The Black Mist Zone is full of anomalies, and your silver pattern is one of them. Even if I explained, it would be beyond your current understanding."

Realizing that pushing for answers would be futile, Lu Ming fell silent. It was clear that even Moonfiend Yue wasn’t entirely sure what made him different. Perhaps her uncertainty was why she wanted him in her faction.

Without further explanation, she produced a small black token etched with intricate symbols. She tossed it casually toward Lu Ming.

"This is your identity token," she said. "It also serves as a communication tool. Keep it safe. I’ll contact you when I need you."

Lu Ming caught the token, inspecting the delicate engravings for a moment before turning his gaze back to Moonfiend Yue. Her form was already beginning to fade.

"Your first mission," she continued, her voice echoing faintly, "is to establish contact with the Blackmond Beast King. The token marks you as one of us. As long as you carry it, the exotic beasts in the Hundred Thousand Mountains won’t harm you. If the Blackmond Beast King approaches, use the token to reach me. I’ll provide further instructions when the time comes."

And with that, she vanished, leaving the air around Lu Ming still and cold.

He stood there, staring at the spot where she had disappeared, his mind racing.

Lu Ming slowly returned to the dining table, his thoughts heavy as he picked up his chopsticks and resumed eating. Across from him, Roxin sat quietly, her gaze thoughtful. After a long silence, she spoke.

"Was that really a god?" she asked, her voice soft but tinged with disbelief.

Neither of them had ever encountered a true god before. The legends described gods as majestic, awe-inspiring figures. Yet Moonfiend Yue had seemed… different. Detached, but far from the omnipotent beings the stories spoke of.

Lu Ming chewed thoughtfully before replying. "If not a god, then at least a quasi-Divine realm expert."

Her power, whatever it was, had been beyond anything he could challenge.

After finishing his meal, Lu Ming wiped his mouth and held up the black token Moonfiend Yue had given him. The intricate patterns glimmered faintly in the fading light, radiating a quiet but potent energy. He turned it over in his hands, lost in thought.

Roxin spoke again, breaking the silence. "Perhaps… it’s not all bad? You have a god backing you now."

Lu Ming’s gaze flickered. "That’s assuming she’s reliable and willing to help when the time comes."

He tucked the token away, his mind already shifting toward his next steps. The Blackmond Beast King was a name he knew well—an ancient and powerful figure. And now, it seemed, their paths were destined to cross.

With a deep breath, Lu Ming stood. "I’m going back inside to cultivate. Roxin, keep watch. If the Blackmond Beast King comes, notify me immediately."

Roxin nodded, her expression firm. "Of course."

End of Chapter 288

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