I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Molten Mountain City [6/7]

Fufan Luo Federation

Rongshan City.

This is a huge city built on a volcano.

Unlike the demons on the Roliland Continent, this giant city really wraps up a volcano!

The Fufan Luo Federation controls the technology that can extract energy from heat.

And they usually look for active volcanoes to build cities and factories on them.

Using some special means, the activity of the volcano can be suppressed, so as not to cause the disaster caused by the volcanic eruption.

It is precisely because of this technology that the people of the Fufan Luo Federation can build the city on the volcano with peace of mind.

Rongshan City is the capital of the Fufan Luo Federation.

Although the total population of the Anluo people is only more than 3 million, there are about 500,000 Anluo people in this city alone.

Rongshan City is a giant city covering the entire volcano.

Not only are there 500,000 Anluo people, but there are also nearly 10 million people of other races living here.

Humans, orcs, and all kinds of strange races.

Adding up to more than 20 million, they accept the rule of the 500,000 Anluo alchemists in Rongshan City.

They are all people plundered by the Anluo tribe from other worlds to serve as cheap labor.

In this city, countless giant steam machines and giant buildings are everywhere.

The outer wall of the volcano is built with circles of buildings around this active volcano that is thousands of meters high.

These buildings are tall and solid.

Then as the buildings go up, the building circle becomes smaller, and the economy and alchemy are used more widely.

On the inner wall of the volcano, there are countless giant steam factories built inside.

These steam factories have hollowed out passages leading to the outer wall.

These passages connect the lowest level of the outer wall, which is also the most densely packed building circle.

Countless people of other races live here.

They have to do heavy labor every day.

From the buildings on the outer wall, they pass through the factories leading to the inner wall of the volcano.

They are the lowest-level workers in Rongshan City, supporting the Anluo tribe of Rongshan City with a population of 20 million.

In the Fufa Anluo Federation, the Anluo tribe is a race of all alchemists.

They have developed steam technology and thermal energy acquisition technology to a peak with the superb alchemy technology developed over tens of thousands of years.

The alchemical steam technology is their most proud scientific and technological means. It is also their foundation.

At the top of the Molten Mountain City, there is a huge building across the inner and outer walls of this active volcano.

This building is the highest-level building of the Fufaanluo Federation, and it is also the highest-level political building of the Fufaanluo Federation.

Countless Anluo officials work and work here.

In the sky, narrow steam-powered mechanical spacecrafts are floating in the air.

The chimneys above are constantly emitting black smoke.

Although the alchemical steam technology of the Fufaanluo Federation is very advanced, there is one thing they cannot reverse.

Air pollution.

Unlike the Los Empire, the industrial pollution caused by the Los Empire was only in the first two years of its rise. Because the factory technology was not mature in those two years, a large number of steam engines were used to build factories to achieve the purpose of industrial operation.

However, in the past two years, other technologies of the Los Empire have come up, and naturally the factories have been improved. At present, environmental pollution in the Los Empire has been effectively controlled with the efforts of magic technology.

But the Fufaanluo Federation is different!

Since the enlightenment of steam technology two thousand years ago, the Fufan Luo Federation has been using alchemists to continuously improve and enhance alchemical steam technology.

They have been using alchemical steam technology for two thousand years.

Although they have also rectified environmental pollution during these two thousand years, although there are some effects, they are not great, because environmental pollution will not stop as long as they still use alchemical steam technology.

How could the Fufan Luo Federation abandon alchemy and steam technology for environmental problems?

Therefore, the air pollution in the world of Fufan Luo Federation is very serious, and the whole city is shrouded in volcanoes.

Therefore, Rongshan City, a giant city covered by active volcanoes thousands of meters high, is always shrouded in thick fog.

The gray fog makes you unable to tell which is haze and which is volcanic ash floating in the air.

Even workers of other races have to wear gas masks when they work.

Of course, the reason for workers of other races to wear gas masks is just to extend their working life, after all, they work in factories close to volcanic magma.

This is also to squeeze their labor force without any effort.

Rongshan City Presidential Inner City.

Inside the Green Palace.

A green-skinned alchemist in uniform lifted up the alchemical eye that took up half of his face, and moved a projector in front of President Fulfa.

“Mr. President, this is the video footage from the New World Front.”

“At present, our advance troops have achieved great results and have initially defeated the army of a human empire in the New World.”

“They are currently making further progress.”

“And this, Mr. President, this is a report on the other world submitted by the commander of the front-line advance team.”

The green-skinned Anluo alchemist said respectfully to President Fulfa who was sitting behind the desk.

“I understand. Please inform the other councillors and we will take a look together.”

Far stood up. His 1.6-meter-tall body was two heads taller than the alchemist.

His height was considered very tall among the Anluo people, after all, the height of the Anluo people was generally only 1.23 meters.

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