Chapter 81: The Fall of the Zombie King

The Tank's charge toward Lu Ming became the focal point of the battle, drawing the intense gazes of both zombies and humans alike. Time seemed to slow as everyone held their breath, anticipating the outcome of this clash that could potentially decide the fate of the entire conflict.

"Yes, that's it!" Sima Xiao roared, his eyes burning with anticipation. "My guards, stop him! Tear him apart!"

Within the shelter, Wang Xiong and the others sent up silent prayers for Lu Ming's safety, while Zhang Chengcheng's gaze remained fixed on her hero, unwavering in her faith in his abilities.

Hidden in a nearby building, Lian Jie and Simba watched with a mix of fear and opportunism. Should Lu Ming falter, they were ready to pounce, scavenging whatever they could from the chaos.

As the Tank reached the edge of the swirling storm, it let out a deafening roar, its pink muscles bulging as its massive body grew even larger. With a powerful surge, it reached out to grab the edge of the spinning blade, intending to disrupt the storm's momentum.

Though limited in intelligence, the Tank's combat instincts were sharp. However, it had severely underestimated the raw power behind Lu Ming's attack.

Just as its hands were about to make contact with the blade, Lu Ming unleashed five times his initial strength.

Time to kick it up a notch.

The sudden acceleration caught the Tank completely off guard. The colossal blade, now a blur of motion, sliced through its outstretched arms and torso as if they were made of paper.

The sheer speed of the attack left the Tank no time to react, its demise swift and brutal.

The Tank roared in defiance as its remaining hand slapped against the colossal blade. A guttural cry, as if boasting of its ability to withstand the attack, echoed across the battlefield.

But the Tank's bravado was short-lived. A shudder of pain coursed through its body as it realized something was terribly wrong. The sensation below its chest was gone, severed in a single, devastating blow.

The storm, far from dissipating as the Tank had expected, intensified. The onlookers watched in morbid fascination as the maelstrom lifted the Tank's remaining half into the air, stripping away flesh and bone in a gruesome display.

Sima Xiao, caught in the path of the flying debris, was struck full in the face by the Tank's severed arm.

The Tank was dead. One hit. One fatal blow.

The difference in attributes was simply too vast. Lu Ming's temporary boost had placed him leagues beyond the Level 4 Tank, akin to the disparity between a healthy adult and a helpless infant.

Sima Xiao, blood and gore smeared across his face, could only stare in disbelief.

"How is this possible?" he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. "This is impossible, right?! What's happened to this world?"

Nanxiang had no Level 5 Awakened, yet here was a monster capable of obliterating a Level 4 Tank in an instant. It defied logic, it defied reason.

As the wind intensified, snapping Sima Xiao out of his stupor, he turned to face the rapidly approaching Lu Ming. A high-pitched scream ripped from his throat, a sound of pure terror unlike anything he had ever uttered before.

The entire battlefield seemed to freeze in that moment. Zombies and humans alike stared in stunned silence as half of the Tank's body arced through the sky, the other half collapsing to the ground. Their gaze then shifted to the rapidly accelerating storm, a force of nature bearing down on them.

Another scream, this time from Sima Xiao, shattered the eerie stillness. His voice, warped with fear, jolted everyone back to reality.

Within the shelter, a collective sigh of relief swept through the onlookers.

There was no need for further discussion. The situation had stabilized, at least for the moment. The remaining Tanks and zombies roared with renewed ferocity, their bloodlust and brutality unyielding. Even the Tank's gruesome death had not deterred them. They lacked the capacity for fear, driven solely by their primal instincts.

Sima Xiao, having momentarily lost his composure, regained his footing. "Charge! Everyone, get him!!" he bellowed, his face flushed with rage.

He commanded the horde to swarm Lu Ming while simultaneously using his eight tentacles to propel himself backward. Where can I run to? he wondered frantically. The answer eluded him, but he knew that distance from this monstrous human was paramount.

Meanwhile, hidden within a building, Simba and Lian Jie peeked through a crack in the curtains. They watched with bated breath, ready to seize any opportunity to exploit Lu Ming's weakness.

As the remaining Tank charged towards the swirling vortex, Sima Xiao's hopes soared. Yes, that's it! My guards, stop him and tear him apart! he thought, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

But within moments, his hopes were dashed. The Tank, despite its desperate attempt to block the blade, was swiftly and brutally torn asunder. The sight of the creature's dismembered remains flying through the air filled Sima Xiao with a chilling dread.

In the shelter, everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. The tide of the battle seemed to be turning.

But the respite was short-lived. Sima Xiao, consumed by fear, let out a blood-curdling shriek that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. The entire battlefield seemed to freeze as the reality of the situation sunk in. Lu Ming, the lone human with his colossal sword, had single-handedly decimated a Tank.

The remaining zombies, sensing their leader's terror, hesitated. Some even began to retreat, their primal instincts overridden by the overwhelming fear emanating from their commander.

Seizing the opportunity, Lu Ming abandoned his whirling attack and set his sights on Sima Xiao. The Devourer, propelled by eight powerful tentacles, was surprisingly fast, but Lu Ming's enhanced speed allowed him to keep pace.

With a burst of power, Lu Ming launched himself into the air, the 40-meter sword glinting ominously in the dim light. He soared high above the battlefield, then plummeted towards Sima Xiao with earth-shattering force.

Sima Xiao, his escape cut short, found himself face-to-face with the monstrous blade and its wielder. Overcome with terror, he collapsed to his knees, his voice a pathetic whimper.

"Big Brother, I was wrong. Spare me..."

End of Chapter 81

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