Chapter 92: Chang Yi's Obsession

Life, like a dish of varied flavors, offered moments of sweetness, bitterness, and surprise. Chang Yi vividly recalled his first day at Yilin Trading, when he had arrived drenched by a torrential downpour, completely unprepared. As he stood there soaked, she had appeared—Eileen—with a soft smile, handing him tissues and a fresh change of clothes. Her scent, a delicate perfume, lingered as their hands briefly brushed.

To him, that brief moment was electric.

If this wasn't love, what was?

Now, floating high above the desolate ruins of Donglin County, Chang Yi's voice rang out, amplified by his superhuman power, echoing through the empty streets below.

"Eileen! It's Chang Yi! I’ve come to pick you up!"

Inside a dilapidated office building, Eileen froze. Tears welled in her eyes as her hands covered her face in anguish.

“This... idiot!” she whispered hoarsely, her body trembling with the weight of her despair.

A gentle, familiar tentacle rested on her shoulder, offering silent comfort. She looked up to meet the concerned gaze of a striking male zombie—her husband, Yi Shan, from before the apocalypse. Despite his grotesque appearance and the eight tentacles that now adorned his body, she felt no fear. This creature, this Devourer, had never harmed her. In fact, he had always been her protector.

[Eileen: Memory Flashback - Yilin Trading Company. Yi Shan and Eileen.]

Their shared memories filled the silence, a painful reminder of the life they had built before it had all come crashing down.

Seeing his wife in such distress, Yi Shan’s eyes gleamed with cold fury. "Let's go," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "But this time, don't try to stop me. This idiot dies today."

Outside, Chang Yi grew impatient. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, Yi Shan and Eileen finally emerged on the rooftop of a nearby building. Chang Yi’s heart fluttered as his eyes landed on Eileen, who was as radiant as ever. He quickly composed himself, running a hand over his mustache before flashing what he considered a winning smile.

"Eileen," he called out suavely, "You’re still as beautiful as the day I met you. Now that I’m here, let’s go."

His words dripped with condescension, as if Eileen was a prize to be claimed rather than a person with her own will. This attitude sent Eileen over the edge.

"Chang Yi! Are you stupid?!" she screamed, her voice cracking with frustration. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t like you, I hate you! I have a husband, a family! Why won’t you leave me alone? Why?!"

But Chang Yi, utterly tone-deaf to her emotions, chuckled dismissively. "I knew you’d say that," he smirked. "It’s all part of the plan."

With a self-satisfied air, he quoted from his so-called "Little Green Book," a misguided guide to winning women’s hearts. According to him, a woman’s words should always be taken in reverse.

"You say you don’t like me," he explained smugly, "but in reverse, that means you actually love me. And weren’t you always the only one who looked after me? That proves it."

Eileen stood frozen, unable to comprehend the depth of his delusion. Is kindness a crime? she wondered bitterly.

Yi Shan, unable to bear the ridiculousness any longer, stepped forward. "Chang Yi, are you missing the point?!" he growled. "She’s my wife! We’ve been married for two years!"

Chang Yi barely blinked, his smirk deepening as he flicked his mustache. "Yeah, I know that," he retorted casually. "But have you ever watched a soccer match? Even with a goalkeeper, players still score. So what if Eileen has a husband?"

He spread his arms wide, basking in his twisted logic. "True love is about overcoming obstacles. And you, Yi Shan, are just one of those obstacles standing in the way of my love!"

His voice turned menacing, his eyes gleaming with a deadly resolve. "So today, I’m here to crush that obstacle. Are you ready to die, Yi Shan?"

There was no reasoning with him. The conversation had passed the point of no return. Yi Shan, his patience at an end, unleashed a low, reverberating growl that echoed throughout Donglin County. In an instant, thousands of zombies rose from the shadows, answering his call.

[Yi Shan: Skill Activated - Zombie Summoning]

But the horde below could do little against Chang Yi, who hovered safely in the sky, untouchable.

[Battle Imminent]

This was Yi Shan’s greatest frustration in his previous battles with Chang Yi—the man’s ability to fly. It rendered most of Yi Shan’s powerful summons useless. But this time, things felt different. Eileen, sensing the shift in Chang Yi’s demeanor, noticed the sinister smirk spreading across his face.

Grayish-black scales rippled across Chang Yi’s skin as his limbs morphed into razor-sharp claws. His form twisted and contorted, transforming into a monstrous dragon-human hybrid.

[Chang Yi: Superpower Activated - Dragon Transformation]

With his power now exponentially greater, Chang Yi reveled in his superiority. His voice was filled with cruel delight as he sneered at Yi Shan. "Three days ago, things were different. But today, you’re done for."

He turned his gaze to Eileen, eyes gleaming with possessive intent. "And you... from today onward, you’re mine."

A whirlwind of elemental chaos swirled around him as Chang Yi unleashed the full might of his powers—telekinesis, elemental control, and the raw strength of his dragon form—plummeting toward Yi Shan like a meteor.

[Chang Yi: Attack Power Increased]

The night was rent by the sound of their collision, a thunderous explosion of force that shook the surrounding buildings.

Later that evening, beneath the pale moonlight, Chang Yi stood victorious. The "wedding" he had longed for took place in a dimly lit room, its atmosphere heavy with dread. Chang Yi wore a stolen suit, while Eileen, numb with despair, donned a tattered wedding dress. The ceremony was a mockery, and the night passed in cruel silence.

When dawn broke, Chang Yi rose, dressed, and cast a final glance at the broken woman lying motionless on the bed. His smug smile returned as he murmured, "This is the taste of love."

Satisfied, he left her behind, eager to move on to his next conquest. As he walked out the door, memories of the female teacher who lived next door drifted through his mind.

I wonder if she’s still around, he mused, already planning his next twisted pursuit.

End of Chapter 92

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