Chapter 88: The Path of Simplicity

Wei Lan had to admit she couldn't fully grasp the nuances of the conversation between Lu Ming and Zhang Chengcheng. However, she possessed an important trait: she knew when to keep quiet. If her confusion was minor, she wouldn’t risk asking unnecessary questions that could draw unwanted attention.

Zhang Chengcheng led her to the kitchen, where Wei Lan began assisting with meal preparations under Chengcheng's guidance.

"Before you came, did Huo Sheng tell you anything about Brother Lu's temperament?" Chengcheng asked.

"No," Wei Lan replied honestly. "Professor Huo only mentioned that Brother Lu is a very good person."

Zhang Chengcheng nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "Of course! I've never met anyone as good, kind, and powerful as Brother Lu!"

Her daily compliments reflected her unwavering admiration for him.

After a brief pause, Chengcheng continued, "But even the best people have their quirks, and you need to understand those."

Wei Lan nodded, understanding that even the strongest had their peculiarities.

"First and foremost, Brother Lu’s house," Chengcheng began, her tone firm. "This is the most important thing: you can’t enter his house. Don’t even think about it! That’s his private space, and crossing that boundary without permission is as good as declaring war on him. I trust you understand the consequences."

Wei Lan quickly nodded, assuring Chengcheng she valued her life.

"Secondly, the distance you keep from Brother Lu," Chengcheng added. "He’s not one to trust easily, and you’ve only just arrived. Keep your distance—too close, and he won’t be happy. If Brother Lu is unhappy, nobody in our gathering place will be happy."

Her eyes landed on Wei Lan’s long legs with a pointed glance. "Understand?"

Wei Lan nodded fervently. "I understand."

Satisfied with her response, Chengcheng moved on. "Lastly, Brother Lu dislikes going out and especially dislikes being troubled. So, anything we can handle, we should. If we can’t handle it, go to Wang Xiong. If Wang Xiong can’t solve it, we turn to Huo Sheng. In short, don’t disturb Brother Lu unless it’s absolutely necessary."

Wei Lan nodded again, relieved at the simplicity of the rules. "That’s easy. I’m not the type to cause trouble."

As the aroma of cooking filled the kitchen, the two women worked in a quiet rhythm, their shared task uniting them.

Zhang Chengcheng fell silent after finishing her instructions, and Wei Lan, still processing everything, hesitantly asked, "Sister Chengcheng, is that all?"

Chengcheng nodded. "Yes, just those three things."

Wei Lan mentally reviewed the rules: don’t enter Lu Ming’s house, maintain a respectful distance, and don’t disturb him unnecessarily.

"It seems pretty simple," she remarked.

Chengcheng smiled softly. "That’s because Brother Lu is a simple person. A very simple Seeker of the Path."

"Seeker of the Path?"

"Yes, the Seeker of the Path of Strength!" Chengcheng declared, a trace of reverence in her voice.

It took them about an hour to prepare three portions of food. According to Lu Ming’s rules, Wei Lan’s meals were now provided as well.

With the table set, Lu Ming entered the dining room. At his casual command, "Let’s eat," the three Awakened quickly devoured their meal.

The meal lasted just forty minutes. Afterward, Lu Ming announced, "I’m going to take a nap," and departed, leaving Zhang Chengcheng and Wei Lan to clean up.

The task didn’t take long. Once finished, Chengcheng showed Wei Lan to a simple one-bedroom apartment. "This will be your room from now on. Are you satisfied?"

Wei Lan smiled brightly. "Yes, I’m satisfied." The conditions were far better than those at the official shelter.

Chengcheng nodded. "Good."

As she turned to leave, Wei Lan stopped her. "Sister Chengcheng, what do I need to do in the afternoon?"

"We don’t have any specific tasks in the afternoon," Chengcheng explained. "It’s Brother Lu’s training time, and he doesn’t need us then. But it’s best if we stay on standby. If Brother Lu calls, we respond immediately."

Wei Lan nodded in understanding. "Got it."

"And don’t forget," Chengcheng added, "head to the kitchen at four o’clock to help prepare dinner."

Wei Lan smiled again. "Understood."

After Chengcheng left, Wei Lan explored her new room. The house was clean and comfortable, much to her liking. She settled in quickly, grateful for her new surroundings.

Exhausted from the morning’s events, Wei Lan lay down and fell asleep almost immediately. She woke up startled at four o'clock, the alarm clock ringing beside her. She rushed to the kitchen, where Chengcheng was already preparing the ingredients.

"I’m sorry, Sister Chengcheng," Wei Lan apologized, washing her hands. "I overslept."

Chengcheng waved off the apology. "No need to apologize. This morning was exhausting, especially since we can’t use an unlimited number of Tier 3 zombie crystals. But the afternoon is easier."

They continued cooking, chatting amiably about life in the shelter. After dinner was prepared, they took a brief walk around the gathering place before serving the meal.

That night, after their walk, Wei Lan returned to her room. There wasn’t much in the way of entertainment in the apocalypse, and nightlife was non-existent. Knowing she had to wake early the next morning to prepare breakfast for Lu Ming, she lay down to sleep but found her mind racing.

Reflecting on the day’s events, Wei Lan realized how entwined her fate had become with Lu Ming’s. She had to admit, he wasn’t the most exciting person, and her role as his assistant was fairly mundane. It wasn’t challenging, but it wasn’t stimulating either. Her duties were simple—assist with training, cook, and clean.

Given Lu Ming’s temperament and strength, she knew the routine was unlikely to change. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to complain. In a world consumed by chaos, stability was a rare luxury.

She recalled Zhang Chengcheng’s description of Lu Ming: "The Seeker of the Path of Strength." It was fitting. He was simple yet determined, cautious and methodical, driven solely by the pursuit of strength.

Though not a hero in the traditional sense, Lu Ming accomplished feats even heroes couldn’t. His unwavering focus on self-improvement had unknowingly become a beacon of hope for countless survivors.

If he could endure the monotony, Wei Lan thought, surely she could too.

With that thought, a sense of peace settled over her, and she drifted into a deep sleep.

End of Chapter 88

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