Chapter 94: A Game of Deception

The officials of the shelter had been closely monitoring Chang Yi, well aware of the threat his ability to fly and immense power posed. Despite their reservations about the newcomer and the woman he carried in his arms, they opened the gates as soon as he made his demand.

Bai Tianyu, the military commander, and Gao Junyi, the former mayor of Nanxiang City, stepped out to greet him. Gao Junyi, a portly man with a perpetually friendly smile, began diplomatically, "Welcome, both of you. This is an official establishment, and we—"

Chang Yi cut him off with a dismissive wave, showing little regard for courtesy. "I know what you do here."

The tension between the two parties thickened. Bai Tianyu and Gao Junyi exchanged a quick, concerned glance. This newcomer was not only powerful but also disrespectfully bold.

Chang Yi, unfazed by the discomfort he caused, continued in his usual blunt manner. He wasn’t interested in pleasantries or following formalities. What I want, I take, he thought. Why waste time pretending to be civil?

Bai Tianyu stepped forward, intent on taking control of the situation. But before he could speak, a voice echoed in his head—Huo Sheng’s voice, crackling through a direct neural link.

Huo Sheng: He's a Level 5 Awakened. You have to agree to whatever he says for the time being.

Bai Tianyu hesitated, momentarily stunned.

Deep within the shelter, Huo Sheng monitored the situation through a large screen connected to a complex device. The same instrument they had used to detect Zhang Chengcheng's advancement had just revealed something alarming—Chang Yi’s power level.

Chang Yi: Level 5 Awakened.

This revelation shook the shelter's leadership. Level 5 was unheard of this early in the apocalypse. It was a terrifying anomaly, a potential disruptor of the fragile balance of power in Nanxiang City.

They had so many urgent questions:

How had he achieved Level 5 Awakening?
Where did he find the Tier 4 zombie crystals required for such an advancement?
What was his true objective in coming to the official shelter?
And perhaps most importantly, what were his superpowers?

The answers to these questions could change everything. His awakening process, if uncovered, could be a key to unlocking new levels for their own Awakened. But his motives remained a mystery, and his capabilities were a critical unknown.

Huo Sheng, observing the scene remotely, could only confirm one chilling fact:

Chang Yi: Threat Level: Catastrophic.

His message to Bai Tianyu was clear: Do not provoke him.

Bai Tianyu, still processing Huo Sheng’s warning, was torn between duty and common sense. As a Level 3 Awakened, he was strong—but not strong enough to face someone like Chang Yi head-on. A wave of resentment washed over him.

If only Brother Lu were here, he thought bitterly. He would’ve ripped this guy’s head off by now.

However, Bai Tianyu had no idea that one of Chang Yi’s abilities was Mind Listening. Chang Yi had picked up every single one of his thoughts.

A Level 5 Awakened? They're talking about me? And who is this Brother Lu that this guy thinks could defeat me?

Suddenly, Chang Yi's original plan—one of brute force and domination—shifted. His superpower had given him unexpected insight. A new, more cunning strategy formed in his mind.

Chang Yi smiled inwardly. If this "Brother Lu" is really that strong, I’ll need to play this differently.

For now, the arrogant conqueror adopted a different approach.

"Yes, I know this is the official shelter," Chang Yi began, his tone suddenly humble. "I brought my wife here because I heard you protect commoners. We haven’t had a proper meal in days… Could you spare some food?"

His sudden shift in demeanor caught Bai Tianyu and Gao Junyi off guard. Just moments ago, Chang Yi had been aggressive and dismissive, yet now he stood before them as though he were a helpless refugee.

Gao Junyi, ever the politician, seized the opportunity to deescalate. "There’s enough food for everyone. Please follow me," he said with a reassuring smile.

Huo Sheng, watching from his lab, was perplexed. What’s he up to? he wondered. Why the sudden change?

But Huo Sheng wasn’t easily fooled. He instructed his team to continue monitoring Chang Yi’s every move. This mysterious individual was too dangerous to take lightly.

One of the guards turned to Huo Sheng. "Professor, should we ask Brother Lu to come over?"

Huo Sheng shook his head. "Not yet."

He understood Lu Ming’s priorities. Lu Ming, focused on his own path to strength, wasn’t one to interfere unless absolutely necessary. Besides, relying on him for every crisis would only slow his progress—and potentially draw unwanted attention to him from enemies like Chang Yi.

Huo Sheng’s plan was simple: if the shelter couldn’t handle the situation, they would stall for time. Only if things spiraled out of control would they consider bringing Lu Ming into the fray.

With Lu Ming’s immense strength, he was the trump card they could play when all other options failed.

For now, the shelter’s officials would have to navigate this dangerous situation on their own.

End of Chapter 94

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