I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 100

Virah's back slumped against the wall of the alleyway, a headache bud within the confines of her skull now that the adrenaline had finally died down, her breathing was the only thing in her ears and even as she tried to calm down, she simply couldn't.

'What if she's still here?' She couldn't help but ask herself in concern, she knew that Jet was on the skies outside the alleyway, flying back and forth to both search for the Ninja's presence as well as to keep his eyes on the surroundings.

Nitro was here too, and the Beedrill acted as her body guard, watching over her and ensuring that no stray shuriken could land anywhere on her body.

'How far does she even have to be in order to land a hit?' Virah asked, she was tempted to say a building away or even from another street but no one had that accuracy.

'… maybe Koga does,' she reluctantly admitted, 'but no one's like him, he's an elite ninja, and… well, a normal person simply couldn't reach the heights that Koga is standing on all by themselves, or even with support for that matter.'

Virah shook the fantasies of her reaching Koga's levels and beating the ninja out of her head, her daydream of suddenly getting a burst of skill was just that, a daydream and the reality is that she's in an alleyway, breathing hard, and feeling like puking because she had already lost the fight.

She got up, thinking that calling the results a loss was a bit stupid given that the ninja ran away, still, she wondered if she hadn't used the thunder dust would the fight still keep going?

She shook her head in a disappointed and bitter no- she would have lost if she didn't paralyze that Golbat at the start of the fight.

Virah got up and after doing breathing exercises for a bit more, she left the scene and headed to a discreet place she could change out of her costume.

The fight played out in her head as she walked and it continued while she was going back into her civilian attire.

She was curious about one thing and that was the fact that for some reason, the ninja didn't bother to release her two other Pokemon and just threw out the Golbat to fight Jet.

If the ninja took out her other Pokemon, Virah would have been on the back end, defending herself because she over estimated the effects of the thunder dust.

It didn't actually put Pokemon into a comatose state, hell, if anything, it had the same effect as that of Thunder Wave, which was her goal in making the dust to begin with.

'Paralysis in a bottle,' Virah thought that she shouldn't feel glee at the words ringing within her head but she couldn't help it, the feeling of happiness that the vial of thunder dust gave her was strong enough to overpower her common sense.

After all, she had just made a Pokemon move in a bottle, and to her, that's the kind of achievement that would make someone like Koga notice an orphan like her.

She walked out from behind the dumpster with a chipper smile on her face, Nitro's Pokeball was still on her hip, ready to be released in her defense, while Jet flew in the skies, ensuring that the ninja didn't catch her off guard.

Virah walked around the city with a paranoid beat in her step, she didn't expect to encounter an actual ninja today and her mind told her that if that happened, then who knows what else would spring from the shadows and attack her?

And the worse part is that Virah thought her concerns made sense.

They were mindless, yes, but at the same time, she knew Guiomar must be looking for a trainer who has the same team and features as the girl who attacked one of their bases.

Virah knew that finding someone as tall as her and with the same team as her wouldn't be hard, especially since she just finished fighting Warley.

After the show she put on, people must know she's an aspiring trainer from Goldenrod with a team of two Poison Types.

Virah couldn't shake off the feeling of people knowing who she was until she came back to the center her friends were in and when she reached it, she quickly knocked on the door of the two.

She alternated between Grene and Whitney like a worried Growlithe looking for their pack and when one door opened, she swiftly hugged Whitney.

The pinkette was shocked for a brief second before wrapping her arms around Virah and hugging her back, "Virah?" Whitney sniffed, "wait, why do you reek of sweat and?.. What's that other smell? Iron?"

Whitney frowned as her nose sizzled from the undercurrent of poison wafting off of Virah, "I think you need a shower, did you use your Aura again?"

"Hm? Yeah," Virah nodded, concern coloring her features, guess she needed something to mask that smell if she were to continue working as a ninja.

"Sorry," Virah broke the hug, she smiled at Whitney, "I'm just glad you're still here,"

Whitney giggled nervously, "why would I leave?" The pinkette tilted her head, "are you okay?"

Virah nodded, "yeah, yeah I am," she says just as the door to Grene's room opened, Virah hugged the martial artist too, smiling and saying, "I've booked our fight for Chuck's gym,"

"And you hugged me because of… that?" Grene retorted as she tried pushing Virah away, "Virah, it's not that important…"

Despite her words and her protest at the start, the martial artist sensed the tenseness in Virah's actions and let the poison specialist hug her until she was satisfied.

"Thanks, I uh, needed that," Virah says with a small smile.

"You're welcome?" Grene lifted her shirt and sniffed, "but I need to go back and take a shower, what time is it?" Grene's question was followed by a yawn, "it's not early is it?.."

"No," Virah shook her head, "I think it's eight or something,"

"That's good," Grene breathed a sigh of relief, "but I really need to take a shower, and so do you,"

"Me too," Whitney said with a giggle, "exercising this early is bad for you, you know? Maybe you should rest for a bit? We don't know how well your body has recovered,"

"I… don't think that it's a bad thing," Virah replied, she knew that apologizing is pointless now.

"It is," Grene said with a cold tone, "you should take better care of yourself,"

Virah chuckled while rubbing the back of her head, "yeah I'll do that…"

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