Chapter 93: The King’s Challenge

Day 90 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Friday.

While Chang Yi pursued his twisted quest for love and power, Lu Ming continued his daily regimen, focused and methodical.

[Daily Training Complete]

[All Attributes Gained]

That evening, after neatly organizing his supplies and settling into bed, Lu Ming reflected on his progress with quiet satisfaction.

Name: Lu Ming
Level: 1 Mortal Realm
Age: 25
Strength: 544
Physique: 555.4
Agility: 550.5

Free Attribute Points: 86

Superpower: Awakening in Progress…

The day's gains were solid. His home was secure, his resources plentiful, and his strength increased daily. This rhythm—a reliable, steady cycle of progress—gave him a sense of calm anticipation for the days ahead.

Meanwhile, not far from Donglin County, Chang Yi found himself far from content. Surrounded by a handful of women and a fawning shelter leader, he sat amidst a meager display of food and drink. His dissatisfaction was palpable.

“Boss, are you satisfied?” the leader asked nervously, sensing the mounting tension.

Chang Yi surveyed the scant offerings, his eyes briefly landing on the women around him. Their beauty, or lack thereof, did nothing to improve his mood. The food barely scratched the hunger of a Level 5 Awakened, and the women’s unwashed bodies tainted the "love" experience he sought.

"So-so," Chang Yi replied dismissively, his tone laced with indifference.

The leader, desperately trying to please the volatile Chang Yi, quickly pivoted to a new topic, hoping to avoid a lethal outburst.

“Boss, you’ve seen the situation here,” the leader began, his voice edged with desperation. “It’s not that we don’t want to treat you better, but resources are scarce. We’re struggling.”

Chang Yi said nothing, his expression unreadable. Sensing the need to say more, the leader pressed on. "But with your power, you could do more—create your own empire, even! If you went to the official shelter, with all the women, resources, and subordinates, you could be a king. Everyone would bow to you!"

The suggestion seemed to amuse Chang Yi, who chuckled softly, patting the leader’s head condescendingly. "Interesting," he mused.

The leader’s face lit up with hope, misinterpreting Chang Yi’s amusement as approval. However, his smugness evaporated in an instant when Chang Yi’s smile faded, replaced by cold calculation.

"Just not clever enough..."

Without warning, Chang Yi activated his telekinesis. The leader’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth bled profusely as his brain liquified under Chang Yi’s crushing psychic power.

The two women beside Chang Yi trembled, their breath quickening in terror as they witnessed the grisly scene.

"Do you think I have the ability to be king?" Chang Yi asked, his voice soft but deadly, his eyes glinting with malice.

Fearing for their lives, the women nodded frantically. “Of course, Brother Yi! You’re the best!”

Chang Yi’s lips curled into a dark smile, though their fearful praise did little to soothe his deep-seated frustration.

“Yes, I have the ability…” he muttered, almost to himself, before slamming his hand down on the table, sending plates and cups flying. “But why was my life before the apocalypse so miserable?”

With that, he launched into a bitter rant, recounting his difficult upbringing, his academic achievements that led to nothing, and the string of failures that had defined his life before the apocalypse.

"Do I have the ability?!" he shouted, his voice growing louder with each word. “I have the ability! So why did I live like a dog before?!”

His wild gaze darted around the room, locking onto the terrified women. “The problem is this society! The system! It made me live like a dog! This world is wrong!”

"Do you agree with me?" he demanded, his eyes burning with righteous indignation.

The women nodded vigorously, terrified to do anything else. “Brother Yi is right! Absolutely!”

Chang Yi sneered, his fury directed at the world around him. "The official shelter..." he muttered darkly. "They’re the ones I hate the most. I have a score to settle with them."

With a flick of his wrist, another glass exploded into shards, sending a deadly spray of glass through the air. The room was now littered with the bodies of those who had been unlucky enough to displease him earlier. The men and less attractive women were already dead.

Only two women remained, and Chang Yi, his cold gaze falling on them, made his decision.

"You’re not qualified to be in my harem," he declared with finality. "Time to say goodbye."

Another pulse of psychic energy, and the women’s bodies disintegrated into nothing more than a bloody mist.

Chang Yi turned his attention to the distant center of Nanxiang City, a cold grin creeping across his face. "It’s time I paid a visit to the official shelter… Tomorrow."

He could bide his time. He was confident that no one in Nanxiang City could challenge him—not even in a few days. First, he would indulge in the pleasures of his newfound power, then he would claim his rightful place.

Why rush when you can savor the anticipation?

Day 91 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Saturday.

Lu Ming had just finished his lunch and was preparing for his afternoon nap when, at the same time, Chang Yi hovered arrogantly in front of the official shelter’s surveillance cameras, a terrified Eileen held captive in his arms.

His eyes gleamed with malice as he issued his challenge to the shelter’s leadership.

"Get someone in charge to see me," he demanded, his voice echoing through the empty streets.

His challenge had been made, and soon enough, Nanxiang City would know the true power of a Level 5 Awakened.

End of Chapter 93

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