Chapter 77: The Calm Before the Storm

Lu Ming couldn't help but admire Huo Sheng's resilience. Despite writhing on the ground in agony, the man still managed to exchange a few words with Lu Ming. It seemed Huo Sheng's awakening method, while faster than natural means, came with a hefty price.

Soon, both Meng Jie and Huo Sheng completed their awakenings. Lu Ming, his worries dispelled by the sound of their invigorated heartbeats and rapid blood flow, nodded in satisfaction. "This method should work," he murmured.

His attention then turned to the small centrifuge. A considerable portion of the Level 1 zombie crystal remained unused. After a moment's contemplation, Lu Ming picked up another vial of the mysterious factor, uncorked it, and inhaled deeply.

A wave of invigoration washed over him. "This feels somewhat comfortable," he remarked, but nothing more happened.

Huo Sheng, having wiped the sweat from his brow, spoke up. "There's not enough." He reminded Lu Ming that his robust physique required a higher dose of the mystery factor for awakening. What was enough for an ordinary person was a mere drizzle for Lu Ming.

Undeterred, Lu Ming waited patiently. After over half an hour with no change, he sighed. "No reaction," he muttered, met with silence from Huo Sheng.

Had his earlier confidence been misplaced?

Lu Ming consumed another vial of the mystery factor. Still, nothing.

With a grimace, he took the remaining half of the Level 1 zombie crystal from the centrifuge and popped it into his mouth, enduring the wave of nausea that followed. The crystal melted quickly, its taste surprisingly bland.

The mystery factor, both gaseous and liquid, flowed smoothly into Lu Ming's body. A shiver ran through him, as if he'd swallowed an ice cube.

And yet, there was still no reaction.

Huo Sheng, tugging at his sparse hair, admitted, "This amount simply isn’t enough for you, Tianyu."

Bai Tianyu, at Huo Sheng's cue, stepped forward and placed a briefcase before Lu Ming. Inside, it was filled with hundreds of Tier 1 and Tier 2 zombie crystals—a testament to Huo Sheng's eagerness for Lu Ming's Awakening and the immense pressure he felt with the Level 4 zombie looming.

Lu Ming, however, remained unhurried. "After becoming an Awakened," he inquired thoughtfully, "physical attributes will double, correct?"

Huo Sheng nodded. "Under normal circumstances, yes."

"So, it’s better to be stronger before Awakening?"

After a brief pause, Huo Sheng agreed. "Yes."

"In that case, I won’t rush."

Lu Ming's current training with Zhang Chengcheng, though less effective than before, still provided a steady stream of attribute points. There was no immediate crisis, so maximizing his strength before Awakening seemed the most logical course of action.

Huo Sheng, relieved by Lu Ming's decision, nodded in agreement. "I didn’t mean to rush you. You can decide on this matter yourself."

Lu Ming, satisfied with the understanding, declared, "Alright. I should take an afternoon nap now." He picked up the briefcase and centrifuge, asking, "Can I take these with me?"

Huo Sheng smiled. "They're all yours."

Awakening was a significant event, but it didn’t drastically alter Lu Ming’s life. He wasn’t in a hurry to ascend to the next level. The most enticing aspect of Awakening was the doubling of his physical attributes, and with his current stats nearing 200, he could only imagine the power he would wield after the transformation.

However, two problems arose. Firstly, Zhang Chengcheng's superpower might lose its effectiveness after Lu Ming's Awakening, hindering his attribute farming. Secondly, his already substantial appetite would likely increase further, putting a strain on their limited food reserves.

With these concerns in mind, Lu Ming decided to bide his time. He would continue to strengthen his foundation and only awaken when faced with a challenge he couldn’t overcome.

Upon waking from his nap, Lu Ming resumed his daily routine. He spent the afternoon hunting zombies from a distance, honing his skills. At night, he sparred with the Zhao father and son, practicing his spearmanship and resistance techniques.

As the days passed, the Level 4 zombie tentacle monster incident faded from Lu Ming’s mind, replaced by the rhythm of his daily routine. On the 67th day of the Apocalypse Calendar, a Wednesday marked by uneventful calm, Lu Ming’s fitness skills reached Level 8, further boosting his attributes.

Recalling the zombie crystals and centrifuge from Huo Sheng, Lu Ming experimented by splitting a Level 1 crystal and absorbing half. It proved ineffective, confirming his suspicion that a larger quantity was needed. That night, he consumed an entire crystal and slept soundly, reaffirming his belief that they were harmless to him.

Days 68 and 69 passed without incident, filled with good food, restful sleep, and rigorous exercise. The weather was perfect, a welcome respite from the harsh realities of the apocalypse. On Friday, the 69th day, his Resistance Stance reached Level 10, granting him 10 free attribute points, bringing his total to 55. He decided to save them, a strategic reserve for future challenges.

Three days later, on the 72nd day, Monday dawned under an ominous sky veiled in dark clouds. At daybreak, the Zombie Kings, led by Sima Xiao, had finally amassed their army, comprising nearly a fifth of the city's zombie population. This massive horde gathered silently dozens of kilometers from Good Hope Village, awaiting the command to launch their assault, retake the Holy Tower, and ascend to a glorious evolution.

Lu Ming, having finished his breakfast of Chengcheng’s noodles, prepared for his daily training. But a sudden, piercing bell from the gathering place tore through the air, accompanied by terrified screams from the lookout.

"Zombie tide! It’s the zombie tide! An endless sea of zombies!"

A frown creased Lu Ming’s brow as he climbed his watchtower, surveying the horizon. In the distance, a vast wave of zombies surged towards them, a relentless tide of the undead. The sight was both horrifying and awe-inspiring—a dust storm of countless bodies moving as one.

Lu Ming’s heart sank. He knew this was the big one.

End of Chapter 77

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