Chapter 80: The Blood-Red Storm

Lu Ming drew a deep breath, his muscles coiling with anticipation as he entered combat mode. The massive battle sword felt almost weightless in his newly augmented grip, a testament to his recent Awakening.

[Combat Mode Activated]

With a powerful contraction of his core, Lu Ming channeled the surging energy from his waist to his upper body. His thighs tensed, propelling him off the wall in a graceful leap. The moment his feet touched the ground, he began to spin, a human whirlwind with a deadly blade at its center.

[Whirling Blade Technique Initiated]

The spectacle might have been comical if not for the sheer scale of it. Lu Ming, his arm outstretched, carved a 41-meter radius circle with the colossal sword, a terrifying vortex of steel and fury.

The weight of the weapon, the honed edge of the blade, Lu Ming's superhuman strength, and his blinding rotational speed converged into a maelstrom of destruction. The calm air was instantly transformed into a howling gale, a blood-red tempest that tore through the ranks of the zombie horde.

Sima Xiao watched in stunned silence as the leading edge of his army was decimated, zombies swept up like ragdolls, dismembered and pulverized by the relentless onslaught.

No worries, stay calm! Sima Xiao reassured himself, quickly recovering from his initial shock. He's just one person. He'll tire eventually.

Even with his newfound power, Lu Ming was still just a human. And humans, unlike the tireless undead, had their limits. Sima Xiao clung to this thought, his confidence in his overwhelming numbers unwavering.

This was common sense! Sima Xiao thought to himself, but Lu Ming was anything but conventional.

Inside the shelter, on the outer defense line of the observation tower, a group of survivors watched the blood-red storm Lu Ming had unleashed.

"Brother Lu, is there a problem...?" Zhao Yongchun voiced their collective concern. Lu Ming was their protector, the guardian of the shelter and perhaps even the entire human race. His decision to engage the horde in close combat was unprecedented, and they couldn't help but worry. After all, Lu Ming had never faced a zombie wave head-on before.

But Zhang Chengcheng's voice was steady, filled with unwavering faith. "Brother Lu will be fine, 100%!"

Her trust in Lu Ming was absolute.

Beside her, Zhao Honglei continued, "Yongchun doesn't doubt Brother Lu Ming's abilities, but there's something troubling about his tactics." He pointed towards the distant maelstrom. "His combat style doesn't make sense."

Wang Xiong nodded in agreement.

"There are two problems," Zhao Honglei explained. "First, the weapon. A 40-meter-long sword might look cool, but it's cumbersome and limits his adaptability. That's dangerous in a group fight."

Wang Xiong added, "And the energy required to swing such a large weapon... it's unsustainable."

The second problem was Lu Ming's movement. His whirlwind attack, while visually impressive, raised concerns about dizziness and potential loss of balance.

"Spinning in circles like that..." Zhao Honglei trailed off, his worry evident. "Won't he get dizzy?"

But Zhang Chengcheng's light voice cut through their concerns like a ray of sunshine. "Oh, I forgot to mention something," she said with a playful lilt. "Brother Lu just leveled up again, just now. His physical attributes have doubled."

Name: Lu Ming
Level: 1 Mortal Realm
Strength: 446
Physique: 457.4
Agility: 445.6

A wave of realization washed over the group.

"You should know," Zhang Chengcheng reminded them, "that theoretically, the three-dimensional attributes of a Level 4 Awakened are around 80 points. Even stronger zombies rarely exceed 100."

In other words, Lu Ming's temporary attributes were now on par with a high-level Awakened, far exceeding their initial expectations. The concerns about fatigue and dizziness seemed less pressing, given the substantial boost to his physical capabilities.

To Lu Ming, wielding the 40-meter sword felt surprisingly manageable, a testament to the temporary surge in his strength and agility. While the boost was not permanent, it was enough to make his "slow" a whirlwind of destruction for the zombie horde. The question remained, however, how long this temporary power would last.

As for dizziness, that too was a non-issue. Lu Ming's superhuman physique had rendered him immune to the disorienting effects of spinning. Besides, he could always slow down if needed—though his "slow" was still a whirlwind of devastation for the zombie horde.

Lu Ming, now completely at ease, adjusted his trajectory and charged towards Sima Xiao at an even faster pace. His strategy was simple: capture the leader first.

The sight of the approaching blood-red storm shattered Sima Xiao's composure. What's going on with this guy?! he wondered, his initial confidence wavering. Lu Ming's strength far exceeded that of a Tank, yet the idea of a Level 5 Awakened in Nanxiang was inconceivable. Advancing from Level 4 to Level 5 required ten Level 4 zombie crystals, a feat that seemed impossible to achieve in secret.

As a Level 4 Devourer, Sima Xiao would have sensed the fluctuations of a Level 5 Awakening. He was certain there were no Level 5 Awakened in Nanxiang, so the man wielding the Swordstorm was an anomaly, a being that shouldn't exist.

"What's going on here?" he muttered, looking back for Lian Jie and Simba, only to find them gone.

Sima Xiao didn't panic, assuming they were merely hiding amongst the horde, waiting to ambush. He struggled to grasp the gravity of the situation until he witnessed a Tank charging towards the blood-red storm.

"Yes, that's it!" Sima Xiao thought, a glimmer of hope returning. "My guards, stop him! Tear him apart!"

He maintained a facade of calm, but his composure crumbled as the shredded remains of the Tank splattered across his face.

End of Chapter 80

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