Chapter 89: Freaks Among Freaks

Simba and Lian Jie, gripped by sheer terror, had been on the run for a full day and night. As Level 4 Devourers, they had long seen themselves as apex predators, never imagining there could be anyone stronger than them. But after witnessing Lu Ming effortlessly dispatch Sima Xiao, they were filled with a primal fear that urged them to flee as far as possible.

Their panicked escape led them to the edge of the ominous black mist, the foreboding barrier that sealed Nanxiang City from the outside world. The once-proud Zombie Kings, now reduced to trembling shadows of their former selves, exchanged a silent, fearful glance.

"Brother," Lian Jie finally muttered, his voice shaky, "did we run too far?"

Simba, trying and failing to mask his fear, forced out a nervous chuckle. "Oh ho ho ho," he laughed, though his tone betrayed him. "But isn’t it safer the farther we are from him?"

Lian Jie could see through the facade but chose not to press the matter. They were both terrified, and calling each other out wouldn’t help.

They turned their gazes toward the swirling black mist ahead, the boundary that now loomed before them like a silent threat. A new fear began to settle in.

"It’s not far enough," Simba muttered, his voice barely audible. "If that monster really wants to kill us, even this distance won’t keep us safe."

Lian Jie’s heart sank. "You’re right."

"But there’s definitely something wrong with the black mist," Simba continued, recalling Sima Xiao’s warning. Though the Devourer’s words were cryptic, they now carried a chilling weight.

"I encountered this mist a long time ago," Simba revealed, explaining how he had once explored the edges of the city, avoiding the central areas controlled by the humans. When he reached the black mist, he had only dared to send his minions inside, none of whom had ever returned.

"I swore never to go near it again," he said grimly, "but now, with Lu Ming behind us, we don’t have much choice."

The two Level 4 Devourers were caught between two terrible forces: the known threat of Lu Ming’s overwhelming strength and the unknown dangers of the black mist.

Their shared dilemma was broken by the arrival of a stranger. A tall, thin figure strode casually toward them from the end of the street. Simba and Lian Jie tensed, immediately sensing the power emanating from the newcomer.

The man was human, a Level 4 Awakened, judging by his aura. He appeared young, his face framed by a neatly groomed mustache, and he wore a silver-white sequined jacket, light blue jeans, and stylish shoes. The sequins on his jacket shimmered in the dim light, lending him a flashy, almost theatrical air. But despite his flamboyant appearance, there wasn’t a single bloodstain on his clothes—a clear sign that he hadn’t needed to fight to get here.

Stopping a few paces from the zombie kings, the man swept his gaze over them, then toward the black mist. His expression was one of casual amusement.

"Not going in?" he asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

Simba and Lian Jie exchanged a confused glance. Who was this guy? And why did Nanxiang seem to attract so many strange people?

Simba, his voice guarded, asked, "Who are you?"

The man grinned wider, smoothing his mustache. "Mustache and jeans," he said, his tone oddly triumphant. "Remember the name: Chang Yi."

Simba and Lian Jie stared, bewildered.

Chang Yi, unbothered by their confusion, repeated his question. "So, are you going in or not?"

The two Devourers shook their heads in unison. "We’re not going in," they replied.

"Why not?" Chang Yi pressed, his curiosity genuine.

"No specific reason," Simba answered, trying to maintain composure. "We just don’t want to."

Chang Yi chuckled, clearly amused. "Liar," he said, pointing at Simba with a smirk. "You’re afraid, aren’t you?"

Simba’s jaw clenched, but before he could retort, Chang Yi added, "Don’t lie. I can hear your thoughts..."

Simba’s mouth fell open in shock.

He wanted to snap back with something witty, but something about the man’s confidence gave him pause. Nanxiang had too many oddities, and challenging this one didn’t seem wise. Instead, Simba nodded. "Yes, yes," he agreed, feigning subservience.

Chang Yi puffed out his chest, clearly pleased with himself. "I knew it. But you did the right thing. It’s not easy for little zombies like you to survive in there. You’re still young, after all."

Simba’s curiosity was piqued. "And you can handle it?"

"Of course I can!" Chang Yi declared. "There’s nothing in Nanxiang I can’t handle."

Simba raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the boast. "So you’re as strong as you say? Then why aren’t you heading for the Holy Tower to prove it?"

Chang Yi’s expression darkened slightly. "You know about the Holy Tower?"

Simba nodded. "Of course. You know about it too?"

The two exchanged a brief, tense silence.

"Brother," Simba ventured cautiously, "you’re Level 4, right?"

"Correct," Chang Yi replied, his chest puffing out again. "Level 4 Awakened."

Simba blinked. "Then why are you pretending—"

Chang Yi cut him off, waving a dismissive hand. "There’s a difference between Level 4s. My Level 4 isn’t like the others."

He gave a sly smile. "But there’s no point explaining it to a little zombie like you. Here’s the deal: I’m going to explore the black mist. When I come out, I’ll be Level 5."

Simba wasn’t sure whether to laugh or run. Chang Yi’s confidence was staggering, but there was something about him that felt off.

Chang Yi then turned back to the mist. "Wait here for a few days. When I return, I’ll personally bring you to see the Holy Tower. We’ll take down any freaks that stand in the way."

Simba and Lian Jie exchanged another look. This guy really thought he could take down the Holy Tower?

Before they could reply, Chang Yi strode confidently into the swirling black mist, disappearing from view.

Lian Jie looked at Simba, a glint of hope in his eyes. "Brother, are we really going to wait for him?"

Simba spat on the ground, his face twisted in disgust. "Wait for him? Are you crazy? Watching a freak fight another freak? No way. Let’s get out of here. We’re better off staying away from people like him."

With that, the two Zombie Kings turned and fled in the opposite direction, leaving the black mist—and its mysteries—behind.

End of Chapter 89

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