I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: Victory is overwhelmingly in our favor [7/7]

【ps: The seventh update, today’s update is finished】

“Mr. President, have the advance troops in the New World sent back video footage?”

“Where is the report on the new world? What is their technological level? What race is the main body, humans? Or orcs, or some strange race we have never seen before?”

As soon as President Fufa arrived at the conference hall, the thirty Anluo members here began to ask questions.

After all, what they care about most is the war on the front line. Are the difficulties and resistance encountered by the advance troops great? Is it very easy or very difficult? If it is very difficult to advance, should we give up that world?

This is what the Anluo members are most concerned about.

It is also related to how much benefit they can get in that world.

Generally, a new world means that there are a large number of minerals and resources, which means that there are huge benefits to be divided.

The political pinnacle of the Fufa Anluo Federation.

A president and thirty members of parliament, they are the biggest beneficiaries.

They can’t help but care about this.

“The details are all in this projector. You can watch it yourself when the screen is played later.”

President Fufa walked to the main seat in the conference hall. After he sat down, he waved his hand and two alchemists immediately brought up the projector.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on a screen opposite.

The screen began to play.

The first scene that appeared was the scene of the Star Saint of the Magic Energy Empire being sniped with special weapons.

They also saw the full picture of the Magic Energy Empire’s test site. Looking at the various weapons, magic energy tanks, etc. that the Magic Energy Empire had researched parked on the test site, these Anluo council members began to talk to each other and discuss.

“These things should have a magical layer in them.”

“Although I don’t know what’s inside, the exterior design is very backward.”

An Anluo councillor pushed the alchemy glasses that took up half of his face and said thoughtfully.

“Yes, if you compare the various mechanical armors and steam chariots of our empire five hundred years ago, you will find that the design concepts of the two are the same.”

Another Anluo councillor also said

“So, the technology in the other world is very backward?”

The other Anluo councillors also nodded.

They are all alchemists, and they have also been exposed to some magic when conquering other worlds.

From the technical level, the technological weapons of the Magic Energy Empire are very backward, basically similar to the various steam chariots they had in the Holy Anluo Empire era five hundred years ago.

Then, the video progressed very quickly, skipping unnecessary stages and directly coming to the scene of the battle between the advance troops of the Ffa Anluo Federation and the army of the Magic Energy Empire.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that the camera of the video is shaking.

Because the battle has begun.

The Anluo war correspondent who recorded this video found a wonderful angle and hid to record the video.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

From this angle, you can clearly see the firepower comparison between the Magic Energy Empire and the advance troops..

To be honest, there was a big gap in firepower between the two sides.

One side emitted heat rays, missiles, bombings, and very intensive firepower.

The other side basically used bolt-action rifles, with very few machine guns, and the only other means was grenade bombings.

There were also attacks from high up in the sky from flying troops.

The magicians formed a formation in the air, and huge fireballs attacked the advance troops of the Fufa Anluo Federation back and forth.

In the end, the greatest damage to the advance troops was not caused by firearms, but by the exploding fireballs that fell from the sky. The battle ended quickly.

When the last magician of the Magic Energy Empire was killed in the video, President Fufa turned off the video. He looked at the thirty Anluo members present and said,”This is the scene from the front line.”

“Mr. President, how many human troops are there in the video just now? Is that world a whole, or is it divided? If it is divided, what level of strength do they belong to?”

At this time, an Anluo councillor asked a question.

“That’s what I’m going to say next.”

President Fulfa looked at him and said

“Then Mr. President, please come in.”

Then Congressman An Luo shrugged.

“According to the data sent back by the advance team, the main body of the new world is human beings. We named the new world the Roliland World.”

President Fulfa glanced at the thirty congressmen and continued,”The Roliland World is a world dominated by humans. They are not a monolithic entity, but are divided into individual countries.”

“The human country that just fought with our advance troops is called the Magic Empire.”

“According to the research report submitted by the advance team, the world of Roliland is a world dominated by magic technology.”

“As for the number of Magic Empire troops that fought with our previous troops, and their strength.”

When President Fufa said this, he glanced at the congressman who had just asked the question, and he smiled.

“The number of troops that just engaged in battle with the Federation’s advance troops was about 100,000.”

This statement caused an uproar among Councillor An Luo!

“One hundred thousand people!” they screamed.

“How can a hundred thousand people be so weak?!”

“Just now, seeing the density of their firepower, I thought they only had a few thousand people, but I didn’t expect it to be a force of 100,000 people!”

All of a sudden, all the Anluo councillors became excited.

What does this mean? It means that the enemy is very weak!

If all the human countries in the world of Roliland are at this level, then their victory on the battlefield will be one-sided in their favor!

The next sentence from President Fefa completely excited them.

“According to the information provided by the advance team, there are two strongest human empires in the world of Roliland, one is the Los Empire, and the other is the Magic Empire that was defeated by the advance team of the Federation!”

President Fufa looked at everyone and said with a smile.

At this point, all the congressmen became excited.

From this point of view, it is very easy to occupy the Roliland continent, and it won’t take long.

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