Chapter 95: The Enigma of Brother Lu

On the way to the cafeteria, Chang Yi and the shelter officials exchanged names. Surprisingly, Chang Yi behaved like an obedient child, his domineering side nowhere to be seen. Eileen, however, remained in a daze, her movements mechanical and her expression vacant.

Chang Yi’s lack of patience and strategic thinking soon got the better of him. After a hearty meal, he couldn’t resist asking, “What’s the highest level of Awakened here?”

“Level 3,” Gao Junyi replied, “but there are two Level 4s on Guangping Street. And then there’s Brother Lu.”

“What level is Brother Lu again?” Chang Yi pressed.

“I don’t know,” Gao Junyi admitted, “but he’s definitely above Level 5.”

Chang Yi, though already aware of this information through his Mind Listening ability, feigned ignorance. “Mr. Chang Yi,” Gao Junyi continued, “your strength must be extraordinary. May I know what level you are?”

You’re asking the obvious, Chang Yi thought, rolling his eyes inwardly. And if you don’t answer my question, you’re dead meat!

However, the mention of Brother Lu’s overwhelming power gave him pause. He decided to play it safe for now.

“Level 5,” he replied obediently, eliciting exclamations of awe from Bai Tianyu and Gao Junyi.

“Mr. Chang Yi is so strong!” Bai Tianyu thought. But Level 5 probably can’t beat Brother Lu.

“Mr. Chang Yi is truly exceptional!” Gao Junyi echoed. But Level 5 is definitely not Brother Lu’s match.

Chang Yi felt a surge of unease. Just how strong is this Brother Lu?

These two keep nagging in their hearts. I can’t just act recklessly!

For the first time, Chang Yi felt the limitations of his Mind Listening ability. It was useful for gathering information, but the constant stream of internal monologues could be overwhelming and distracting.

Before Chang Yi could dwell on this further, Gao Junyi spoke again.

“But Mr. Chang Yi,” Gao Junyi inquired politely, “according to our research, it seems challenging to cultivate Level 5 Awakened in Nanxiang City. May I ask where you obtained a full ten Level 4 zombie crystals?”

Immediately regretting his words, Gao Junyi mentally berated himself. You see, my mouth is too fast, he thought. This matter is indeed not easy to talk about.

He was about to apologize and dismiss his question when Chang Yi surprised him.

“There’s nothing too secretive about it,” Chang Yi said with a dismissive wave. “Since Mayor Gao wants to know, I’ll briefly explain.”

He paused for dramatic effect, then added with a flourish, “Come on, I’ll punish myself with a drink.”

Gao Junyi, maintaining his composure, downed a shot of 52-degree Moutai as Chang Yi continued.

“In fact, the opportunities for me to advance to Level 5 were all in the Black Mist.”

The revelation stunned Gao Junyi, Bai Tianyu, and even Huo Sheng, who was watching the exchange remotely.

Huo Sheng’s voice echoed in Gao Junyi’s ear, instructing him to probe further. “The Black Mist? Are you sure?”

Chang Yi spread his hands, feigning innocence. “Why would I lie about this?”

Indeed, there was no reason to lie. The opportunity to become a Level 5 Awakened might be within the Black Mist, but it was not a place for the faint of heart. Even for someone like Chang Yi, with his multiple superpowers, the mist was a perilous realm. The chances of survival for ordinary Awakened were slim to none.

Chang Yi was right. The odds of ordinary Awakened surviving the Black Mist were slim. Even if the officials found a way to advance within its depths, it would take time. In that time, Chang Yi could gather more information about the enigmatic Brother Lu, rendering the Black Mist issue irrelevant.

A new thought struck him. “Hasn’t anyone explored the Black Mist here?” he inquired, carefully gauging their reactions.

Gao Junyi shook his head. “Of course we’ve tried. Unfortunately, we lost contact with everyone who entered. After a few attempts, we stopped. Your information about the opportunity to reach Level 5 is invaluable.”

He downed another glass of Moutai, and Chang Yi joined him for a sip before asking, “Even Brother Lu hasn’t been inside?”

The atmosphere at the table instantly grew tense.

Chang Yi, noticing the shift, laughed it off. “My ears are very sharp,” he explained. “It’s my superpower. I overheard people discussing Brother Lu in the corridor earlier. He seems to be the strongest Awakened here, right? So, has he ever explored the Black Mist?”

[Chang Yi: Skill Activated – Enhanced Hearing]

Gao Junyi and Bai Tianyu exchanged a wary glance. Finally, Gao Junyi responded, “Yes, Brother Lu hasn’t ventured into the mist.”

Chang Yi, through his Mind Listening ability, knew this was true. He took a sip of white wine, a smug smile playing on his lips. “Then he must not be a Level 5 Awakened or above, right?”

He didn’t need them to confirm his suspicion; his power had already gleaned the answer.

Brother Lu is not a Level 5 Awakened, Bai Tianyu thought, but he is definitely stronger than one!

So what does this person mean by his words? Gao Junyi wondered. He deliberately changed the topic to Brother Lu and even said he’s not a Level 5 Awakened. Hiss, he has ill intentions.

Chang Yi, however, was puzzled by their internal monologue. Gao Junyi’s thoughts were irrelevant, but Bai Tianyu’s words were a mystery.

Not Level 5, but stronger than Level 5? What ability does this Brother Lu have?

An awkward silence settled over the table until Gao Junyi broke it with a diplomatic suggestion. “Mr. Chang, how about we stop here for today? You must be tired after your journey. Why don’t you rest for the day, and we can continue tomorrow?”

Chang Yi, intrigued by the enigma that was Brother Lu, agreed. His initial plan to assert his dominance had been put on hold. He needed to assess this mysterious figure before making any further moves.

“All right,” Chang Yi finally replied, a thoughtful look on his face.

The original plan had been to reveal his true intentions and demand compliance. But Brother Lu’s existence had thrown a wrench into Chang Yi’s plans. The mysterious figure’s power, as described by Bai Tianyu, intrigued and unsettled him.

Chang Yi felt it was necessary to gauge this Brother Lu’s abilities before proceeding. “Can you introduce me to Brother Lu tomorrow?” he inquired, a hint of curiosity masking his underlying motives.

Gao Junyi nodded cautiously. “I need to apply to the higher-ups. I hope Mr. Chang Yi will understand.”

“Understand, understand,” Chang Yi replied dismissively, his mind already racing with possibilities.

His arrival had caused a minor stir within the shelter, but Lu Ming remained unaffected. He continued his daily routine, oblivious to the potential threat lurking just beyond the walls.

Day 92 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Sunday.

Lu Ming woke up early as usual, starting his day with his rigorous exercise regimen. Meanwhile, Chang Yi slept soundly, snuggled up with Eileen until mid-morning.

After a hasty grooming session, he joined Gao Junyi for lunch, activating his Mind Listening and Heat Vision abilities as he ate. He noticed that the other officials were keeping their distance, clearly wary of his presence.

Realizing his actions from the previous day might have alarmed them, Chang Yi cut to the chase. “Can I see Brother Lu now?” he asked Gao Junyi.

Gao Junyi hesitated, his eyes darting nervously. “Brother Lu doesn’t want to see anyone today, Mr. Chang. What do you think...?”

Chang Yi’s mind raced. Why the reluctance? What are they hiding? His curiosity about Brother Lu only intensified.

End of Chapter 95

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