Chapter 314: Lessons of Divinity

At this moment, Jiu Han looked at Lu Ming with a burning gaze, as if he were gazing at a rare treasure.

There was no malice in his eyes, but the intensity of his emotions made Lu Ming’s scalp tingle involuntarily.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Lu Ming asked, “Teacher, is the ability to absorb the Divine Origin really that important to you?”

“No...” Jiu Han shook his head. “It’s not that it’s important to me personally, but it is crucial for any Divine Realm experts.”

“If this ability of yours became public knowledge, I believe every Divine Realm expert would view you as the most unique existence in the world. Whether they choose to eliminate you or protect you will depend on their stance.”

Lu Ming’s heart skipped a beat.

Although he didn’t fully understand the gravity of the situation, he could tell from Jiu Han’s words that Divine Realm experts had a vested interest in his ability to absorb the Divine Origin.

After some thought, Lu Ming asked, “Then, Teacher, you...?”

“The latter,” Jiu Han replied with a gentle smile, lightly patting Lu Ming on the head. “Rest assured, whether as your teacher or based on my own beliefs, I will protect you.”

Jiu Han’s words carried a calming influence. His sincere gaze and kind demeanor inexplicably soothed Lu Ming’s nerves.

“Thank you, Master.”

“There’s no need to thank me... On the contrary, I should probably be thanking you.”

Lu Ming blinked in surprise. Then, Jiu Han paused, as if weighing his next words carefully.

“I wasn’t able to find anything unusual just now.”

“I couldn’t determine where the Divine Origin you absorbed went or how it’s manifesting within you. The Divine Origin entered your body but seemed to vanish... Do you have any insights into this?”

Lu Ming shook his head. “I don’t know.”

The truth was, the Divine Origin had been completely absorbed by the system, but Lu Ming had no intention of revealing that.

Jiu Han didn’t press further. After a moment of contemplation, he said, “If you ever experience any discomfort or notice anything strange, you must tell me immediately. Divine Origin is complex and not without its dangers.”

Perhaps feeling his words were too vague, Jiu Han sighed deeply.

“Let’s start from the beginning.”

He stepped toward the podium, holding a teaching stick. “We’ll begin your first formal lesson. And it ties directly to your personal pursuit.”

Lu Ming’s eyes brightened. “Achieving godhood with a mortal body?”

Jiu Han nodded, a faint smile on his lips. “Yes. Our first lesson is about how to achieve godhood with a mortal body.”

“But before we dive into that, it’s important for you to understand what a Divine Realm truly is—and what the Divine Origin represents.”

A desk appeared automatically next to Lu Ming, and he sat behind it like a diligent student, eager to learn. Jiu Han stood at the podium, his teaching stick in hand.

He began.

“The Black Mist Zone—this world—is a creation of the Supreme God.”

“The most widely accepted supernatural system here is the Origin Power Supernatural System.”

“That system, like the world itself, was either created or brought here by the Supreme God.”

“In essence, the Black Mist Zone is the divine kingdom of the Supreme God—or, perhaps more accurately, His backyard.”

Jiu Han’s words took Lu Ming by surprise.

“Backyard? Gardeners?”

It was a strange analogy, but something about it felt oddly fitting.

Jiu Han continued. “You can verify the truth of this for yourself in the future. My interpretation may not be entirely accurate. Even as your teacher, my words should be seen as a reference point, not absolute truth.”

Lu Ming nodded in understanding.

“For the sake of this lesson,” Jiu Han said, “let’s work with my interpretation. What do you think?”

“I have no objections,” Lu Ming replied.

Jiu Han smiled and resumed his explanation. “Now, here’s the key difference between those below the Divine Realm and those who reside within it. Those below the Divine Realm are like flowers and plants in this garden, while the Divine are the gardeners. Gardeners tend to the flowers, pruning them as they see fit, while the plants are powerless in the face of this ‘care’—or, in some cases, even trampling.”

“Can you understand the fundamental difference between a gardener and the plants?”

Lu Ming thought for a moment. “One can move, and the other can’t?”

Jiu Han smiled, clearly pleased with the answer. “Exactly. One can move, and the other cannot. But the real difference lies in Authority.”

“The Supreme God gave the flowers and plants authority, transforming some of them into gardeners. It is this authority that grants them the power to move.”

“And the manifestation of this authority is the Divine Origin!”

Jiu Han pointed his teaching stick at the blackboard, drawing a question mark at the top.

“This represents the Supreme God.”

Then, he drew a row of evenly spaced dots below it.

“These are the intelligent species that entered the Black Mist Zone.”

With a gentle motion of his hand, one of the dots moved upward, positioning itself beneath the question mark, above the other dots.

“These are those who passed the Heaven Ascension Stairs Trial. They were recognized by the Supreme God and transformed into divine beings—the gardeners.”

Jiu Han turned to face Lu Ming, his eyes searching. “Do you understand?”

Lu Ming nodded. “I understand.”

The logic was simple enough.

Jiu Han studied Lu Ming’s expression for a long moment before shaking his head. “No, you don’t truly understand.”

Lu Ming blinked in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“The real issue isn’t with these dots,” Jiu Han said, pointing at the board. “The problem lies with the question mark at the top. But we’ll set that aside for now. You don’t need to know too much at this stage. Sometimes, knowing too much can be harmful.”

He smiled, then shifted the conversation.

“Let’s return to our original question: How can a mortal stand on equal footing with, or even defeat, a god?”

Jiu Han’s tone became more serious. “Building on the gardener-and-plants theory, there are only two ways for a plant to defeat the gardener.”

“The first is to become a gardener itself—acquire the authority bestowed by the Supreme God. Then, it’s a matter of two gardeners fighting, with the outcome depending on their strength.”

“The second path is through mutation—transforming from a harmless plant into a carnivorous one capable of killing and consuming the gardener.”

“But the problem with this second path is that the gardeners will naturally seek to eliminate any harmful plants before they pose a real threat. That’s why I say this path is far more difficult.”

Mutations were unpredictable, and success often hinged on coincidences or rare opportunities. And the gardeners—the Divine Realm experts—could easily intervene and prevent the mutation from succeeding.

“Those who choose the second path are often referred to as mutants. Of course, it’s not exactly a flattering term.”

Jiu Han sighed. “There’s a complication now, though. The Subverters have gathered a large number of mutants. This has made it easier for some to follow the second path, though it remains dangerous.”

End of Chapter 314

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