Chapter 78: The Awakening of Power

The massive army of zombies marched in a grand, chaotic display. Their movements lacked the discipline of trained soldiers, but their raw strength and unwavering fearlessness made them formidable adversaries.

Ten kilometers from Good Hope Village, the seven Zombie Kings regrouped. Sima Xiao, the Devourer, stood as their leader, brimming with confidence.

The Zombie Kings' army was a sight to behold: 100,000+ zombies, all under their command, ready to wreak havoc. Sima Xiao believed victory was inevitable. A simple charge would be enough to crush their enemies, reclaim the Holy Tower, and capture more Awakened to add to his growing collection.

Yet, a playful question arose from Sima Xiao's lips as he observed Simba and Lian Jie, who were cowering behind the Tanks. "I say, why are you two hiding so far away?"

Simba, peeking out from his hiding spot, declared, "Oh, ho ho ho! This is my combat form! When I assume such a posture, it means I've entered a combat state!"

Lian Jie, casting a dubious look at the timid Simba, offered a different explanation. "My mother is by my side, so I have to protect her."

Sima Xiao shrugged, unconcerned. In his eyes, this battle was already won. Whether Simba and Lian Jie contributed or not was inconsequential.

Unbeknownst to him, a silent conversation was taking place between the two hiding Zombie Kings.

Simba's eyes seemed to ask, Brother, how did you know there were monsters over there?

Lian Jie's gaze responded, I was driven out by that monster. Do you see that observation tower? That monster is standing there, probably spotted us by now.

Simba's eyes widened, That’s not good.

Lian Jie nodded, Indeed. I didn’t want to come either, but Sima Xiao made such a big deal out of this battle. I figured I’d come to see the spectacle, take advantage if possible, and run if things go south. What about you, brother?

It takes one to know one, Simba’s eyes twinkled. Once the fighting starts, let’s look out for each other.

Agreed, brother, Lian Jie’s eyes confirmed.

Their unspoken alliance solidified, they turned back to watch as the four massive Tanks roared, signaling the start of the final assault. Sima Xiao, confident as ever, waved his hand grandly. "Brothers, let the humans witness our power!"

Meanwhile, in the Guangping Street shelter, alarms blared, and the survivors filed into the underground bunker in an orderly yet hurried fashion. The Awakened took their positions, setting up defenses, with Lu Ming’s observation tower serving as the central point. A runner sped toward the official shelter to request reinforcements.

Despite the impending threat, a strange calm washed over the gathering place. The reason was simple—Lu Ming.

As long as Brother Lu held the line, there was hope.

Atop the observation tower, Lu Ming surveyed the incoming wave.

Enemy Scan: Tyrants x10+, Tentacle Monsters x3, Giant Zombies x4.

Threat Level: Extreme.

His eyes narrowed. There were many zombies, a significant number of them high-level. He spotted more than ten Tyrants, three Tentacle Monsters, and four hulking Giant Zombies—each larger and more terrifying than any Tyrant he had faced before.

The sight caused a shiver to run down Lu Ming’s spine. He wasn’t afraid of the Tyrants—Thor's Hammer could obliterate them. But the sheer number of the horde was daunting. He lacked the ability to deal large-scale damage, and the Level 4 zombies were a different beast altogether.

Suddenly, the Giant Zombies roared, their voices deep and guttural, as they lumbered forward with the Tyrants leading the charge. Hunters flanked the horde, their senses sharp and attuned. The foul stench of the Giant Zombies filled the air as their massive bodies rumbled toward the shelter like an unstoppable avalanche.

A deep frown creased Lu Ming’s face. So many… so powerful…

A fleeting thought crossed his mind—escape. He could easily abandon the shelter and save himself. But as his gaze fell on the gathering place below, the thought of leaving behind his home, his supplies, and the sanctuary he had built filled him with unease. Out there, survival would become a constant struggle for food, always on the run, battling the undead.

A vision flashed through his mind—himself, ragged and gaunt, scavenging through trash for scraps of food, celebrating over a half-empty bottle of expired cola, only to be chased by a horde of zombies drawn to his voice. The thought sent a chill down his spine.

“No,” he muttered, shaking the image from his mind. This is my home. I won’t let them take it.

Glancing down at the briefcase by his feet, Lu Ming clenched his fists. "Why!" he growled, his frustration boiling over. "Why do these zombies always have to shatter my peace?! Why can't they just stay outside and let me farm my attributes in peace?"

Unable to find an answer, he opened his attribute panel, his eyes fixating on the line that read 55 free attribute points. Without hesitation, he allocated 25 points to Strength, boosting it to 223, and 30 points to Physique, raising it to 228.7.

His muscles surged with power. Still unsatisfied, he opened the briefcase, grabbed a handful of zombie crystals, and stuffed them into his mouth. The taste was vile, and nausea churned in his stomach, but he ignored it. His bloodshot eyes fixed on the approaching horde, his body convulsing as the crystals melted into him.

The pain was brief but intense. Within moments, it subsided, and Lu Ming stood tall, his body thrumming with newfound strength. His muscles rippled, and his heightened senses could hear the thunderous rhythm of his own heartbeat.

Breathing deeply, he opened his attribute panel once again.

System Notification: Awakening Complete.

Level Up! Lu Ming: Level 1 Awakened.

The transformation was done. His mind clear, Lu Ming knew it was time to face the oncoming tide. He glanced toward the horizon, the massive horde approaching like a living storm.

With a calm resolve, Lu Ming stepped forward, ready to meet them head-on.

End of Chapter 78

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