CHAPTER 335: Lu Ming's Eye of Flesh and Blood

Up until now, Lin Feng and the others still could not comprehend the significance of the two words, “adding points.” They didn’t dwell on it for long, though, as something far more perplexing held their attention.

Their gazes were fixated on Lu Ming, yet no matter how closely they scrutinized him, there were no visible signs of injury on his body. Not a single mark, not even on his clothing. The destructive force of the Meteor God Finger and Aspect of the Divine Fist had left no trace.

Meanwhile, Rafe, still caught in Lu Ming’s grip, let out a low, muffled groan. His struggling and trembling became more frantic as Lu Ming gradually increased the pressure.

With a sickening “pop,” the sound of bone and flesh giving way, Rafe’s head was crushed within Lu Ming’s grasp.

“Hey… hey… hey…”

Kebo, who had remained at the rear, could no longer remain silent. His voice broke the tense stillness as he finally spoke, unable to contain his disbelief.

“Lin Feng, is this… also the power of the array formations?”

Kebo had been willing to entertain the notion that the array formations could grant Lu Ming a defense on par with a semi-divine realm expert. But the ease with which Lu Ming had dispatched Rafe, a level-nine Ancient Realm expert, defied even that possibility.

Kebo’s words, and the mention of Lin Feng’s name, seemed to spark a revelation in Lu Ming. His lips curled into a faint smile.

“Ah… So it’s you, Senior Brother, who’s been orchestrating this.”

Lu Ming tossed aside Rafe’s body with casual indifference, as though discarding something inconsequential. As new knowledge about array formations flooded his mind, he muttered, “Since you’ve made your intentions clear, I suppose it’s only proper for me to rid the sect of members who bring disgrace upon it.”

Though Lu Ming’s tone was calm, his words sent a chill down Lin Feng’s spine. A tremor of fear passed through him.

His thoughts racing, Lin Feng finally broke the silence. “This isn’t the Dao of  Array Formations… This kid—he’s truly become an Ascendant!” (A person who's in the process of becoming a god. A Semi-Divine)

His voice reverberated through the air, the weight of his words sinking into the minds of all present. Deng Miao and Kebo stood speechless, overwhelmed by the realization.

Three years.

In just three short years, Lu Ming had gone from possessing only three silver patterns to becoming a Semi-Divine Realm expert.

But there was something even more alarming about him now. He didn’t seem like an ordinary Semi-Divine.

Deng Miao, still visibly shaken, instinctively took a few steps back. She didn’t know how many mystical patterns Lu Ming possessed, nor where he ranked among semi-divine experts. However, the brief clash they had just witnessed made it clear that she wouldn’t stand a chance against him.

Fortunately for her, Deng Miao wasn’t alone.

Footsteps echoed behind her, and Kebo moved to her side. His expression grave, he observed Lu Ming with a sense of resignation.

“With talent like yours, Lady Moonfiend truly underestimated you.”

At the mention of Moonfiend, Lu Ming raised an eyebrow. “You’re with Moonfiend?”

Kebo nodded. Without hesitation, he tore open his shirt to reveal the black curse seal branded on his chest: the Moonlight Curse Seal.

As his hand hovered over the seal, Kebo spoke softly, “Three years ago, Lady Moonfiend gave me a death order. Either you die, or I do.”

“I thought this mission would be simple. I never expected you to reach Semi-Divine in just three years. But despite your impressive talent, it’s unfortunate that you’ve aligned yourself with the wrong side—and offended the wrong people.”

His blood surged, and in that moment, Kebo’s body began to change. Blood-colored eyes and silver-white waves surfaced on his skin like tattoos, marking his transformation.

Kebo’s aura grew more imposing as his strength revealed itself. He was no ordinary Semi-Divine realm expert—his body now bore 18 primordial patterns and over a hundred silver-white mystical patterns

Deng Miao’s panic subsided as she witnessed Kebo’s true strength. She exhaled slowly. “Steady.”

