CHAPTER 303: A Bucket of Curses

Lu Ming had finally let loose the torrent of anger he’d held back for so long. Moonfiend Yue, the once-imposing god, was left speechless, trembling with rage. Through the communication device, Lu Ming could hear the grinding of her teeth, a sign that she was barely holding herself together.

Savoring the moment, Lu Ming wasn’t finished yet. He took a breath, and with an air of mockery, spoke again.

“I’m rating your performance…!”

Absolute Kill: The Technique of Disrespecting One’s Ancestors with Rap!

A few jabs were far from enough to release all the frustration he had stored up. For months, Lu Ming had cursed Moonfiend Yue and her entire bloodline silently in his mind. Now, with the chance to confront her directly, he wasn’t going to let it go to waste. This was his moment, and he intended to drag it out, twisting the knife with every word.

Forget being a “real man” in a war of words—this was about catharsis. And if it threw Moonfiend Yue off balance or made her angry enough to come to the Three Elements Academy herself? Even better.

For a solid ten minutes, Lu Ming hurled insult after insult, his voice growing hoarse with the effort. Those standing nearby blushed with embarrassment. His cursing was... creative, to say the least, and far too obscene for public ears.

Moonfiend Yue, meanwhile, had been reduced to silence. Unable to withstand the verbal onslaught, she had no words left to offer. She could only stew in the anger that was clearly consuming her.

Then, with a loud snap, the communication went dead.

Jiu Han’s voice cut through the aftermath of the rant. “She crushed the communication token.”

“Tsk…” Lu Ming snapped his own token in half with a sneer. “Can’t win, so she just runs away. Typical her.”

“Hahaha!” Jiu Han’s deep laughter echoed in Lu Ming’s ears. But he quickly turned serious. “You really pushed her today. Moonfiend Yue isn’t known for letting things go. As long as you’re in Xuanshui City, you’ll be safe under my protection. But if you ever step beyond the city’s gates, well…”

Lu Ming had anticipated this.

“Then I won’t leave Xuanshui City. By the way, Teacher, the course you’ve arranged for me—there aren’t any mandatory field experiences, right?”

Jiu Han blinked, momentarily stunned.

Most young disciples craved adventure and the thrill of field experiences. It was the part they anticipated the most. Yet here was Lu Ming, asking to avoid it altogether.

After a pause, Jiu Han nodded. “At the moment, there’s no need for any field experience.”

Lu Ming spread his hands, nonchalantly. “Then everything’s settled, isn’t it?”

Jiu Han chuckled. “I suppose so. In any case, let’s not dwell on this for now. We’ll discuss other matters after you finish the assessment.”

Lu Ming bowed respectfully. “Understood, Teacher.”

People often respond in kind to the respect they’re shown. Regardless of power or status, mutual respect is the foundation of any good relationship.

Jiu Han’s attitude was calm and approachable—nothing like the haughty arrogance of the Divine Realm experts Lu Ming had encountered before. That alone made him superior to Moonfiend Yue in Lu Ming’s eyes.

Hundred Thousand Mountains, Archean City

The moment Moonfiend Yue crushed the communication token, her face was a mask of icy calm. But in her eyes, rage flickered like a wildfire. This was no ordinary anger.

She was a god of the Divine Realm. In her eyes, anyone below that realm was an insect, hardly worth her notice. Yet today, that very “insect” had cursed her—denounced her ancestors in front of everyone.

“I’m going to kill you…” she whispered, her voice so soft it barely escaped her lips. But soon, her whisper morphed into a furious roar. “I MUST KILL YOU! LU MING! I WILL TEAR YOU INTO THOUSANDS OF PIECES! THOUSANDS!”

The raw power of her Divine Realm aura spilled out of her uncontrollably, causing everyone around her to pale in fear. The pressure was overwhelming, but before it could crush those nearby, another aura—far stronger—rose to protect them. The source of that protective aura was Lin Jiangyu, a god of the Undead Clan.

His voice was cold, detached. “If you’re angry, take it out on the enemy. Don’t vent on your own people.”

Lin Jiangyu glanced at Moonfiend Yue, shaking his head in disapproval. Trash, he thought. The war in the Hundred Thousand Mountains had raged for months, and not once had Moonfiend Yue dared to face Shufang and her powerful army on the front lines. Instead, she strutted through camp, her head held high, doing little else but flaunting her title.

What a waste, Lin Jiangyu thought. Tired of the spectacle, he spoke loudly, his voice cutting through the tension. “Let’s end today’s meeting here. We’ll continue another day.”

With that, Lin Jiangyu vanished, his presence disappearing as if he had never been there. Moonfiend Yue, too, disappeared, fleeing in shame.

She had made a grave mistake confronting Lu Ming during a military meeting. The moment she sensed her Moonlight Curse Seal had been removed, she had impulsively taken out her communication token to confront him. The result? A complete and utter humiliation.

Now, even she didn’t have the face to remain.

Back at Boshi Tower, Jiu Han shook his head, half-amused, as he watched Lu Ming crush the token in his hand. He understood why Lu Ming had been so bold in his confrontation with Moonfiend Yue—because he knew Jiu Han had his back.

To put it plainly, Lu Ming had used Jiu Han’s status as a shield. And Jiu Han? He didn’t mind.

People come in all shapes and personalities. After listening to the exchange, Jiu Han had pieced together enough of the story to understand why Lu Ming bore such a grudge. Given the circumstances, Lu Ming’s outburst was understandable. His true nature was revealed through the venom in his words.

“For an Ancient Realm expert to curse a god like that… he’s got guts, that’s for sure.”

As the temperament assessment began, Jiu Han shifted his focus to the examination hall, his gaze thoughtful.

“Let’s see what you’re really made of, Lu Ming. Are you a scheming, cunning individual? Or do you have the strength of character, someone who knows the value of loyalty and revenge?”

The first examination hall had been cleared, and another ten candidates had been gathered for the second round. They moved toward the next hall, led by an examiner.

As they walked, all eyes were on Lu Ming. Whispers surrounded him, and even Quan Chao, who had stuck close to him since the beginning, couldn’t hide his curiosity.

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Quan Chao leaned in. “Boss,” he whispered, “are you really 27 years old?”

His voice was soft, but those nearby heard him clearly.

Lu Ming shook his head. “No… I’m not.”

Everyone froze. Lin Feng’s face lit up, smug. I knew it, his expression seemed to say. There’s no way a 27-year-old Silver-Patterned Ancient Realm expert exists.

But then, Lu Ming continued.

“I’m 26 years and 9 months old.”

He sighed dramatically. “Teacher is truly incredible. He even figured out I’ve been hiding my age…”

Quan Chao: “…”

Lin Feng: “…”

The examiner: “…”

Everyone: “…”

End of Chapter 303

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