Though she had sensed Kebo’s power earlier, she hadn’t realized just how formidable he truly was. 126 silver patterns and 18 primordial patterns placed him solidly in the upper ranks of Semi-Divines, far beyond what any newly ascended Semi-Divine could contend with.

Kebo’s aura swelled like an impending storm, its intensity threatening to tear through the atmosphere. He was at the center of it, poised to strike.

With a calm, authoritative tone, Kebo addressed Lu Ming once more. “Come with me, and I’ll grant you a little more time to live. Resist, and the only thing waiting for you is instant death.”

“I’m offering you a choice, out of respect for your talent. Consider this my final act of mercy.”

Meanwhile, back at the Abyss of Ten Thousand Demons, Moonfiend watched the unfolding events through the link of her Moonlight Curse Seal. A smile of satisfaction played across her lips as she observed Kebo’s impending attack.

She couldn’t resist sharing her pride with the figure beside her.

“Desolate Demon Lord, what do you think of my subordinate?”

The Desolate Demon Lord, reluctant to engage with her, replied curtly, “Not bad.”

Undeterred, Moonfiend smiled smugly. “I chose him carefully…”

But before she could finish, the Desolate Demon Lord interrupted. “I’m more interested in your enemy than your subordinate.”

Moonfiend’s smile faltered as he continued. “That kid, Lu Ming—wasn’t he once your subordinate?”

Moonfiend remained silent.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. In just three years, he’s gone from three silver patterns to Semi-Divine… What remarkable talent. No wonder Old Man Jiu Han made an exception to take him in as his last disciple.”

“Tell me, how did someone of such promise slip from your grasp and fall into Jiu Han’s sect?”

Though the Desolate Demon Lord said little, the implication was clear: You let such a genius escape—are you truly that incompetent?

Moonfiend took a deep breath and refocused her attention on Kebo.

Her thoughts sharpened to a single point. “Kill him… Kebo, kill him for me!”

The sting of humiliation resurfaced in her mind. Shufang, Jun Hao, and the Ancient Beast Clan had shamed her once before. But Lu Ming… Lu Ming had humiliated her not once, but twice. First, three years ago. Now, once again, in this frozen wasteland.

Under Moonfiend’s watchful gaze, Kebo took a step forward, his oppressive presence growing more menacing with each moment. He approached Lu Ming, his expression steady but his power swelling with deadly intent.

At ten meters’ distance, when Lu Ming still made no move, Kebo’s lips curled into a sneer.

“So, you’ve chosen death after all.”

Lu Ming’s voice, however, was calm and detached. “Add more points…”

Array Formation Lv38→Lv39!

Kebo’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “What did you say, brat? I’m talking to you!”

Although Kebo didn’t understand what “adding points” meant, it was clear that Lu Ming had no intention of acknowledging him. The blatant disregard was infuriating.

Kebo’s furious voice pulled Lu Ming from his thoughts. Slowly, Lu Ming lifted his gaze to meet Kebo’s. When he saw the 18 primordial patterns on Kebo’s body, realization dawned on him.

“Ah, my apologies. I was preoccupied with something more important.”

A brief smile crossed Lu Ming’s face as he took off his outer robe. He considered for a moment, then said calmly, “It seems I should deal with the less important matters first.”

Kebo’s brow furrowed in anger. “Less important matters?”

“Yes,” Lu Ming replied simply.

With that, Primordial Patterns in the form of a crimson eye began to materialize on his chest, one by one.






Kebo’s eyes widened as he watched, his emotions shifting rapidly from disbelief to shock, then to panic and, finally, to numb resignation.

Arrayed beautifully on Lu Ming’s chest were 36 Eyes of Flesh and Blood, arranged with meticulous precision. In their center, Lu Ming’s original three silver patterns gleamed faintly.

His aura remained unchanged, but the sheer force of his presence—36 primordial patterns and 3 silver patterns combined—was enough to silence all who witnessed it.

In the suffocating stillness of the manor, Lu Ming’s voice was the only sound to break the silence.

“You… you clowns are the less important matters.”

End of Chapter 335

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